Raging Fire

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Arizona's POV

I am scrubbing out of a really long surgery and retrieve my phone from one of the scrub nurses. I looked at my messages and one of them was from Y/n. It said that there was an incident at school. 

I was about to text her back when Alex walks into the scrub room with a worried face. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "Don't freak out, but the kids and Sofia are here. Sammy is fine, she just has a minor bruise on her face. Your wife on the other hand may blow a gasket. She's in the ortho wing smashing casts. I'm not sure what happened, but it must have been serious for her to need to go to the ortho wing. I figured you'd probably be the best person to calm her down, you seem to be better at it than me." Alex finishes with a small chuckle.

I nod my head and make my way quickly to the ortho wing. There is a very loud banging coming from one of the rooms that holds the old casts and I figured I was headed into the right direction. 

What could have made her so upset? Hopefully she's not overdoing it. 

I knock on the door and the banging stops. I step in and see a very red faced Y/n, all the anger dissipates when she sees my face. I am so grateful I have that kind of affect on her. I just want to comfort her with whatever is happening. 

"Hi honey." I say softly as I look at her with a soft face and give her a soft smile. She is over to me in a second, wrapping me in a tight hug. 

We stay like this for a while, not saying anything. We are just in each other's company and for now, that is more than enough for me. Whatever is going on doesn't exist in this moment.

She pulls back after a while and brings me into a long passionate kiss. Something must have really been wrong if this is the reaction I am getting from her. She is the first one to break the kiss and puts her forehead to mine. 

"Can we go to an on-call room to lay down and I'll tell you what happened?" Y/n asks dejectedly. "Of course baby, whatever you need." I tell her as a take her hand and lead her to the closest empty on-call room. We get into the door and I lock it behind me.

Y/n flops down on the bed and holds out her arms for me to wrap around her. I make my way over to her and lay down. 

She lets out a deep sigh before speaking up. "So, today was not at all what I envisioned it to be. First, Sammy, Timmy, and Sofia are okay. Sammy has a small bruise on her face and I checked her before we even talked about what happened. And they are not in trouble. I guess one of their classmates was making fun of them for having two moms and also Sofia for having one mom and no dad. Sammy got up to tell him to stop and that's when he hit her. To make matters worse, the dad is the one who was telling his son all of this stuff. And he continued to say this stuff to my face when he was there. I knew the child's mom from college and she was going to have everything dealt with, she is not tolerating the father's behavior. I was so mad, Arizona. Especially because the kids could hear what he was saying from outside the door and actually came back in to defend me. They shouldn't be having to do that at 7 years old. I don't think it's fair to any person to have to sit through what I had to sit through. I am more concerned for the kids and how they had to hear that and I feel like I have fundamentally failed as a parent because they had to listen to that. I am going to have to explain this to Callie and how her kid had to hear it to and massively apologize for it. Ugh I'm sorry, I wish I could have done things differently and I screw up." She finishes with tears running down her cheeks. 

I wrap my arms around her tightly and stroke her hair, repeating that it was okay and everything was okay. I'm not sure I could have handled the situation any differently. I wish I was able to be there for them and specifically Y/n. She shouldn't have to be there on her own.

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