Can You Live, For Me?

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Y/n's POV

"Okay, Alex. We're on our way." Mer says then hangs up the phone. "Kids, we need to go. Get your shoes and coats on now!" Mer yells down the hall.

All the kids come running out. Sammy must have noticed my face because she came over to me. "Mama, what's wrong?" She. "Sweetie, we have to go to the hospital. Mommy and Timmy were in an accident. We have to go check on them." I try to say as calm as possible. "Okay, Mama. Let's go see Mommy and Timmy." She says, more level headed than I was.

"I can drive, everyone will fit in my car. I'll grab Sammy's car seat from your car, Y/n." Mer says. We then quickly make it to the car and Mer and I buckle all the kids in. 

Mer drives as fast, but as safe as possible. My mind was racing as to possibilities as to what was going on.

We make it to the hospital and go straight to the ER. We are quickly met by Alex and Richard. "Where are they?!" I ask, louder than I meant, quickly losing my composure. "Timmy is in room two, he's okay. Just a little bruising from the seatbelt." He explains quickly. I motion to Mer to keep Sammy with her, she nods back.

"What about my wife, where is Arizona?" I ask him. He hesitates and differs to Richard. "She's in room one. Amelia is loo--" He starts, but I run towards room one. I am met with those gorgeous ocean blue eyes looking at me, looking tired.

I run up to her, pulling a chair as close to the bed as possible. I take her hand in mine and kiss it repeatedly, then holding it to my cheek. I bring my free hand to her cheek and stroke my thumb along it. I lean forward and place a kiss on her forehead. 

"Hey, honey. You really scared me there. How are you feeling?" I ask her, still hanging onto her hand. "Like ten elephants are sitting on my head." She says with a small chuckle then wince in pain. "It looks like a severe concussion from the impact to the windshield. The head CT doesn't show anything concerning, but I can run a second one in a few hours to be sure. I'll admit you to upstairs for the night. Also, before you refuse, don't. I'm warning you." She says, pointing that last comment at Arizona.

"That would be a good plan. I'll help move her when you're ready." I tell Amelia. "Nice try, Y/n. You aren't doing anything either." Amelia says to me with a slight glare. I glare back at her then mumble, "fine."

I sit in silence holding Arizona's hand, staring off into space. I then am snapped back to reality when I hear a small groan and shoot my gaze to Arizona. "Hey, you okay? What's wrong? What can I do for you? What do you need?" I say rapidly, asking way too many questions.

"I need you to lay with me and not let me go until I fall asleep. And then after that, I want to to still hold me." Arizona said, her voice breaking a little at the end. I move to the bed, carefully making my way to the bed. 

"I love you, Arizona. So much and I hope you never forget that." I tell her, giving her a firm kiss to the forehead, holding her close. "I love you, Y/n. I won't forget so long as you do not either." She says sweetly. "Never." I say simply. 

We sit in a comfortable silence for a little while, I am stroking her hair softly, making sure she's comfortable and has everything she wants or needs. "Y/n, how is Timmy?" She says, her voice breaking again. "Baby, it's okay. He's okay. Just a little bruising from the seatbelt. That's all." I reassure her, kissing her head repeatedly.

"Do you want me to stay or do you want to be alone? I know how painful concussions are." I ask her. "I want you to stay, but I know Timmy and Sammy need someone at home." She says sadly. "I'll see if Alex can watch them at the house." I tell her as I pull out my phone. "If you need me here, I am here. Whatever you need me to do, just tell me." I reassure her.

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