Still Healing

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3 months later

Y/n's POV

I was about to start back at work after my long hiatus. Hopefully Alex didn't ruin my department while I was gone. 

I just got approval to hire a third peds attending, so I sent out the formal memo and was getting applications left and right.

I think I had 50-60 applications within the first day and that was yesterday. I needed to call Dr. Bailey to see when I can cut off the applications coming in, otherwise I'm going to be up to my ears in them. 

"Hello, Y/n. What can I do for you?" Dr. Bailey says. "Hi chief. I was just wondering, is there a cut off for when I can stop the applications from coming? I have about 60 currently and that's just insane already." I tell her. "Oh right, you can cut them off at 150 applicants. I find that the ones who get their applications in earlier are the better choices. See if your wife can help you too, I'm sure she'd help you narrow it down." She says. "Thanks chief, I'm going to go through the first batch of applicants now." I tell her.

"Y/n, don't overdo it. Arizona would kill me if your start day back was pushed." She tells me with a laugh. "Let me handle my darling wife. I won't overdo it." I tell her. "Alright, then get started and let me know if I can help with anything." Dr. Bailey says. "I will chief. Talk to you soon." I state. 

We hang up and I start to go through the applications. Luckily the hospital set me up with a workstation from home because this is a lot of paper needing to be printed. Sammy came in and I motioned her up on my lap. "Mama, what're you doing?" She asks me. "We get to hire a new doctor for Mama's department with Uncle Alex. So we have to look through these applications." I tell her with a smile. "Can I do something to help, Mama?" She asks me. "Hmm, let's see. How about you grab some paper and write Yes, No, Maybe on separate pieces of paper. Yes meaning, we should interview them. No meaning--" I start, but Sammy speaks up. "No meaning they will not be getting an interview." She says with a laugh. "Very good, honey." I say with a kiss to her cheek. "Then maybe as in, maybe we'll interview them if a yes declines." I finish. 

"Can you do that for Mama?" I ask her with soft eyes. "Yes! Does it matter what paper I use?" She asks me. "No baby, whatever you want. I'm going to start printing them and then we can maybe go through them together. But you can't tell anyone about this because it's top secret. Okay? Pinky swear." I tell her and we swear on our pinkies. 

We both go off to our respective tasks and reconvene about half an hour later. "How's it look, Mama?" Sammy asks. "They are perfect, baby girl! Okay let's go to the couch and put them on the coffee table and we can start reading the applications." I say and take her hand to move to the living room.

"Alright, sweetheart. Ready to start?" I ask her. "Yes, mama. Let's find a new doctor for you!" She says sweetly. 

After what felt like forever, the 60 applications were sorted into place. Of course I needed someone to check them so I remained unbiased. I called Mer to see if she could come over and she could bring the kids. She told me she'd be here in half an hour.

Just then I heard the door bell ring and Mer came in with the kids. Mer, Zola, Bailey, and Ellis all came in a greeted us with big hugs and kisses. I sent the kids to the entertainment room so Mer and I could talk prospective candidates. 

"Alright, so I needed a second opinion and legally I have to have another person look these over before I can submit them for interview. These were definitely no's, but check them over to ensure. These were maybes if the yes ones declined and these are the yes ones. These are some strong candidates so far. Some of them have done part of their residencies at Grey-Sloan, but completed them elsewhere. I think it's worth asking about before we were to even hire them." I explain to Mer.

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