Close Enough

711 22 6

2 weeks later

Y/n's POV

Arizona and I decided on waiting until she was better to go see Addie. And today was that day. 

"For the sake of being open and honest, I am almost certain of the answer I will be getting, but I know it won't be easy to hear. I know I am going to end up at our spot, and I want you to come find me, but I am going to need to run. So Don't follow right away." I say with a somber tone. "Whatever happens, we will go through it together. We're a team, you and me." Arizona says with a smile and a kiss to my cheek.

We walk into Addie's office after knocking. "My favorite married duo, come in!" She says excitedly. "I'm sure you say that to all of your patients, Addie." I say with a playful roll of the eyes. "Well it's not every day our lady chiefs are getting married and having babies!" She says, raising her hands excitedly.  

Then I noticed her ring finger had a slight tan to it. No ring, but a slight tan. "Addison Adrianne Forbes-Montgomery." I say with a stern tone. Arizona and Addison look at me and at each other confused. "You're engaged." I say with a smirk, unwavering in my answer, no questions about it.

"Where did you get that idea?!" She says unconvincingly. "Well that response and there is a slight tan to your ring finger. Which also means you've been engaged for at least a few weeks because it's been kind of cold and has been for the past weeks. SO tell us how long it's been?" I say, victoriously.

"Alright, alright. Are you sure you weren't a detective in your past life because that was too good. Mer asked me a few weeks ago with the kids. Honestly it was the sweetest proposal and I am so excited." She says with a cheeky grin. "I am so happy for you, Addie. My bestie is getting married." I say as I run over to her, giving her the biggest hug. 

Arizona comes over and does the same. "I am so happy for you!" She says to Addie.

"Okay, let's get to the real reason you're both here. You're planning on having a baby." She says with a smile. "We both want to run the tests, and there is a good chance I'll get dark and twisty because I am almost certain on my results or at least with my conditions/shortcomings." I say. "Oh none of that, baby. You're perfect and we are going to have perfect children." Arizona says with a kiss to my cheek as she holds my hand.

"Alright you sickeningly adorable people, let's go run the tests." Addie says and takes us to the patient rooms. She sticks us in separate rooms and really all I wanted was to be with Arizona. 

"Addie, I need you to get Arizona and if she's busy, please wait for her." I say with a timid voice. She was getting everything prepped and was ready, but put her materials down as I requested we stop. "Hey, that's fine. We'll let Arizona finish her tests and we can do yours. No problem, everything's okay." She reassures me with a hand to the arm.

Addie leaves and returns 15 minutes later with Arizona. "Hey, I'm here. I'm here, sweet girl. I've got you." Arizona says as she comes and holds my hand and kisses my head. I give Addison a nod to proceed.

Arizona doesn't stop holding my hand the entire time. She mutters sweet nothings into my ear and assures me that I am doing great. Addie goes and leaves to analyze the results of the tests and leaves Arizona and I in the room. "I'm sorry I'm such a wimp, babe." I say with a soft chuckle. "I love being protective of you, but you're not a wimp, Y/n. I'm more than happy to be here for you, I would want nothing more." She says to me with a smile. 

"I love you." I say as I pucker my lips for her to kiss me. "I love you." She says and closes the gap to give me a lingering kiss to the lips. 

"So I was thinking, can we go to Donny's and get something to eat after this?" I ask her. "I've been craving a good blueberry cream cheese danish." I continue. "You read my mind, baby. That sounds amazing." She says with a smile, biting her bottom lip. "Alright, quit biting your lip, otherwise we are going to need to go to an on call room stat." I say as she continues to bite her lip and look at me.

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