Surgery Again

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night in excruciating pain. I tried to be quiet as to not wake up Arizona, because she was sleeping peacefully. I grabbed my pager and paged Maggie 911.

I let out a yell because of the pain I was in. Arizona instantly woke up and instantly got worried. "Baby, what's wrong? What's happening?" She asks me with scared eyes. "Arizona, I don't want you to worry, but I think I am having a heart attack." I tell her, trying to sound reassuring.

"No, no. You're okay, you'll be okay." She tried to reassure me. Just then, Maggie came running into the room. "Y/n, what's wrong?" She said with worried eyes. "I am having a heart attack, Maggie." I tell her.

"Okay, let's get scans. I think we may have to do an angioplasty." She tells me. "Arizona, hop off the bed. You can help me get her to scans, but we are going to go fast." Maggie states. Arizona gets off the bed and nods.

They unlock the gurney and they start to run with my bed. I get the scans done and sure enough, I will need an angioplasty.

I start to get tired and I know that isn't good. I want to shut my eyes and sleep. "I'm tired, I'm going to go to sleep guys." I tell them. "No, Y/n. You can't do that, you need to stay awake for me." Maggie says and looks at Arizona.

"Baby, look at me. Right at me, you're okay. We are going to bring you into the OR. Maggie is going to fix you up." Arizona says with tears in her eyes. I reach up my hand and place it on her cheek. She leaned into my touch. 

"Arizona, I need you to page Callie. She is currently here and can be in the OR with me." Maggie states. "Maggie.." Arizona says with sad eyes and she pages Callie 911. "Arizona, you know the rules. I can't have you in the gallery either, I will close it if I have to." She tells me. 

She looks at her with worry and sadness. "I'll be okay. Remember, I will always come back to you." I tell her reassuringly.

Just then, Callie comes running in, out of breath. "What's wrong, what's happening?" She asks. "Y/n is having a heart attack. I need to do an angioplasty. Arizona can't be there, so I needed someone to be there with me." Maggie said. I start to get even sleepier.

"We need to move now. And I mean now or see isn't going to make it off the table." Maggie says honestly. And my eyes and Arizona's go wide. "I'm sorry, bad choice of words. Arizona, you need to stay here and I mean it." Maggie tells her. 

"Arizona, we've got her. I will text you as soon as we are out." Callie says sternly. "She likes her hair stroked when she is sad. She really likes that." Arizona yells as they wheel me away.

Callie's POV

What the hell was happening? I wish there was more that I could do. I was there to make sure that Y/n was staying awake. 

She had to live, she needed to live. I haven't gotten to know her better yet, I selfishly thought.

Most importantly, she needed to live for Arizona. They needed each other. I already know that Arizona wouldn't be able to live without her. 

We get into the OR and I am there purely to keep Y/n company. Maggie had the OR gallery closed for this. She knew Arizona wouldn't listen and she didn't want others watching. 

This could go either way and Maggie even showed a little bit of nerves, but when it was go time, she was ready.

"Maggie, I trust you. But whatever happens, it is okay. I mean that." Y/n tells her. Maggie nods, trying to keep her focus.

"And Callie. Make sure everyone takes care of Arizona. She'll need them more than anything." She says to me. "We aren't going to worry about that because you're going to come back to us, Y/n. You have to fight for us, especially for Arizona." I tell her.

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