I Have Someone I Want You to Meet

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Arizona's POV

I can't believe Y/n said she would marry me right then and there. I wasn't expecting that. I don't know what I expected.

I was mad, but all of that went out the window when I saw her upset. I care more that she is okay than being mad. 

We fell asleep together and I was happy to have her in my arms again. I knew that was all that mattered to me.

I wanted to wake her up with a special breakfast so I go out of bed early and bring it to her in bed. 

I had everything ready and brought it to our room. She was still peacefully sleeping and I just stared at her in awe for a moment. This woman was going to be my wife one day.

For a fleeting moment, I considered letting her just sleep and crawling back into bed with her, but I knew she didn't have lunch or dinner yesterday so she needed this.

I slowly walk up to her side of the bed and place a soft kiss on her cheek. "Good morning, beautiful. I made you some breakfast." I whisper in her eyes and kiss her again on the cheek. 

She slowly stirs and her eyes begin to flutter open. "Hmm. What is all this?" She asks with a smile. She looks at me with only love in her eyes and has the biggest smile planted on her face. 

"Good morning, baby. Thank you for all of this." She says to me. She pats my side of the bed for me to come sit down. "I wanted to make you breakfast for your first day officially back to work and I know you didn't have lunch or dinner yesterday and that's my fault so I wanted to make it up to you." I tell her with a sad smile. "No, it was not your fault baby." She pauses. "I never should have kept the fact that Callie had a kid. She asked me to not tell anyone and she would tell everyone at her own pace, but looking at it now, I know that was shitty on my part to keep it from you. I just wanted to be a friend to Callie and be loyal and in that, I hurt you. That was not my intention. Sofia is like a daughter to me and I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I was just so upset about what happened and my emotions were already heightened and I took it out on you. I am sorry, Arizona. I really am." She finishes with a sad look.

"Y/n, thank you for talking to me. That's all I want, for us to communicate. I think it was more of the fact that you knew more about my ex wife than I did and I thought Callie and I were friends, so I thought she could trust me. But I understand her hesitation. I am her ex wife after all and I initially was hesitant on kids, so I get it. I am happy she had someone to tell, I am happy she told you." I tell her with a smile.

"How about this? I propose we promise to not throw each other surprises, unless they are the good kind. I want to be open with you about anything or anyone that comes into my life. Whether it be from my past or anything to that affect. Better yet, another promise ring devotion. I promise to be open and honest with you and not throw any surprises with you, unless it's the good kind." She tells me.

"You are something else, Y/n Karev. I agree and I promise just the same. I love you so much." I say to her with a smile. "I love you too, beautiful girl." She says to me.

She starts to eat her breakfast and then brings the fork with some fruit to my mouth. It caught me by surprise, but I happily take the fruit in my mouth.

"Alright baby, I have a question for you, I am not pressuring you or anything, and you can say no." She tells me, continuing to eat her breakfast. "What is it?" I ask her with curious eyes.

"I have someone I want you to meet. Sofia, Callie's daughter. I want you to meet her. But you can say no, I won't be mad." She says with a nervous look. "I would love to meet her. You really care about her, and in turn, I really care about her. If she makes you this protective, then she is more than worth getting to know. Which by the way, I only gathered part of your story on what happened at Seattle Pres yesterday, I am sorry. Can you explain it to me?" I ask her.

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