O52.5: 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘

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saiki kusuo
He found himself missing someone. Though, he couldn't really explain it, it felt more like someone. A presence? Whatever it was, Saiki found himself restless and at unease whenever he thought about a particular thing. It started by missing the strange mountain; ultimately he just wanted to keep going back. It felt like a safe space. Perhaps somewhere he could bring his friends one day. It wasn't like the mountain where the volcano was (thankfully), so it was more or less completely safe for others to visit.

Anyways, he found himself oddly attached to the items he found along the way. The pocket watch, keychain, even the photo booth photo of just himself. Maybe it was a ghost that was with him? He'd have to ask Toritsuka about that. It was probably just psychic things, but the pocket watch found itself to be by him at the most random times. Not that he minded all too much. The only thing that bothered him was the fact it was appearing at the first place. This type of incident wouldn't be as surprising if Saiki were supposed to have his powers. But he didn't. And odd things were only piling up.

Arriving to school, he was quick to place himself at his seat, everyone around him talking before class would start. It was just him, his thoughts, and the chatter around him. It was less loud, compared to when he used to be able to unintentionally read minds. He actually liked it better. I mean, for once he could concentrate on something. Though it did mean doing tests were a lot harder to do. No more thoughtography to instantly finish assignments he guesses.

Beside the boy were two friends, Kaidou and Aren. They were chattering amongst themselves, floating from one topic to another. "Hey Saiki!" Jumping right out from his seat out of shock, Saiki turned to glare at the two. Ah, something he had to get used to. "How have you been? I heard that some books have gone missing from the library." Aren mentioned, wanting to include his friend into the conversation. "If I do say so myself, there is only one clear answer to this." Kaidou crossed his arms. 'The Dark Reunion?' - "The Dark Reunion!" - 'It doesn't take a psychic to figure that out.'.

The conversation momentarily shifted again. "This is odd..." Aren muttered, feeling around his uniform. "What is it, Aren?" Kaidou questioned, the two now looking up towards him. "My key's gone." He muttered, digging through his pockets. "Did you drop it?" Kaidou suggested. "I thought I had it in my pocket..." Aren furrowed his brows.

Suddenly, a pang hit his head; a vision of a metal locker at the back of their classroom. In his thoughts, it even quoted 'Look here!'. Shoulders stiffening, Saiki brushed away his thoughts, literally, with his arms waving about in the air. If this was another psychic thought, the boy wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. He was an 'average Joe' after all now. No powers, no psychic, no nothing. "What're you doing Saiki...".

"Could it be in that cabinet?" Kaidou asked, questioning about the whereabouts of the key. "Yeah, I was practicing my axe kick." Aren shrugged, taking the chance. On the other hand, Saiki was still worried about himself. 'It can't be. It was a hallucination, not a second sight.' But then, as the two students had opened the locker, a pile of books came falling out. The missing library books. "Look at those books!" - "Those are the library books!" Everyone crowded, picking them up to return them.

'Not the key? Good, it wasn't his key.' Saiki relaxed into his seat, smirking to himself. The hallucination of the locker was nothing to worry about in the end. 'What? I've got something in my mouth.' Cheeks puffing, Saiki had suddenly felt an object appear in his mouth. Shifting his hand over his mouth, he secretly spat it out. The reveal of it was the worst thing Saiki could ever find.

"Hey, that's my key. Thanks!" Aren cheered, taking the object. It was a key with a dog, dressed up in traditional gang member clothes keychain. "Uh- Why is it wet?" Saiki froze in his seat. No, his powers were gone. Surely? This was just a mistake. This wasn't a psychic ability. It just happened to be in his mouth! Because Saiki has a habit of opening his mouth wide. Yes, it had to be that! Now both Saiki and asvmane sound in denial.

"Thank you for finding my key, Saiki!" Aren smiled, twirling the object around his figure. Though, when the two looked to their friend, he had disappeared from his seat. "Huh? Saiki? Where'd he go?" Kaidou raised his brows, questioning about how his friend left so quickly. "I think he went to the restroom." They shrugged it off.

But Saiki was still in his seat. He was still there, in front of them. Eyes blank, he couldn't believe what was going on. 'I'm here...' He thought, completely motionless. "Let's go check the restroom." They agreed as they left. 'They must be kidding. They are just pretending not to see me.' Saiki was smiling through the pain and the denial. 'Well, really, they love to play pranks.' He reasoned. 'If I'm invisible, I'd be in trouble if someone touches me.'.

'Gosh!' - "What's wrong? You're spacing out." Toritsuka appeared behind him, hand on his shoulder. 'Toritsuka!' Saiki exclaimed, looking up at the other, who had an old looking fella behind him. 'See? I wasn't invisible.' He reassured himself. Though, he steadily recalled Toritsuka could still see him regardless if he went invisible or not. Still, Saiki didn't want to admit it. 'No, it was their prank after all.' His stiff shoulders showed no sign of reassurance.

Toritsuka went on a long ramble about the first years, and their relationships. To which, Saiki had barely paid attention to. His yelling was enough to wake up everyone in the next town. "Those young people lack morals!" Toritsuka yelled. 'What are you even talking about again!' Saiki judged, barely sparing a glance towards the other. The ex-psychic tried his best to ignore the other, but also the old man behind him. No way was he seeing any ghosts of sort.

'Should I ignore him? But I can see him.' Saiki closed his eyes tightly, his face shifting away from their direction. "What? Who are you talking about?" Toritsuka asked in a confused manner. 'No, forget it. I don't see him!' He announced, now fully turned away from the 'two'. "Do you mean this guy?" Toritsuka pointed. 'I'm not supposed to see ghosts. I'm not!'.

"He is Haruna, a freshman. I brought him here. Doesn't he look old?" Toritsuka snickered to the other, as the freshman charmingly asked, "What's up?". 'Screw you!' Saiki spat, though now relaxing, knowing he wasn't seeing ghosts. 'Don't scare me, please. I thought he was a ghost.' Saiki admitted. Hand on his hip, Toritsuka looked down at the seated boy.

"By the way, why can you still use telepathy?".

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now