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Y/n's POV

I walk in to all my friends smiling at me in the planning room. Jackson, Maggie, Amelia, Link, April, and Meredith were all there, along with Lauren. "Nice of you to join us, Dr. Karev. Could have done without the show outside though." Lauren says with a chuckle. 

"Let's save the dramatics, Dr. Boswell. We're all here to do a job, act like it." I said confidently. That tripped her up a bit, as she hesitated. 

"Alright, let's review. Ryan Finnegan. Born with a cleft lip and palate. Today we are going in to reconfigure and reconstruct Ryan's lip. Dr. Boswell will be there for the craniofacial part of the surgery, replaced then by Dr. Avery for the reconstruction. Dr. Pierce will be there to monitor pressures on the monitors through out. Dr. Lincoln will be there to assist Dr. Avery with the reconstruction. Dr. Shepherd will be there to monitor the pressure on the brain. Dr. Grey and Dr. Kepner will be there for general and trauma respectively." I say with a very confident voice.

"Do you really think we need all these surgeons? It seems excessive to me." Lauren speaks out. "Last time I checked, I was the lead surgeon on this case. So if you have a problem with how I am running this surgery, you are more than welcome to remove yourself." I say with a cold and stern tone. "Okay then." Lauren says.

"As I was saying, this surgery is going to take approximately 9 to 10 hours, so please be prepared to take short breaks and grab food and water when you can. Are we all understood?" 

"Yes, Dr. Karev." Many doctors said in unison. Meredith gave me a hip bump and then said, "Dr. Boswell, we will meet you outside the room." We then got into a huddle again with our arms around each other and did our chant. Then we all walked out and toward the scrub room. Alex and April went to get the patient from their room and into pre-op to prep them. Lauren, Link, and Jackson scrubbed in first. Meredith, Amelia, and I scrubbed in next. Maggie, and the other nurses scrubbed in last.

We are all getting gowned and gloved when I see the overwhelming amount of people in the gallery above us. Every chair was filled up and the sides were full of doctors, some I knew and some I didn't. It was amazing to me how Jo was able to get so many doctors to come and support us. 

"Looks like people are excited for this surgery. I am glad I can put on a show for them." Lauren said smugly. "Actually, Dr. Boswell. This surgery puts Dr. Karev in the running for a Catherine Fox Award." Jackson chimes in. "Wow, I'm glad I am on this surgery then, that would be big to add to my collection." She says with a chuckle.

"Unfortunately, since you are not a primary surgeon or lead surgeon, your name will not be on the nomination for consideration. You are a secondary surgeon on this case." Jackson said sternly. Oh, I had to hold my laughter in as he said that.

"Well okay, I guess we should get started then." She says, kind of defeated. Before we get started, Jackson, Amelia, Maggie, April, and Meredith look at me, knowing what they want me to say.

I smile with my eyes and look up to Arizona as I am about to say it and stare into those bright blue eyes with so much love. "Alright everyone, it's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's do this!" I say confidently. Arizona then tugs on on her ear three times, signaling 'I love you.' I give her a soft nod and I crinkle my eyes as I am smiling under my mask. 

We start the surgery and everything is going smoothly so far about six hours in. Then Lauren chimes in, "You couldn't leave that saying in Boston? I always thought it was a little much."

"I for one think it's admirable, I love traditions and I think it's amazing she has one." Maggie comes in. "We all have our traditions, it'd be silly if you didn't." Amelia chimes in with a laugh.

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