Come Home with Me

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Y/n's POV

I had been in the hospital for about a week and I think Dr. Bailey really just wanted to keep me here to ensure I was going to recover properly. 

Maggie comes in to see how I am doing. "Maggie, Dr. Pierce. You look lovely today." I say as I bat my eyelashes at her. "Flattering will get you everywhere, but I was going to come to tell you that you could go home anyway." She says. "You need someone to stay with you for a couple of days though." She finishes and I bat my eyelashes at her again to see if I'd really have to do that. "Yeah, nope. That won't work. I'm not compromising on that and frankly your girlfriend will kill me even if she catches you batting those damn eyelashes." She finishes and Arizona walks in.

"Your girlfriend will do what?" She asks. "Oh Y/n right here tried to charm me into letting her go home alone with no one with her for a few days to recover." She admits. Arizona gave me a look as I answered Maggie. "Maggie, did you really have to thrown me under the bus like that?!" I say.

"Hey, your girlfriend scares me more than you do. She may be a perky fetal surgeon, but I think she could take me out quite stealthily." Maggie finishes with a laugh and nervous look at Arizona. "Mags, I love you. I would never, but this one.." She gives you a glare. "I'm not so sure what I am going to do with her. She's stubborn." She finishes with a laugh.

"Okay fine. I am stubborn." I say with a huff as Dr. Bailey comes in. "Dr. Karev. Dr. Robbins will be taking the next few days off with you. Her mentor is due in a week and I know you two live across from each other, and are now dating. So perfect timing." She says and as I am about to retort, she resumes. "And before you try and debate me, remember who you're talking to. I sign your paychecks, oh and I sign Dr. Robbins' paychecks too. Don't make me angry. I am pretty fierce when I am angry." She says with a serious face.

"Okay, Dr. Bailey. Is there a day I would be able to come back?" I ask her with a polite smile hoping she wouldn't catch on. "Dr. Karev, your smile will not get you back sooner." She says. "Let's just say Monday. It gives you plenty of time to rest up and spend time with Arizona." She says with a soft smile.

"Okay, Dr. Bailey. Thank you." I say as she walks out and leaves. "Looks like you're stuck with me." Arizona says, coming up stroking my hair. "I guess there's one upside to being stuck at home. I am stuck at home with you." I say with a smile. She comes over and places a soft kiss on my lips. 

"Oh and there can be a lot of that too and cuddling." I say with a smile. A wheelchair comes in to bring me outside. A group of people come in along with it. Alex, Meredith, Amelia, Link, Maggie, Jo, and Jackson were all here.

"Okay, I don't need a wheelchair I am perfe---" I say as I am cut off. "Oh yeah, no. You don't get to fight us on this. We can make you stay longer, I can come up with a neuro excuse if I have to." Amelia states. You get in the wheelchair with a big sigh. 

"I have a cure for sadness that doesn't involve being in a wheelchair." Arizona says when she leans downand you gulp loudly. "You alright Y/n, you look pale. Are you sure you're okay to leave?" Alex says looking worried. "Oh no, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, Alexander." I say taking his hand then looking up at Arizona with a glare. She just looks at you with a laugh. 

You pull her head down so that you can whisper in her ear while she's pushing you. "Just for that, you're sleeping alone tonight." I say with a sarcastic tone and a small laugh.

You get to Arizona's car and insist that you can drive. She was having none of that. "First of all, my car, I drive. Second of all, you are sleeping with me tonight. Not in a sexual way, but I am not going to sleep unless you are right next to me in my arms." She says with a pout. "You're hot when you're kind of angry." I say with a smile and give her a lasting kiss on the lips. 

"Okay you two, we get it. You are head over heels for each other. Take it home and don't come back until Monday. Don't make me have Bailey revoke your computer login privileges from home." Alex states as he comes over to me. "I am so glad you're okay. We will be back in action together soon, death doesn't have anything on my twin. I love you, Angel Spawn." He says and wraps me in a hug. I put my face into his neck and say, "I love you more, Evil Spawn." 

I go around and give everyone hugs and get in the car to go home. The ride with Arizona was pretty good, even though we were right by the hospital. She had her hand on my thigh protectively and she was just so adorable. 

Arizona's POV

I couldn't wait to get Y/n settled in. I was so excited for her to be coming home. I forgot to ask if she wanted to be at her place or mine. 

"Hey beautiful. Do you want to stay at your place or mine?" I ask with a smile as we are stepping onto the elevator. "Maybe mine. It's familiar to me, but whatever makes you more comfortable." I say sincerely.

"I am most comfortable with you being content. So we are staying at your place. And I was thinking of doing a stay at home date night so we could go over to my place to give the illusion that we are leaving the apartment to go somewhere." She finishes. "I really like that idea, Arizona." I say with a kiss to the cheek.

We step off the elevator and make our way to her apartment. "I just have to grab some things from my apartment and I'll be right back." I say then giving her a small kiss on the cheek. She nods and she goes into her apartment.

I grab what is necessary and make my way over to Y/n's apartment. "Babe, I'm back!" I say in a shout. I didn't hear an answer, so I said again, "Babe?" 

I heard a groan coming from the living room. I walked over and found Y/n on the ground, but trying to get up on the couch. "Babe!" I say as I run over to the couch, helping her up. "I can get up myself....OW!" She snaps. I back off, scared to make her more uncomfortable or do the wrong thing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I'm not used to be so weak." She says sadly. I come closer with my arms open and pause. She simply nods and I envelope her in my arms. "No one said you were weak. You are so strong, just let me help you. We all need a little help from time to time." I reassure her. 

She brings her head back and brings her soft lips to mine. She deepened the kiss and pulled me down onto the couch with her. We cuddled for a bit on the couch before I broke the silence. 

"Are you hungry? I can make us something." I asked her, stroking her cheek with my thumb softly looking into her eyes. "I can make something for us. I was shot, my limbs still work." She says with a chuckle getting up from the couch.

"Yeah, nope. Protective Robbins is coming out now, so sit your ass down or I will kick the crap out of you because I love you too much to see you get hurt again." I say and immediately put my hand over my mouth. I got really nervous for what she was going to say until she gave me a soft smile.

"You know, I've wanted to say I love you from the time we were dancing in Joe's bar. Yeah, typical lesbian relationship, but something about you. I don't know what it was, but I could never get enough of you. I protected you from that man, hoping that I would live, but if I didn't at least I got to protect the woman I was very much in love with. I'm in love with you, Arizona Robbins. And I don't think I will every stop loving you." She says as tears fall down my cheeks. She gets up and wraps me in a long hug, then pulls back to give me a long passionate kiss.

"Okay, gorgeous. I will let you stand behind me when I cook, only because I don't want you to let go of me." I say with a smile. I turn around and start to get our dinner ready. She wrapped her arms around my waist and placed occasional kisses on my neck. I would turn around and give her kisses on the lips and then lean back and kiss her neck softly. 

This is where I was meant to be, and I was okay with it forever being that way. I was home, she is my home. 

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