Long Lost

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Y/n's POV

Wow, I am nervous. I am also petrified of telling Arizona the truth. I don't know what to expect and it terrifies me. 

I don't know if this is going to cause us to fight, if this is going to hurt her or myself. I know it will hurt that she didn't know, but hopefully I can explain why.

I guess I have to prepare for the worst because this is probably going to cause a fight. 

I saw Arizona coming down the hall, all bubbly and happy. Dammit, I wish I didn't have to bring this up with her so happy. She comes up to me and gives me a quick kiss. "Hi, sweet girl. You paged?" She says with a smile. I grab her hand and bring her to the closest empty on-call room and lock the door. 

"What's going on baby? Do you wanna..." She says, coming closer to me with a smirk. "No baby, it's not that." I say and give a deep sigh. "What's going on, Y/n? You're scaring me, come here." Arizona says and gestures for me to sit down with her. 

She grabs my hand and rubs my back for comfort. "Before you assume the worst, we are good. More than good, it's nothing about us. You're still my fiancée and I have no intention of that changing. I want you to let me get through what I am about to say in full and then I will let it sink in." I tell her. 

She looks at me with concern in her eyes and then she nods. She rubs her thumb on my hand and continues to rub my back for comfort. I needed it because the roles are about to be reversed after I tell her this.

"Okay, there isn't an easy way to start this so bare with me." I pause and sigh. "Your brother, Tim has twins. A boy and a girl. They are here at Grey-Sloan. They have been in the foster system in Seattle, where they ran away. The foster parent was beating them and then they ran away here to the hospital. They are 7 years old, their names are Timothy and Samantha. The only reason I figured it out was because their full names are Timothy Daniel Robbins Jr. and Samantha Arizona Robbins. Your brother's full name and you are Sammy's middle name. That's not a coincidence. Callie and I decided that I would call your parents before we went into surgery and I did. They knew about them, they were there when they were born. They lost contact with them after Tim died because the mother thought it was too hard for her. Then the mother died too and they were put into the foster care system. Tim told the twins that they would meet you one day after he was out of the army because he knew if you met them, he would never leave. He would want to stay with them for you. You were fresh out of residency at the time and didn't want to derail your career. He had to stay and finish his tour and he never came home, but you know that. Your parents haven't seen or talked to them in years. They're on their way out here now. I know this is a lot to take in so if you want to yell, scream, cry, hit, punch, or anything, just do it. Be pissed at me. I know I went about the situation wrong, and I deserve it. So whatever you have to do, I'll take it. I'll take the blame, I'll take everything you need to do." I finished.

She is sitting there in shock. No longer stroking my hand, just letting her hand sit open, not grasping mine. Her other hand is placed flat on the bed, no longer stroking my back for comfort. 

We sit in silence for what has to be five minutes before I break it. "Arizona..are you okay? Talk to me." I tell her. "Am I okay? AM I OKAY?" She yells. "My brother had children that I didn't even know about. And I missed seven years of their lives. Seven years that I will never get back to get to know them, to love them, to be their for them through his death! I didn't get that and you're asking if I am okay??" She says to me.

"I know you're not okay. That was a stupid question." I tell her. "Yeah, a very stupid question. And you have the nerve to tell my ex wife before me? How would that even be remotely okay in your book or were you just not thinking about me? Were you just so caught up in the moment that you seemingly forgot that your FIANCÉE'S brother's children were in the ER? I'm trying to make it make sense, but it just blows my mind how you think going to Callie was the best thing to do. So yeah, it was a very stupid question, Y/n." She finishes in a huff, removing all contact from me and moving further away. 

"I'll take all of the blame. It was a shock to me and Callie was the other doctor on the case. She would have seen his name and started asking questions anyway. So I decided to make a judgement call and tell her what the situation was. I needed to make sense of the situation and let it digest before coming to you. I needed to get my thoughts together because I wanted to make sure I was ready to tell you. I knew this could go many ways so I wanted to be prepared to give you all of the information. I want to take you to meet them at some point, I want to be there with you." I tell her with a soft smile, reaching for her hand. 

She moves her hand away from mine, moving further away. "You must have really poor judgement if you still think telling Callie before me was the way to go. Like I am still wrapping my mind around that one. How could you be so stupid, Y/n? Those are my niece and nephew that I didn't even know existed and this was the best excuse you could come up with for not telling me right away?" She finishes with anger in her eyes.

"I'm not going to fight with you, Arizona. But I don't really appreciate being called stupid. I didn't deserve that. So I am going to go and check on them and then I really just need to be alone. I'm sorry I am too stupid to not know how to handle this situation, but I tried my best. I really did." I say and get up to leave the room with nothing more to say. 

I go to Timmy's room to check on him and Sammy. They were doing okay and then I ran into Callie. I looked at her so defeated. "I am going to go for a run. That went as horrible as I thought it would." I tell her. "I am sorry, Y/n. I'll keep an eye on the two of them." She tells me and I nod.

I go to the lounge and change into running clothes. I do my stretching in the lounge and then go to the main lobby. I felt a wave of emotion come over me.

I saw Mer coming towards me and I was about to break down. "Find Callie, she will explain." I felt myself about to cry so I signed to her the rest of how I was feeling.

Y/n signs: I am about to break down so I am going for a run to think and be alone. I will be back soon, don't worry. I will be fine.

Meredith: Okay, Y/n. I love you.

I sign I love you back and go out the hospital doors.

Meredith's POV

What the hell is going on? Did something happen with Y/n and Arizona. I needed to find Callie to figure out what was going on. I page her and Alex 911 to the attendings' lounge.

They come in two minutes later. Callie knows and closes and locks the door.

She lets out a big sigh before she starts. "Sit down. This is going to come as a shock." She tells us and we both sit.

"Arizona's brother, Tim has twins. A boy and a girl. They are here at Grey-Sloan. They have been in the foster system in Seattle, where they ran away. The foster parent was beating them and then they ran away here to the hospital. They are 7 years old, their names are Timothy and Samantha. The only reason Y/n figured it out was because their full names are Timothy Daniel Robbins Jr. and Samantha Arizona Robbins. Her brother's full name and Arizona's name is Sammy's middle name. That's not a coincidence. Y/n and I decided that she would call her parents before we went into surgery and she did. They knew about them, they were there when they were born. They lost contact with them after Tim died because the mother thought it was too hard for her. Then the mother died too and they were put into the foster care system. Tim told the twins that they would meet Arizona one day after he was out of the army because he knew if she met them, he would never leave. He would want to stay with them for her. She was fresh out of residency at the time and didn't want to derail her career. He had to stay and finish his tour and he never came home. Her parents haven't seen or talked to them in years and they're on their way out here now." She finishes and Alex and I sit there in a state of shock.

"Where's Y/n? Why isn't she telling us this?" Alex asks. "I think something happened with her and Arizona after she talked to her. She told me she was going for a run." Callie says. "She told me she was going for a run because she was about to break down. So I think something happened too." I agree with Callie.

"Then we have to go after her. We can't let her be alone." Alex says in a panic. "I think I know where she is going and the only person she wants going after her is Arizona. Whenever she wants to be alone to think, she wants Arizona to find her. I know we all want to be there for them, but they need to be able to figure this out on their own." I tell both of them.

They give me a nod and we go about our day, hoping it gets better for the two of them. 

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