O32.⁷⁵: 𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜

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saiki kusuo
'Why the hell are they here?!' Kusuo repeated, pushing up to Kuusuke's face. "Calm down Kuu!" y/n pulled him back by the arm, tugging as hard as she could. "I asked them to come. I called them the day before you came and said to them, 'Kusuo's coming to London. Would you like to come too, to surprise him?'. I sent them plane tickets too." The blond explained casually, resting on the bed.

'Don't mock me! They'd never fall for such a suspicious- Actually, they would.' Cutting himself off, he had remembered how empty brained their friends were. "At least, the more the merrier, right?" y/n spoke out sheepishly, trying to get the annoyed Kusuo to calm down. "Exactly! See, your girlfriend is very charming, isn't she? If you had taken any longer, I would've snatched her right up!" Kuusuke cooed, resting his chin on a hand. 'OI! WHO DO YOU—' - "I said, calm down! He doesn't even mean it." y/n returned to pulling Kusuo back from hurting his sibling. "He just says it to annoy you, idiot. You're falling for his 'plan'." y/n whisper-shouted, gently hitting his head.

'Whatever. So why did you bring them here?' Having calmed down, Kusuo went back to investigating on his brothers plan. Anything to do with Kuusuke meant danger. "Have a match with me Kusuo." Kuusuke then proposed. 'A match?' The pinknette raised a brow, holding a fist in his hand. "L-Like a fist fight? No!" y/n immediately rejected the idea, waving her hands about. "Fist fight? Never. It'd be too obvious who the winner would be." Kuusuke assured, standing from the bed. "Let's play tag inside the city of London." - "...Seriously? With something as childish as that I'd rather go back to the fist fight idea." - 'Aren't you supposed to be against those sort of things?'.

"I lost in rock-paper-scissors earlier, so I'll be it. The time limit is three hours. As long as you don't leave London, you can ride anything, including the bus, taxi and subway. So, what do you think? Sounds fun, right?" Kuusuke smirked, sounding excited for the game. 'Do you even have a chance? London is bigger than Tokyo's 23 wards all together.' He doubted his older brother, confused with why he was proposing such a game.

"Take those two so that you won't be able to use your powers so freely." Kuusuke suggested. "Hold on, what about me?" y/n frowned, pointing at herself. "You can stay with me instead! You're already with Kusuo 24/7, and I'd like to know why my parents respect you so much into our family. Call it, 'bonding time'!" Kuusuke smiled cheekily. 'I object.' Kusuo grumbled, protectively holding an arm in front of her. "Don't say that as if it was a marriage proposal..." y/n snickered. "I'll be fine anyways, he's sort of right. You'll already have to deal with Nendou and Kaidou, I don't want you to have another person to drag you down." She sighed.

'Exactly, I need you to help me with them!' Kusuo reasoned. "No, that's exactly why I'm not joining. I already babysit them every day, it's your turn." And that was when Kusuo felt what total betrayal felt like. 'I don't want to do it.' Looking back at his brother, Kusuo refused. "Fine. I guess you don't care what happens to those two." Kuusuke stared back at him with threatening eyes. "On my signal, they'll be taken away to enjoy London and go back to Japan." His intentions weren't as scary as they seemed. 'Take me too.'.

"If you win, I'll treat you to the afternoon tea at this hotel." Kuusuke finally brought out the prize idea. Just a single thought of trays of desserts had Kusuo convinced and out the door in no time. 'Okay! Tag begins now!' - "Good grief..."

Rushing to the other room, Kusuo was immediately greeted with his two friends cheering in his face. "Hey pal!" - "Are you surprised to see us?!" Kusuo really didn't care though, and motioned for them to leave the room. "I bet you never expected that... Hm? Huh? What?" Kaidou asked, confused. 'Don't bother. Don't bother with the surprised stuff.' He deadpanned. Sliding in came Kuusuke, who immediately explained the same rules from earlier. And without letting them object, Kuusuke kicked them out from the room to talk to y/n about his 'master plan'. "I'll leave after thirty minutes, so run while you can.".

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now