You are My Home

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Arizona's POV

Y/n was out of surgery, there wasn't much they could do. Our next step is to discuss our options or Y/n's options. I was hoping she'd let me have input on this, but ultimately it is her decision.

Y/n was still sleeping and we were all outside her door waiting for her to wake up. "I think our next steps are dialysis, and Mer already has her on the UNOS transplant list and she's listed at status 1A. A kidney will come, we have to be patient." Alex says.

"I don't have that kind of patience, Alex. I really don't. Y/n literally cannot win and I just want a fucking win for her." I tell him. "Look at those two, they are her win, Arizona. She is fighting for all three of you. You three are her win." Mer says, gesturing to Timmy and Sammy who were nestled into my mom and dad in Y/n's room. They were taking a nap on them. 

Sammy and Timmy insisted on staying in the room and promised they would be extra good. The thought of them going home with us eventually made me so happy, so I needed Y/n to get better for us.

"Anything yet?" Callie asked and I shake my head no. I was completely oblivious that she walked over. She had Sofia with her and she was looking scared. "Hey, Sof. Why don't you go sit with Auntie Arizona? She could use your famous cuddles." Callie says to her. Sofia comes running over to me as we sit in the chair outside the room. I mouth thank you to Callie and she gives me a smile.

Sofia and I were cuddled up with each other for a while before my mom came up to me. "Hey, honey. I think Y/n is starting to wake up. Dad and I are going to take the kiddos down to Timmy's room so you can talk with her." My mom tells me.

I pass back Sofia to Callie and rush into Y/n's room, I  am quiet as she is just waking up. I pull my chair up to her bed and take her hand. I continually kiss her hand gently as her eyes start to flutter open. "Hey, sweet girl. I missed you." I tell her gently. 

"What happened? Where are the kids?" She asks me in a raspy and groggy voice trying to sit up better. "Hey, hey. You're okay. The kids are okay, they're with my parents down in Timmy's room." I try to reassure her. 

"It's my kidneys isn't it?" She asks and looks up at me with a sad face. I nod and bring my hand to stroke her cheek with my thumb. "We will figure it out, baby. We'll figure it out together. Let me be here for you, it's you and me. We're getting married and we are going to have the cutest kids, you have to get better for them." I start to cry and she reaches for the arm that is on her cheek and holds onto it.

"You have to let me get through this with you. You aren't alone, I need you to let me be there for you." I cry even more. "You are my home, Arizona. I don't want to do this alone, I can't." She tells me and she broke down.

I took her arms around my neck and moved her over gently in a second. I scooted onto the bed and she wrapped her arms around me. She cried and she cried and she cried.

It felt like she was crying forever, and then she stops after a while. She looks up at me and says, "I'm scared, Arizona." She says, her voice sounding small and raspy. "Hey, hey, hey. I've got you, I'll fight whatever you're scared of, give it to me. I will take it, you don't need to worry about a thing. We will figure this out, sweet girl." I say, trying to reassure her. I brought my face to the side of her head and kissed it repeatedly, hoping it would calm her down a bit.

"I know this is the inopportune time to say this, but I talked to Dr. Bailey the other day and changed my Power of Attorney. I no longer have a health care directive." She says. "What does that mean, Y/n? What are you saying?" I ask her, trying to follow along.

"I no longer have any instructions on what happens to me, should I not be able to make those decisions on my own. Arizona, you are my Power of Attorney." She tells me and I freeze.

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