OO9: 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣...

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saiki kusuo
His eyes twitched open, mouth left agape at the sight. In his arms he expected just one girl holding another. He never expected holding a girl with wings on her back. It was like holding a massive, elegant bird. But comparisons weren't his problem at the moment. He was happy to make it just in time to save both students, but for once, he was still in a state of shock. Saiki's hands gripped upon the wings, making y/n flinch. "O-ouch..." She muttered, opening up her wings. The girl was panting, sweaty, and holding Chiyo as close as she could.

"Saiki..." She uttered out weakly. Her wings retracted back slowly, disappearing from their sights. The psychic experienced many things, and to be a psychic made sure he had no surprises. But it was clear y/n wasn't just another fortune teller, or spirit medium, or any other type of psychic.

She was an angel.

But being an angel explained everything. Of course, the wings; but also why he couldn't use his powers on her, or why she was so kind and why she couldn't experience difficulties like normal people would. Was he really holding an angel? Did they really exist? His eyes bored into her skin, not blinking once. Saiki's thoughts and questions were cut off with another psychic's yells. "Huh?!" Aiura choked out, still leaning out from the rooftop. Using the back of her hand, she wiped away her teary face.

Saiki stood up, continuing to hold the two girls in his arms; bridal style. y/n felt extremely drained, trying to relax in his arms. Her mind was messy. 'Is she still alive?', 'They know who I am!', 'What do I do...'. On the other hand, Aiura kept looking back and forth; also stunned at the scene. To herself, she kept muttering, "What's going on? What the hell...".

In a flash, Saiki, y/n and Chiyo appeared on the rooftop, right behind Aiura. "We're here." He spoke through telepathy. The lime-haired girl whipped her head around, "GAH! A gh-ghost!" She quivered, hands gripping onto the railing behind her. "What the heck did you do?" Aiura sputtered out, trying to remember what happened. Saiki let y/n to her feet, helping her stand. y/n was turning pale, so she quickly placed Chiyo against the wall, before doing the same herself.

Saiki tried to stay calm and collected, answering Aiura's questions. 'No big deal, I caught her.', 'It's no big deal, I teleported back.'. His responses were short, though it was obvious that it was a big deal. 'What?! You teleported?!' Aiura sweat-dropped, unable to believe a single thing he said. "Hey, have I only been hearing your voice from inside my head?" She then spoke aloud, trying to confirm. 'It's no big deal. I'm just speaking directly to your mind with telepathy.' He added again in a monotone voice. "No! What the hell!" Aiura yelled out, losing colour in her face as well.

'It's no big deal. I'm just a psychic high school student.' His face was blank, opposite to how Aiura was feeling. 'What is a big deal is y/n.' Hs spoke mentally, using a finger to point at the girl who was on the verge of passing out. "Are we on first name basis now?" She tried joking, sitting up. "No... No you're right. This situation is a bit confusing." She shook her head, moving the hairs away from her face. 'What are you.' His question was more of an order, making y/n flinch back. "W-Were those wings?" Aiura piped up, carefully walking over.

y/n nodded, eyes glancing to Chiyo who was still out. "You guys shouldn't act as surprised, you guys are psychics after all." y/n rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, acting as innocent as she could. Confessing to friends that she had only known for a while wasn't exactly ideal. "Are you an angel?" Aiura sat beside Chiyo, brows furrowed. 'Angels don't exist.' Saiki was quick to barge into the conversation, eyes darting to each girl.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now