O41: 𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

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y/n l/n
"Is this really necessary?" Rubbing her tired, dry eyes, y/n had gotten out of bed a little too early than usual. "Of course it is! Family bonding is exactly what we need if we're going to make it public. We don't want people to think that we've kidnapped you, do we?" f/n joked, placing a plate of [desired breakfast] in front of the girl. "Whatever..." She yawned, eyes still squinted. "So what's the plan for today?" She asked, using her utensil to poke at her food. "Walk around, explore the area; maybe we'll end up helping someone. If you can get any of your friends out, we should invite them." m/n answered, looking at herself in her hand mirror.

"Hm... I'll bring along Kusuo and eventually everyone else will appear. It's like a curse. Or maybe for plot development." y/n shrugged, shoving her cheeks with food. "Uh-uh honey, we can't break the fourth wall like that. It's not our job to do." m/n scolded, only to be returned with a joking scowl. "Sounds pretty hypocritical to me." y/n muttered back. "Right, well finish up your breakfast, get changed, and we'll start the day with some grocery shopping. Your fridge is almost empty. Do you no take care of yourself?" f/n rhetorically asked. "I do! I promise! I just stay with-" - "Kusuo. Yes, we know. Gee, you two are like peas in a pod." f/n rolled his eyes, putting the milk back in the fridge. "No need to be so judgemental." y/n snickered, wiping her mouth with a tissue. "Right, well I'll be back in a bit!".

y/n tried to not take too long, not wanting to make her 'parents' wait. It has never been respectful to make people wait long, let alone your angelic parents. Her outfit was simple, yet enough to get her feel good; a long, white blouse, used as a dress, and a basic belt to tie it together. Folding up the sleeves, y/n was happy with the look. Quickly snatching a shoulder bag, y/n rushed out her room. "You look beautiful! Now c'mon, I suspect we have a long day ahead of us." m/n complimented, lifting herself from the couch.

The three now walked together, walking through the small town. Earlier, y/n texted her few friends, asking if any of them were free any time soon. Most agreed, but would have to visit later on in the day. "So, y/n, tell us about your friends." m/n began a conversation. "Well, there's so much to say about them honestly. They're great." y/n started with a chuckle. "You already know about Kusuo. Honestly, I thought he'd be the last person I could ever get close with." She thought, thinking back to how much colder he used to be. "He's very resourceful though, and charming when he tries. Did you know he took me on a date to Europe? I haven't been there in 120 years! I've been stuck doing tasks in South East Asia for so long, that I never really thought about my travelling." y/n said astonished, her arms up in the air. "Our relationship was a difficult one, just a lot of play fighting. We still banter a lot, but..." - "...But now there's romance to it?" - "Oh don't say it like that." Clearing her throat, y/n went back onto topic.

"Hm, so there's Kaidou, eighth grader syndrome, but a great older brother from what I know. He's actually very sweet too, and tries his best to protect his friends. Sometimes it's fun going alone with all his 'Dark Reunion' stuff." - "Don't tell me you're going through an eighth grader phase too..." - "I'm not! I'm not. Nendou is the big one; funky hair cut and big butt chin. He's hilarious though. No thoughts, just vibes, that's the best way to describe him honestly."

"Aiura is my best friend! Out of everyone, its refreshing to have someone know your an angel, but also be a psychic themselves. She's also just fun to be around, a great and honest person. Toritsuka is the other psychic who knows. But I swear that's everyone who knows. ANyways, he's a big perv, but his powers are honestly impressive."

"Chiyo is very cute. Obsessed with Kaidou for some reason. I find it cute though, but Kaidou is extremely oblivious to it. Mera is... a hard worker. I try my best to give her extra lunches sometimes, she cries to me out of gratefulness. A waterfall of tears. Hairo is the fiery red head every guy idolises. Amazing class leader, I have to give him that, but if you're not doing anything, he'll definitely force you to do sit-ups with him. Oh, and the 'bad boy', Aren. He's funny when he tries to act innocent. If it wasn't for everyone's oblivious personas, I'm sure his cover would've been blown the day he came to school. He's another great friend you can go for serious convos."

"I'm not too sure about Saiko, he only comes every so often to go flirt with Teruhashi, sometimes even with me. Speaking of Teruhashi, she's very pretty, very. But her thoughts are nasty. I hope she gets a redemption arc or some sort. Hanging out with Kusuo is a challenge when she's around. I'm not sure if I can count him as a friend, but Kuusuke, Kusuo's brother. They have their sibling rivalry, but we all know they love each other. They just show it... Differently. We bonded when Kuusuke had his whole competition, I got dragged along, but hey, who's complaining when you get free sweets." Whilst explaining, y/n had a small smile on her face the entire time, unknowingly. Not too long has passed, but so much has happened, and she has never felt more grateful for them.

"Life never goes as planned, even when you think it should. Especially for people like us. Most don't say, but there are actually many angels who have slipped to others about their real form. Most decide to erase their memories, or leave for good. No one would believe it if only one person out billions said it was true." f/n explained, nudging the girl gently. "So don't freak out over it so much. Besides, your friends you've told are reliable people, psychic's too." He assured. "This way!" m/n suddenly called out, showing off her own pocket watch. It was different to y/n's. Similar shape, but instead a worn-out gold with a tree design on it. They headed North, in hopes to find their next task quickly.

'Yeah, my friend's are reliable.'

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