New Beginnings at Grey-Sloan

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Alex's POV

We just got an email and everyone decided to open it at the same time. I'm getting through the email when I see my last name. But it wasn't my name because I didn't apply for the Head of Pediatric Surgery position. It was Y/n's name. 

Y/n was coming to work here? I couldn't believe it, I have followed her for years, wondering how she has been or what she chose to do. I can see we are still twins and think alike after all since we are in the same specialty. 

I think everyone got to the end of the email before me because when I was finished, they all were staring at me waiting for me to say something.

"What're you all staring at?" I said a little more harsh than I intended.

"Do you have any relation to this new Head of Pediatrics?" Meredith asked. "Actually, by the way you just answered that, I think you're related." She finishes.

I get up to close the door so I can talk with the group that is here. Amelia, Meredith, Arizona, Maggie, Jackson, and Andrew.

"Okay, it's true. Y/n is my twin. We haven't seen each other since we were 16 when we both went to college. I haven't seen or heard from her in 17 years. So I don't even think she will remember me or even want anything to do with me for that matter." I state.

"You two are twins, even if you haven't seen each other in a long time, I think there is the same love there that always was." Maggie chimes in.

"And if she's anything like you, the two of you will be a force to be reckoned with." Arizona says with a smile. 

"Alex Karev, a twin. Who would have thought?" Meredith lets out a laugh.

We all burst out into a fit of laughter as we realize this is going to to get interesting in a couple of days. 

"I really want to get to know her again, so I swear if any of you scary her away, I will kill you." I say in a stern voice. 

They all look at me and we all burst out into laughter again.

Y/n's POV

I get to my apartment and settle in, unpacking all of my things so I don't have to worry about it later on.

I got an apartment that was walking distance from the hospital so I didn't have to worry about the traffic. I still have a car here, but I don't have to worry about it unless I wanted to go somewhere that wasn't within walking distance.

One of my colleagues and close friend I used to work with, Nicole Herman had cases out here frequently, so she recommended a bar that was actually right next door from the apartment building. Joe's Bar, it sounded so simple, but inviting.

I figured it was the least I could do for myself, after finishing packing so quickly. After all, I was due at the hospital in a couple of days. 

I walked into Joe's Bar and instantly knew this was a place I could get used to. It had plenty of places to sit and even had darts. I elected for the bar stools this time, close to the bartender. Even if there was no one to talk to, at least you're close enough to the bar keep to get more to drink. 

"Hi! Vodka Cranberry, please." I say to the bartender. "Coming right up!" He said. He came back with my drink and asked, "You new to Seattle?" 

"I am, I'm actually starting a new job with Grey-Sloan across the street in a couple of days." I tell him. "Oh that's great! What department? A lot of doctors come here after their shifts, so you picked the right place." He says. 

"Head of Pediatric Surgery." I say politely. "Oh, you will love working with Dr. Karev. He's the best with kids. He was so good with mine and my husband's newborn when he was sick." He exclaims.

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