I'm Sorry, Forgive Me

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Arizona's POV

For some reason I was beyond nervous for Y/n to come back. I kicked her out before and that was a boneheaded mistake. I should have never done that. 

I took the time to think of what I was going to say before she got here. It was the middle of the night so I was exhausted, but apologizing to my wife was top of my priority list.

I fiddled nervously with my thumbs waiting for Y/n to return. April had left before so it was just me and my thoughts. Dangerous combo.

"Hey, beautiful." I hear, looking up to see my gorgeous wife in my sweatshirt, sweatpants, and hair in a messy bun. This is my favorite look for her. This was truly how I loved her the most.

I open my arms and move over for her to come lay in bed with me. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." She says softly. "I'm more worried that I hurt you from before." I say sadly. "I'm sorry for making you leave. I should have never done it. I was feeling guilty for the accident and not being more careful, but April whisper yelled at me angrily and knocked some sense into me. I know that accidents can happen to anyone and at any time. That is what they are, accidents. I hate that it happened and I blamed myself. I didn't like seeing Timmy hurt and I was scared of your reaction to hearing he was hurt." I said, taking a breath. Y/n has me in her arms and is slowly playing with my hair.

"I was more concerned that you were both okay, there is no bone in my body that would have been mad at you. I am more mad at the idiot who ran the red light. They could have easily taken two of my favorite people from me. I just want you to know that I am here for you with whatever you need. If you're angry, just let me know and we can take care of it. If you're sad, my shoulder and my chest are your places to cry on. If you're happy, I will be your biggest cheerleader and supporter. Whatever you're feeling, I am here for you. You just have to let me in. You're my wife, so everything you feel, I feel as well. When you're sad, so am I. But I'll try my best to make you feel better. When you're happy, I'm your number one fan. Your victories are mine as well along with your losses. Just as my victories and losses are yours too. I am your biggest supporter and confidant when you need me to be. I feel whatever you feel, that's just how it is. Arizona, whatever you're feeling, just tell me. Don't feel like you can't tell me something just because you think I'll get mad. I mean, even if I do, we have to work through it. We're married, we are going to fight at some points. We aren't going to agree on everything, that's just a fact. But we have to have healthy communication so we know how each other is feeling. You are an incredible human being, Arizona Robbins-Karev. Don't feel like you have to spare my feelings, just because it may cause a fight. That's just what married people do sometimes. As long as the good times far outweigh the bad, then we are perfect." She finishes with a smile and continuing to play with my hair.

"You are amazing, Y/n Robbins-Karev. I'm not sure how I got so incredibly lucky to call you my wife, but I will thank whoever I have to for it. I promise I will be more open with how I am feeling. I won't shut you out, even if I think it may upset you. You're right, healthy couples fight and it's just the reality. I don't want to bottle anything in with you because that's not fair to you. I'm my best version of my self around you, even when I sometimes may not show it. You make me better and that's not an exaggeration. We have two beautiful children and we are raising them to be independent and confident. I want to set that example for them, I want to do that with you. You're my partner in crime and I can't think of anyone better to go through this with." I finish and I press my lips to hers softly and tenderly. 

We pull away from each other with big smiles on our faces. Our foreheads rest on each others for minutes, content with the silence that is around us. 

Y/n's POV

"Babe...you may kill me for this." Arizona says. "Oh, what did you do?" I ask her with a shocked face. "Nothing, nothing. It's more of something I want..." She says nervously. "Well babe, we are in a hospital, but we did do it in the bathroom before.." I say with a smirk.

"Not that, you sex maniac!" She says with a playful smack to my arm with a genuine laugh. "Alright, alright. What is it, mommas?" I ask her with a smile.

She takes a deep breath. "I want us to have a baby." She says nervously and buries her head in my chest, seeming to not want to see my reaction.

I lift her chin with two of my fingers and give her a soft kiss. "Yes." I say simply and unwavering. "Wait, yes?? Like we are having a baby??" She asks, seeming to still be dumbfounded at the fact that I said yes. "Of course, there is nothing I want more than to have a baby with you. I mean, who knows, twins run in both families." I say with a smirk. "Oh my god, can you imagine? We would have two sets of twins to deal with. Hey, now I feel left out! I'm not a twin." She says with a cute pout.

"That's okay, You're still the coolest mommy I know. Oh, and the sexiest." I say with another smirk. "Smooth talking will get you everywhere, Robbins-Karev." She says with an equal smirk.

"So, we're having a baby." I say with the biggest smile. "We're having a baby." She repeats back. 

"Alright, then I want to be honest with you. No judgement?" I ask her. "Absolutely no judgement, baby." She says as she plays with my hair, as I am holding onto her protectively.

"I'm not sure I will be able to carry any babies. I've had multiple operations, a transplant, cancer, you name it and I've probably had it. I still want to get confirmation that I can't and I don't manage my expectations very well when it comes to this stuff, so I need you to keep me grounded. We will have a baby together, I just want you to know upfront that there is a high possibility that I won't be able to carry." I tell her with sad eyes.

"I'm so proud of you, Y/n. Thank you for communicating that with me. I never expected you to be the one to carry our baby, I hope I didn't make you think that. We can go see Addie at some point and have you give us our options. I am more than happy to carry our baby. Nothing would make me happier." She says and looks up to give me a kiss to the lips. 

"I do have one request though." She says. "What is that?" I ask her curiously. "Since Timmy and Sammy kind of look like me already, can we use your eggs with the donor's? I want a mini Y/n running around." She says to me with such love in her eyes.

I start to tear up and before I know it, tears are running down my cheeks. "Honestly, you somehow manage to make me speechless all the time. I love that idea, Arizona. Thank you for thinking of me, it means everything." I tell her as she wipes away my tears with her thumb. "My favorite thing to do is to make you smile, I hope I achieved that." She says shyly. "You did, baby. I am so happy and these are happy tears." I say with a big smile and then bring her in for a kiss. 

"We're having a baby." She repeats once more. "We are having a baby." I say again.

With that, we drift off into a comfortable sleep in each other's arms. I am so blessed to have such an incredible family. 

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