Beautiful Ghosts

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Y/n's POV

I fell asleep in Arizona's arms and everything about being wrapped up with her calmed me. Nothing else mattered, I escaped everything. Even if it was only for a little while.

I flutter my eyes open and Arizona still has her arms around me with her phone in her hand texting. She sees me start to stir and smiles. "Hey, pretty girl." She says and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask her. "Not long, maybe two hours. I texted Mer and Alex to tell them you were with me." She says to me, slowly stroking my hair.

"Oh no, I forgot to tell Callie. I just kind of up and left her." I say to Arizona with a face palm. "It's okay, Mer is with her and she told her what's going on." She says. "Do you want to talk about what's going on? I want to help you. You're my best friend, first and foremost. And if you're hurting, I want to do everything in my power to help." She says soothingly.

I start to explain to her what is going on.

Meredith's POV


This is not good. This is not good at all. Y/n has already run away from me and I pull Callie to the side, out of the sight of her fellow.

"Callie, I am going to say this and you are going to not ask any questions." I say sternly and she nods. "Your fellow's name is Eliza Minnick, is it not?" I ask her. "Yes, it is. How--" She starts in, but I cut her off. "No questions. Did she happen to tell you she was fired from here last year? Because I know if she disclosed this information, we would not be in this situation." I tell her, trying to keep a level head. 

"No, she didn't mention anything of it." Callie says. "Callie it's worse. It gets much worse. Her and Arizona had a relationship when she was here and then she ghosted her. No text or call, no nothing. I am assuming she went to your hospital after that. Not only that, but when Y/n was in med school, she was in a relationship with her and Eliza beat her senseless during their relationship. Y/n then turned to self-harming because of her, Callie. Eliza broke her beyond belief and I will be fucking damned if I allow her in this hospital on this case. We are going to the chief's office and revoking any privileges, if she has any yet and I want her escorted out of this building before I choke her out myself." I finish with a frustrated sigh.  

"Done, let's go." She says sternly. We don't fuck with pissed off Torres because I think she has the same thought I do.

We make it to the chief's office and knock on the door.

"Come in!" She shouts. We make our way into the room. "Oh, Dr. Torres! It's so nice to see you!" She says, coming around from her desk.

"Nice to see you, Bailey. But we have a very big problem. You may need to sit down." Callie tells her and we all sit down. Callie had Eliza paged to Dr. Bailey's office.

We explain to her the situation. "Done, privileges revoked effective immediately. I will also be calling the medical board as well to review her license for not disclosing to you that she was previously fired." She says with a frustrated sigh. "I will call the medical board, Miranda. She is my problem." Callie says to her.

"We will also convene the board and Dr. Fox to have her review the affiliations with Catherine Fox Foundation hospitals with Minnick. I am sure she will have the same reaction to everything." I tell them.

Just as I was about to continue, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Dr. Bailey said sternly.

Eliza walks in and looks around to us. "Dr. Minnick, effective immediately and from this point on, you will no longer have privileges at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. This is not up for discussion. And the allegations made against you will not fair well for you in the future." Dr. Bailey says. 

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