O30: 𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜

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saiki kusuo
His shoulders have never felt as stiff as it did then. Saiki felt like a block of stone; unloveable. Resting on his bed, where the sheets laid messy, he closed his eyes shut. He thought that maybe resting would 'loosen up his body'. Clearly, the answer was 'no', as his joints cracked with every movement.

'I need something to distract myself.' Slowly slipping away from his bed, Saiki exited his room to find a distraction. He asked y/n to hang out beforehand, but she was quickly intervened with a job to help someone. "Sorry Kusuo! I really wanna hang, but I've never missed a helping opportunity, and I don't want to find out what happens if I do.".

Grunting quietly, he was disappointed to find no coffee jellies in his fridge. His dad ate the last one two nights before, and forgot to restock. A tick-mark by his forehead, he made a mental note to scold his father later. 'Good grief. I should be happy that there's nothing to do, so why am I so annoyed?' He asked himself, barely knowing the answer. Maybe it was something he took from his 'more outgoing, and lively' girlfriend. Maybe her opposite personality is slowly changing his.

Shaking it off, he jumped to the couch, reaching over for the remote. Hopefully a channel would catch his attention and keep him busy for a while. But alas, nothing in his life was ever lucky; well except for meeting y/n, of course. The psychic stopped at a news channel for a moment, but all they mentioned was the weather and some silly story that was clearly fabricated to make it more interesting.

'Where's y/n when you need her?' - 'Right here! Open up.' Saiki jumped in his seat, not used to her surprises. 'I feel like this has happened before.' He mentioned with furrowed brows, making his way to the door. 'You're right. Must've been... Chapter 14, the one with Yuuta in it.' Opening the door, y/n showed off her pearly whites with a big smile.

'Weren't you helping someone?' He asked, letting the girl in. "I'm helping someone now actually." She answered, holding up the watch to reveal the time. It was a few hours earlier than what it should've been. 'How do you know it's for me?' He asked, before pulling her into a welcoming hug. "Well I was already on the way here after finishing someone else's job, so I'm positive it's for you." She shrugged in response, snuggling her head into his chest.

"So what do you need help with?" y/n asked, pulling away. 'Nothing. You're here so I'm fine now.' He admitted, leading her to the living room. "Don't think so. The clock is still about 3 hours early, so there must be something I can do to help." She frowned, hands loosely wrapped around his arm as she followed by. 'Then maybe it isn't me who you need to help, like I said earlier, idiot.' He scoffed, leaning against the back of the couch. "But I'm sure it's you! It's a gut feeling I get, ya'know?" - 'That isn't very reassuring.' - "Shut up, I'm never wrong on this."

Stretching out her arms, she placed them behind her head. "Maybe it's homework? Do you have any chores to do? Maybe you need to babysit Yuuta again later!" y/n started listing out all the possibilities. 'No, I already finished. No, besides I could do them by myself. And no, Yuuta is hanging out with another friend of his.' He was quick to shut down her ideas. "Okay sure, but what if you're cleaning and you see another cockroach?" y/n nudged. 'Don't speak of such putrid things.' He grimaced, shoulders curling inwards.

"C'mon~" She dragged out, moving so that she sat by him. "Isn't there something you were probably complaining about, like always?" She egged on. Raising a brow, he gave a look of disbelief. 'My complaints are reasonable, so don't annoy me.' He glared. "Right, whatever, so there was something bothering you though."

Thinking about it quietly, he stared off at the ground. 'Give me a shoulder massage.' He suddenly ordered. "Huh?" - 'Give me a shoulder massage.' He repeated firmly. "It would be helpful if you could tell me why...?" She asked once more. 'My body is stiff. It kind of hurts.' His short explanation was enough, but still confused her. "Sure. But it's not like I can give you a massage for three hours straight." She muttered.

Moving around, Saiki sat on the floor in front of y/n, who sat on the couch. Hands placed on his shoulders, she began pressing her fingers deep into them. He let out a breath of relief, relaxing into her hands. 'Thank you.' Was all he could say, which earned a small chuckle back. "Gee, what do you do to your body?" She muttered, trying to massage harder. It was close to no use though, his body felt like steel. 'How am I supposed to know? Just keep doing whatever you're doing.' He closed his eyes.

"I know I'm strong but I can't keep this up for three hours." She whined, hands moving up by his neck. 'And why not?' - "What do you mean why not?!" Pulling her hand away, she slapped the side of his head. 'Ouch... That was unnecessary.' He grumbled, looking up at her. "Isn't there something else you can do to help this?" She questioned, continuing to massage.

'A waterfall.' - "We're not going to a waterfall." - 'But you asked if there was anything else.' - "I'm still not taking you to a waterfall." She groaned out, giving up and falling back into the couch. 'Well what do you do when your body's like this?' He asked, arms and chin on the couch. "I dunno... I stretch it out? But your body is way too out of place to just stretch it." She joked, poking his forearm.

'What about training?' He then suggested. "Training?" Sitting up, she was now interested. 'I need to do it anyways.' Saiki shrugged, lifting himself up from the ground. "For what? You do absolutely no physical activity." She snickered, holding an arm up for him to help her up. 'To keep control of my powers. And to improve them, I guess.' Pulling her up, she had a sly grin on her face. "Sounds good! When do we start?" She asked with hints of enthusiasm in her voice.



a/n 2k voTES!!! WHOOO
and 34k reads 😭😭😭
I've been feeling out of it recently and this has really fuelled me up!
as always, the 'more' chapter is always up for questions and requests!
if you've noticed, I've broken the 4th wall a bit, I wanted to add something in since it happens quite a bit in the anime; hope it didn't displease anyone ahxhshhs
well, hope everyone has an extremely lovely day! take care everyone <3

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