Let's Go to the Beach

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Y/n's POV

Wow. How did I get to the beach? I'm really not sure how, but it was warm and sunny. I really liked it here.

The beach looked familiar, but it was warmer than usual. It was the beach in Iowa. It was never usually this warm here. 

I then found myself walking away from the beach into the town then onto the road we used to live in. Before I knew it, I was at our old childhood home. 

I spotted a familiar face in the front yard with a little boy. "Mama?!" I yell. Her head shoots up and gives me a big smile. "Mama?!" I say as I am running towards them.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" She asks me and I run and give her a big hug. "I don't know how I am here. What is this?" I ask her.

"Well this is almost heaven. We call it purgatory. You're not quite there yet. It's not your time." She tells me. "We are just your imagination, Y/n." She tells me.

"Who is this?" I ask her, smiling down to the little boy. "This is, your baby boy. Ryan. Ryan, this is your mama!" She says excitedly to him. "Ryan Alexander?!" I say, starting to cry. "It's me mama. I'm okay, I'm with grandma." He says sweetly. 

He wraps me in a big hug. "I'm sorry I never got to raise you, baby." I tell him sadly. "It's okay mama, I like it here with Grandma. She takes care of me." He says with a big smile. 

I look up at mama. "I miss you, mama. I miss you every day. I reunited with Alexander. We are working together now." I tell her with a big smile. "I know you are, baby. I keep an eye on the two of you. You made your way back to each other after all that time. That's all I wanted for the two of you." She tells me with a smile. 

"Are you okay, mama? I'm sorry Alexander and I couldn't save you. We miss you so much." I asked her with a sad expression. "Baby, you and Alex saved me many times. I wish I didn't leave you so soon, but I am okay. You and Alex have made me so proud. My babies are surgeons. I couldn't ask for anything more." She says with a smile. 

"I miss you, mama. And I like it here." I tell her. "I know, sweetie. But it's not your time. Alexander needs you back and your Arizona. She needs you to go back to her." She tells me with a soft smile.

"You know about Arizona?!" I ask her. "I see everything, baby. I see how happy she makes you. You deserve your happy ending more than anything. You two are meant to be together. Treat her right, she's the one." She finishes.

"How do you know it's not my time, mama?" I ask her. "Mama, you have to go back. I can see everyone who need you. We are okay. We will see you again, and we will be waiting for you." Ryan says.

"I love you both so much. I will see you later." I tell them. "I love you, Mama. Tell Uncle Alex I said hi." Ryan says. "I love you so much, sweet girl." Mama says. 

I wave goodbye and make my way back to the beach. It was pulling me towards it. And then the beach was gone and everything was black.

I can hear Arizona. I can hear her repeating, "Come back to me, Y/n. You always come back to me. I love you so much. You are going to be my wife one day and mother to my children, so you need to come back." 

I needed to get back to her. 

Alex's POV

It has been five days and Y/n still hasn't waken up yet. Arizona and I have not left her side the entire time. Arizona spent most of her time with her head on the hospital bed and holding Y/n's hand. 

I mainly stay in the chair right next to her bed. Arizona and I have conversations about what we love most about Y/n.

Amelia comes in and checks her every day for any reason she wouldn't be waking up and we take her for scans to check brain function and it's all clear. She simply hasn't woken up. 

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