O28.5: 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙣 𝙁𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨

20.5K 896 861



saiki kusuo
Letting out a deep breath he had been holding, Saiki stood by y/n's apartment door, a fist hovering over it. Psychically, he looked cool, calm and collected. Emotionless, with a resting b—face. However, on the inside he was trembling, and fighting with himself. 'Do I knock?', 'Do I usually knock when I come over?', 'What if she's not home?', 'What if she needs to help someone instead...', 'Will she even like this?'.

The door swung wide open with a snarling y/n greeting him at the door. "You talk too much! Or- think... Whatever, your thoughts were too loud for me." She grumbled, leaning on the door frame. "Anyways, what's–" Rubbing her eyes after waking up from a nap, she didn't take notice of the large bouquet of flowers in Saiki's hands. No, not a bouquet, but rather a whole garden. "W-What the–" - 'Don't swear.' He interrupted. He pushed the garden of flowers into her arms, not waiting for a reaction.

"Hey wait- What is this for? And why is it so huge?!" She exclaimed, grunting as she tried carrying it's weight. 'Go out with me.' He stated, stepping into the apartment. "I already am, idiot." Shuffling around, y/n managed to drop the flowers on a table nearby. 'It's big because I didn't know what flowers you like. Aiura said to get a bouquet so you get different types.' He watched as she brushed herself off. "This isn't a bouquet... This is a whole... bush of flowers." y/n laughed nervously, fingertips brushing against a lily.

'Do you not like it?' He asked, lips sloping down into a frown. "N-No! I love it! Thank you." She quickly bowed multiple times. She wanted to confess that it was a bit much, but it was the thought that mattered most. 'Are you sure? I can always take it—' - "It's lovely, Kuu-chan, I'll keep it." She affirmed, hand holding onto his wrist that was reaching for the flowers.

"But again, what's it for?" She asked again, scratching the back of her head. 'A date.' His short answers were something y/n had to get used to. 'Are you... taking me on a date?' She raised a brow, walking over with crossed arms. 'I'm asking you to one.' Saiki corrected, as if obvious. Gentle laughter left her lips, mixing in with her words she could barely get out. "I don't even have that much experience myself, but, gee Kusuo... You could try a little better than that." She petted his shoulder, to which he swatted away. 'What do you mean by that?' - "Ah~ Nothing. When are we leaving?" - 'Now.' - "Now?" - 'Now.'.

"You could've given me notice." y/n sighed. "Wait here! I'll go get changed then. Do I need to bring anything?" She asked, voice quietening once leaving the room. 'A coat, it might be cold.' Saiki responded back, making himself comfortable on the couch.

The girl fumbled around in her room, not really giving much thought about it. She was scared of troubling the cold-hearted Saiki, so she rushed on to put clothes as quickly as she could. 'He said it would be cold...' She muttered, swiping through the closet. 'You know what, this'll be fine.' She shrugged, pulling her outfit together. It wasn't anything special; comfortable fitting jeans, a black top, with a silk, cream coloured, spaghetti strap top over it. She didn't forget to bring a grey coat along with her. 'This is what trendy people wear... Right?'

"Okay~ I'm ready Kusuo!" y/n announced, popping into the living room. Taking a glance at the girl, Saiki gave a curt nod. 'You look good.' He stood from the couch, with the girl in front of him becoming a flustered mess. 'I still can't get used to his compliments.' She knew that although he sounded cold and harsh, they weren't half hearted. A pure tsundere.

"Thanks...? Anyways, where are we headed to?" She asked curiously, buzzing with a new-found excitement. Of course she could've taken the easy route and read his mind to reveal his plans, but where's the fun in that? 'Put this on.' Without answering, he shoved a blindfold to her chest. "W-WHAT?!" A million thoughts had flooded into her head, obviously, the ones which were not so innocent. 'I'm not going to do anything to you! It's just so I can surprise you!' He quickly affirmed, noticing how bad it looked also. He huffed out, wrapping the blindfold on for her. He was thankful that she now was unable to see the striking red on his cheeks.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now