Come Back To Me

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TW: talks of sexual assault, homophobia and rape

Arizona's POV

I slept for what felt like 10 hours, but it was only 2 hours and I was woken up by my alarm going off. I still felt like shit, but I knew it was time we could go see Y/n. 

I slapped Alex on the head to wake him up. "What was that for?!" He said sleepily. "I am not missing another second with Y/n, we have to go see her." I said impatiently and getting up toward the door. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me down to sit next to him. 

"Arizona, you really do like her, don't you?" He says. "I really do, Alex." I say, not meeting his eyes. "I trust you with her, you know. I really appreciate you being her other best friend." He says with a smile. "I will never get in between what you two have because she is your twin and best friend, but I hope one day we will be something great. She deserves that." I say happily.

"10 years from now, I am going to be telling you two how you are the great love story here." He says with a big smile. "Come on, let's go see our girl." I say, wrapping my arm around his waist and he does the same to my shoulders. We walk like this to Y/n's room and find that she is just waking up.

We both rush to either side of her and I take her hand in my own and start to cry. I see her look at Alex and whisper something in his ear, but I couldn't hear what. He then made his way out of the room. "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have bothered you, I'll go with Alex." I say about to let go of her hand when she squeezed it tightly. 

"I came back to you, Arizona. I will always come back to you." She says with a tired smile. I took my free hand and brought it up to her cheek and stroked my thumb along it. She leaned into my touch. I leaned up and put our foreheads together. I placed a small kiss on top of her forehead and leaned my head back to hers. 

We sat there for a few minutes before she groaned. I looked up with worry. "What's wrong, are you okay? What can I do?" I asked ten billion questions, but I wanted to make sure she was okay. 

"I'm okay, I'm just trying to move over to make room for you." She says with a pout. "It's okay, I'm okay here." I say, sitting back down in the chair. "You don't want to cuddle with me?" She said with such sad eyes. "Oh my gosh, of course I do. I just don't want you to hurt yourself in the process." I say quickly.

"How about this? You wrap your arms around me and I'll do all the work." I say. She nods and wraps her arms around me. I move her over enough so I can get on the bed on my side. I go down and move her legs as well. I get on the bed carefully, not to lay on any of her wires or tubes.

I lay there and stroke her hair. "You know one of my best friends once said that when someone is hurt, they'd want their hair to be stroked, is that okay if I do it to you?" I ask her softly and she smiles up to me and nods.

I slowly stroke her hair, lifting some of her hair and then letting it fall. She closed her eyes and we just enjoyed each other's company. 

Then after about 4 hours of just laying there, a group of people started to come in and I tapped on Y/n to wake her up without scaring her. She woke up and looked at me then looked at the group. There was Meredith, Maggie, Amelia, Alex, Andrew, Jo, and April. 

"Y/n, how are you feeling?" Meredith asked. "Like I just got shot in the chest." She says with a chuckle. Everyone else started to laugh as well.

"We are sorry, it shouldn't be funny, but we have dealt with our fair share of shootings in this hospital." April chimed in. I couldn't believe what we actually survived, and to think I almost lost Y/n because of it. 

I was thinking and then I lightly smacked Y/n on the shoulder. "Uh, ow! What was that for?!" She asked looking at me. "That's for standing in front of me, while incredibly brave, was incredibly stupid!" I say with a huff.

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