Back to Work (Again)

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Y/n's POV

You know, I feel like we already did this back to work thing. Arizona stayed home with me for the few days I was home, even though I insisted she go to work. I knew I better not fight her on this because I know she cares and I know she is looking out for me. I don't want to push her away, I want to let her in. I know we will not always have good days, but I want her here for all of the days.

We spent the few days moving my things into her apartment. We agreed to move into her apartment and leave mine for when we have guests. When I say we moved things, I mean Arizona. She literally moved everything in, she would not let me do anything. It was a bit frustrating at times, but she insisted that she wanted to do it for me. I knew not to fuck with her now. She can be feisty when she's on a war path. She can get her way by simply narrow her eyes at me and giving me THAT face. I don't know what it is, but wow she's good.

It was Monday morning and I was back to work. Dr. Torres was coming at the end of the week to discuss our surgery then surgery was on Wednesday of the next week. I get my stitches out on Thursday, so it's perfect timing. I will be cleared for surgery then and can get back into the OR as a lead surgeon.

For the time being, I am stuck assisting as an observer. Alex took any of my more urgent surgeries and I was able to get Meredith to help with any surgery he wasn't available in.

So for today, Meredith was with Maggie and I for a surgery on a 10 year old girl with a heart condition, but also an sepsis liver. We have to take the liver out and we have a piece of her mother's liver being donated to her. Maggie is there to monitor the heart and Meredith is doing the liver transplant.

We were getting prepped and ready. I scrubbed in just in case. I didn't plan to do anything much, I think my girlfriend would kill me if she saw me doing anything quite frankly other than giving instructions. I planned on just suctioning if Meredith needed because I can use my good hand and giving advice as needed. Pediatric is not just general surgery in miniature, we always tell incoming surgeons.

"Hey Mer, thanks for doing this for me. I know it's not ideal, but Alex and Arizona may kill me if I do too much or anything for that matter." I laugh with her. "It's no problem, Y/n. I really like being in surgery with you. Even if it's just you observing." She tells me. "And yes, they very much would. But we are going to use your good hand for suctioning. We have to keep you in tip top shape for your surgery with Dr. Torres." She says with a smile in her eyes.

"Do you both know Dr. Torres well?" I ask Meredith and Maggie as we continue with the surgery. "She was really close with the both of us until she left. She didn't leave on the best terms with some people here. But we still have nothing but great things to say about her. I haven't really stayed in touch with her." Maggie says.

"I haven't either, but I am happy that she is coming back, at least for this surgery." Meredith says. "Well, Dr. Bailey has nothing but nice things to say about her so I am excited to see what happens." I tell them.

"Apparently we have a few visitors in the gallery today." Meredith says. I look up to see Alex and Arizona sitting in the gallery. Arizona gives me our ear tug and a smile and I give a smile with my eyes. "Feel like riling them up, Y/n?" Meredith says with an evil laugh. "You betcha." I tell her with a smile. I whisper the next part so only Mer, Maggie, and Nurse Linda and Judy can hear. "Okay, here's the plan. Nurse Judy, cut the intercom so they can't communicate with us momentarily. I will go to suctioning with my good hand, Nurse Linda. So if you could step out when I come over, that would be great. Then when they leave, which I know they will, Nurse Linda can take over again. One of them is bound to come barging in here. Who are we betting on? " I laugh with an evil smile under my mask.

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