Let it Be

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Y/n's POV

"So tell me again how Arizona would throw temper tantrums as a kid?" I said to Barbara. "Oh, Y/n. You wouldn't believe it. She would just stop breathing and not breathe again until she was red in the face and almost passed out. I swear one time she really did pass out!" She states.

Barbara, Sammy, Timmy and I were hunched down laughing. Arizona was prepping for surgery or in surgery for the rest of the day so we killed time by telling each other stories. 

"Oh, I need to text Arizona. She's getting picked on incessantly for this one." I say, still laughing uncontrollably. 

Y/n: Hmm, seems like you had eventful temper tantrums as a kid. Holding your breath, Arizona? You really are a dramatic one. ;)

I pressed sent and went back to laughing along with them. Timmy was wrapped up in me as I stroked his hair softly. He was getting better every day and so was I. I think this blood clotting disorder wasn't so bad after all. Everyone knew what to do when and if it happened and were able to catch it before it became too much of a problem. 

I saw my phone light up and immediately doubled over laughing in the response. 

Arizona: My mother really isn't holding back is she? Don't you worry, I'll get you back for that. Alex can't hold out on me. Luckily he's in surgery with me soon. Payback is coming Y/n, it's coming. ;)

I show Barbara the text. "She's all bark, no bite. She's harmless." She says with a hearty laugh following. "You hungry, Y/n? I was about to text Daniel to come over from the apartment and bring lunch." Barbara said. 

"Oh, I am not that hungry. Thank you for asking. How about you two? What do you say to burgers and fries? Maybe a milkshake if you're nice to Nana.." I say to them with a smirk.

"Can we have that, Nana? Please, please." Sammy says as she bats her eyelashes. "I can't resist those eyes. I'll text Papa and tell him to get us some lunch." She says with a smile on her face. 

"I do that to Auntie Arizona all the time, Sammy girl. Works like a charm." I say with a laugh and tap Sammy on the nose with my finger. She nuzzles into me gently. 

I feel a dull pain in my side where Sammy is, but I don't think anything of it. She wraps her arm around me and the pain gets worse. "Barbara, would you mind taking my pager and paging Dr. Grey and Dr. Pierce, please?" I ask her calmly. 

"Are you okay, honey?" She asked, suddenly alarmed. I looked down at the kids as if signaling, not with them in here. She understands. Nurse Gina comes in and Barbara politely asked her to take them back to Timmy's room upstairs. 

They leave the room and all of the sudden, the pain gets substantially worse. It's not in my chest though, it's in my abdomen. If I had to guess, my liver or my kidneys. My best guess is kidneys and I think they are all the sudden failing. 

It's something that happens with heart attack patients, the kidneys are finally catching up and they just suddenly fail. "Y/n, what's going on?" Mer comes running in. "Mer, I think it's my kidneys and I think they're suddenly and rapidly failing." I say, trying to stay strong, but my voice breaking at the end. Barbara is over to me in a second, holding onto my hand, making sure to stay out of the way.

Maggie comes running in next. "What happened?" She asks. "I suspect kidney failure, Mags." I try to tell her, a single tear running down my face. 

"Okay, let me listen to your heart, Y/n." She says, coming with her stethoscope to my chest. "She has an irregular heartbeat. We need to get her to CT and take blood samples, all of them, along with a urinalysis. We need to run every single test and rule everything out." Maggie states impatiently.

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