Meet Little Miss

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Y/n's POV

"6 year old, female, possible broken nose and clear initial CT with small spot. I want a repeat CT and an OR ready. We are going in to fix the nose after the CT." I tell everyone that is crowded in the ambulance bay. "Skip the trauma room and straight to CT. Callie comes running out. 

She moves alongside her daughter and tells her it will be okay. "Callie, we've got her. She's okay. She's awake and alert. Go with Mer. It'll be okay, I've got her. I won't let anything happen to her." I tell her with a confident nod.

She hesitantly goes with Meredith out of the way so we could rush her to CT. We finish her CT and wait for her results. 

Amelia and I are waiting anxiously. As the results came up, they revealed a bleed that was easily fixable. "Let's go, we need her in the OR now." Amelia says. 

We wheel her into the OR and get scrubbed in. We enter the OR and i go to Sofia's head before they put her under. "Hey my princess. You are going to be just fine. I will be here the entire time. Mommy will want to see you soon. Okay, baby? Now count back from ten for me." I tell her softly.

"10...9...8...7..." She says and with that she is out. "Alright everyone, it's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's do this." I pause. "We need to work fast people. This is my niece and Callie's daughter so we will not let anything happen to her. Got it?" I say sternly. They all give a nod.

I chance a glance up to the gallery. Shit. Alex and Arizona are up there. And they have confused looks on their faces. Probably as to why I said niece and daughter.

I look back to the surgery at hand. I end up assisting Amelia with the minor bleed Sofia had. We were able to get the bleeder no problem and Jackson and Link had made quick but masterful work on her nose.

She was about to be wheeled out when I took my mask off and kissed her head. She was being sent up to recovery. I looked up at the gallery, Alex was still there, but Arizona was gone.

I get into the scrub room and start scrubbing out when someone comes rushing in. I looked over and it was Arizona. Fuck, I said to myself. I am in for it. 

"Do you want to tell me why I heard you say my niece and Callie's daughter in the same sentence a little while ago? Because if you like her better or want to be with her, then just say it." She says angrily. "Arizona. I don't want to fight with you. Yes, Callie has a daughter. She brought her over one day for me to meet her. We bonded and we have gotten close to each other. She was hurt and her nanny took her to Seattle Pres where my presentation was and she waited for over an hour, Arizona. OVER AN HOUR because the ER doctor couldn't be bothered and was doing sutures on a non-emergent case. Then his patient said because of the way she looked, she would have nothing to contribute to society. Basically saying she was useless, a 6 year old kid was useless and my blood is boiling right now. I am so angry and I am LIVID that this doctor waited so long to treat her and look where it got her." I pause to breathe. "It got her to the OR with a brain bleed and a broken nose and who knows how long it would have taken if I hadn't been there. AND I AM SO PISSED, ARIZONA. I am pissed that you would just get so defensive over this without knowing the entire story, without even having a rational conversation with me. I have had the shittiest day on record and you went incredibly low with that blow. Do you even trust me or do you even love me enough to just trust me for one damn second?" I ask her with angry eyes.

She tries to move closer to me and I step away and put my arms firm at my side, not looking at her. "I can't even look at you right now, Arizona. I love you, but I just can't even look at you. I will not be home after work and do not follow me. I need to be alone. Can you trust me enough to not follow me or will that be too hard as well?" I say to her with an icy tone. I regret the last part of that sentence, but it was too late now. 

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