O13: 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜!

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saiki kusuo
Days, to weeks went by and Saiki only felt more confused over his feelings. He hated admitting it, but often he would enjoy his useless arguments with the girl. Ever since y/n mentioned that his perfect type of friend was her, he started over thinking. 'But she's so... annoying? Or do I really not think that? But who isn't annoying. So maybe... She isn't that annoying?' He continuously asked himself, laying on his bed. If there was one person who could make his mind ten times as jittery as usual with all the voices he can hear, it was y/n. She managed to become so close with him in a shorter time period than Kaidou or Nendou. Maybe it was because she could experience similar distress as she had powers, but that was proved wrong when he realised he still despised Toritsuka.

y/n had to explain why she knew of Saiki's powers to his parents. It took a while, and they still couldn't believe that they weren't dating. The two students decided it was best not to mention how she was an angel, and just stick to that simple 'she had powers'. From there on, his parents completely fawned over her, always offering to eat dinner with them, and sometimes even gifts. It was difficult refusing them.

Time skip and now y/n was once again invited to the Saiki's residence. It was the weekend, so they were offering lunch.

y/n l/n
y/n stuck with a more comfortable attire; a simple beige sweater and jeans. The weather was certainly getting colder as the seasons went by, making y/n want to go out and in back of a house as quickly as she could. 'Maybe I should teleport there... I could scare Saiki in his room.' She pondered, slipping on her sneakers. 'That'd be too mean though...' The girl sighed, exiting her apartment. 'Let's make this trip quick!' She beamed, now jogging off to her desired destination.

Whilst making her way, a cute, yet simplistic store caught her eye. 'A bakery!' Her eyes lightened, 'Maybe I should get them some as a thanks.' Walking into the store, a little bell rang signalling her entrance. "Welcome!" A cheery voice called. It came from an elderly woman who sat by the counter. Glancing around the store, her eyes wandered from various cakes, breads and sweets. 'Wah~ There's so many to choose from...' She thought, walking with her hands behind her back.

She finally stopped at a bright, strawberry cake. 'Kind of reminds me of Saiki.' She snickered to herself. "I'll get one slice of this please! And... this one, this one here. Also... a slice of this, thank you!" She decided to order for each family member, including herself. y/n quickly checked the time on her pocket watch, hoping she wouldn't be late. 'I should be fine.' She assured herself, paying the amount before leaving.

The trip lasted only a few minutes before she found herself waiting in front of the house. Ringing the intercom, y/n waited patiently, looking down at the sweets in it's paper bag. Expecting one of the parents, y/n was surprised to see Saiki. He didn't have a happy look on his face, but he wasn't displeased. That was good enough for the girl. 'Good afternoon Kusuo, are your parents here?' She asked as he lead her into the house. 'Yeah, they're just cooking right now.' He nodded, closing the front door behind him.

"Hello Mrs Saiki, Mr Saiki!" She bowed politely, seeing as they waited for in the diner. "Hello dear~!" They both engulfed her in a hug, making a squeak come from y/n. "I-I brought some cakes, as a thank you for the food for this past week." She walked back from the hug, opening the paper bag. "You're too kind!" Kurumi smiled, taking the bag and placing it on the table. 'This is it! This is the girl Kusuo will marry!' His father gleamed proudly in his head, placing a hand on her shoulder.

They both heard his thoughts, leading to Saiki scolding his parent, and y/n awkwardly swaying from side to side. "Well we're just setting up the food right now, please sit!" Kurumi bowed, then walked away with her husband. 'They still think like that?' y/n raised a brow, sitting on the cushioned seat. 'Of course they do.' Saiki followed along, sitting across from her. 'Anyways, have you finished our math work?' She brought up small talk, which would eventually lead to a quarrel. 'What do you think? I finished it the moment it came out.' He responded. 'You just sound like a nerd now.' She teased, letting herself slouch into the seat.

'Your posture is awful.' Saiki stated. 'It's called being comfortable. You're just a statue.' She retorted. And she was right. Saiki sat with his back completely straight, both hands in his lap. 'You're already short as it is.' He pointed out. "Hey! I'm not that much shorter than you!" y/n huffed out loud. Just as Saiki was about mention something back, their T.V turned on without notice.

"Kusuo! Who's this lovely girl?" A blonde boy appeared on the screen. He had some sort of headband resting in his head, and had forest green eyes. Saiki realised he was too focused on his friend to notice that his brother would appear out of nowhere. Both jumped in their seats, turning to watch the screen. 'What are you doing here?!' He glared, only to remember Kusuke wore a telepathic cancelling device. "W-Who are you?" y/n watched. Just looking at him, she saw the similar facial features between him and Saiki. "You must be Kusuo's brother, right?" She asked, tilting her head.

"What a smart girl! Yes I am!" He smiled, "My name's Saiki Kuusuke, but, hey hey~ are you really on first-name terms with Kusuo?" He introduced, immediately bringing the conversation back onto them. She nodded her head with a 'Mhm!'. "Lovely to meet you, I'm l/n y/n. Feel free to call me y/n as well." She introduced back with a wave. "Ah~ How cute indeed. You must be special to Kusuo then." He nodded thoughtfully, placing a hand on his chin. "We're just friends sorry, nothing more." She waved her hands, looking back at Kusuo. It was like every time he came to his house, she had to explain their friendship.

'Go away already.' Saiki stood from his seat, walking over to the television. "What was that Kusuo? You know I can't hear you!" Kusuke laughed (more in an evil manner), watching the boy walk. "Big Kuu!" Kurumi yelled, running over to the television right beside Kusuo. "Eh? What are you doing here?" Kuniharu treaded behind, rubbing his neck. "Hello Mama! Papa! Just wanted to see how you guys were doing. I also saw y/n over there was visiting a lot more than usual." He pointed. Through his smile, y/n could feel hatred. But it was easily identified as sibling hatred.

"Oh yes! She's Kuu-chan's girlfriend!" Kurumi giggled, waving for the girl to come over. 'She's not!' Kusuo glared, balling his hands into fists. "I'm not! We're just friends!" y/n sweat dropped, slowly making her way over. "Hm... That will change soon though!" Kuniharu smirked proudly. This only resulted him getting kicked in the back. "Kuu-chan no!"


'Your family is sure interesting...' y/n yawned, laying on his bed. The two were now hiding in his room. 'Don't start.' Saiki rolled his eyes, leaning back in his desk chair. 'At least you have family. They're very wholesome people!' y/n lifted a finger, stating as a 'matter of factly'. 'Maybe you should stop visiting...' Saiki pressed his head into his right hand. 'Hey! Why not?!' y/n quickly lifted herself up, pouting at the boy. 'It's not like that, they just keep mistaking you for my girlfriend.' Saiki looked up, his head still in his hand. 'Yeah, I'll admit it's a bit excessive... but, I'm sure they'll get over it soon. Besides, you should date someone like Teruhashi!' y/n teased, her smile growing wide. A book was thrown her way.


𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now