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Alas, Psychic's Angel is complete! I had a lot of comments sad about the ending, and even I was too, but it's not gone just yet! The sequel is now released, called 'Psychic's Beloved'; in which the couple go through another series of disastrous events, with y/n (that's you!), now trying to adjust to everything as a human being.

This is just another fun book of random events similar to a slice of life. So please, if you've enjoyed this book, please check out the sequel. The first chapter is already out!

Updates will be a little scattered because I'm moving (yay!), but I promise to be as active as I can.

PLEASE !! I'm looking for requests for chapters (can be original ideas, episodes, etc.) to write from. So if you want any particular events to happen, please DM me and I'll get to work on it! I wanted to include what I couldn't from the first book, so this is the opportunity to do it now :)

Thank you guys so, so much for loving this book as much as I do. It's still so crazy how many people support this book, now having 800k reads! That's insane!

Love you guys so much, I can't wait to see you all on the next book <3

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