Timothy Daniel Robbins?

800 23 4

8 months later

Y/n's POV

Wow it was a busy day in the ER. There were kids coming in left and right. I was just about finished with my 3rd surgery of the day. Alex and I worked great together and managed to save this little boy's life. Bikes with no helmets are not a good combination.

As I was scrubbing out of surgery, I got a page to the ER again for a consult. On my way there, I ran into Callie going towards the ER with Sofia. "Consult?" I ask her. "You guessed it, what room?" She asks. "Trauma Room 2." I tell her. "I am needed in trauma room 1, yell over if you need me." She tells me. "I'll take Sofia, it's always kids with me anyway, her cuteness will help them." I give Callie a smile. "I owe you." She says. "I love my niece, you don't owe me anything." I tell her and grab Sofia out of her arms.

We get into the ER and go our separate ways. I grab the chart with Sofia in my arms and notice there is no name on it. Just noted that it is a foster child in the system. I always felt bad for these kids, they didn't have a permanent place to call home. I got my foster license and went through all of the classes when I was back in Boston because I knew I always wanted kids, but before I could go ahead with the process, I accepted the job here in Seattle. 

I read up on the chart and the way it was being charted, this boy was being abused. I needed to get to the bottom of it, so I turned to Sofia and prepared her.

"Hey, baby girl. This little boy is hurt and he may have bruises on his body. I want you to know that I will fix him up and maybe mommy will help to fix him up if she needs to. I want you to be brave for me because he's going to be scared. Can you do that for me, princess?" I ask her with a soft smile. "Of course, Auntie. I will be brave for him!" She says excitedly.

We make our way into the room. I notice a small boy, skinny with bruises on his arms. I think notice a second small girl in the chair next to him, skinny with healing bruises on her arms. "Hi there, my name is Y/n and this is my niece Sofia. Is it okay if she stays with me?" I ask them softly with a smile. 

They both just nod. "Can you tell me where your care givers are?" I ask them. They both nod no and the small girl speaks up. "We will get in trouble." She says, her voice small. "Why would you be in trouble, sweetie?" I ask her. "We ran away. We couldn't take it anymore." She says, beginning to cry.

I slowly make my way over to her and sit on the ground in front of her with Sofia. "You are not in trouble at all, you are safe here. I will protect you. Can you tell me what happened?" I tell her. "He was hurting my brother, he kept saying that he was in trouble and my brother didn't even do anything. My brother was playing with his toys and then he was hurting him. He didn't do anything, my brother didn't do anything wrong!" She said, even louder. I placed my hand on her leg softly, as to not startle her. Her brother reached over and took her hand.

I could really tell that they were there for each other. Then I got looking intently at them. Blue eyes, blonde hair. I needed to investigate further on this, but I have this strange feeling in my stomach.

"I will protect you both, I will ensure you are safe. Do you trust me?" I ask them and they both nod yes. "Okay, this stays between you and I. Not out of this room, I just need to know your name for our records." I tell them. "What is your last name and age?" I ask the little boy.

"Robbins and we are 7 years old." He says. "Oh, my fiancée's last name is Robbins, small world. I think you'd like her, she has blonde hair and blue eyes like you two." I say and give them a big smile. "What is your full name, buddy?" I ask him. "Timothy Daniel Robbins, Jr." He says to me, confidently. I have to pause for a minute, fully knowing that is Arizona's brothers full name.

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