Our Future

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10 years later

No one's POV

"Alright everyone, move your butts! We are not missing Mama's ceremony!" Arizona says to her kids. 

Here they come running. Benjamin, Natalie, and Nathan are first. The triplets are always the first ones. The twins are never particularly motivated.

"Timothy Daniel and Samantha Arizona, you better be ready!" Arizona says. "Mom, we are here! We had to get the triplets' backpacks set!" Sammy says. 

The now 18 year olds have been helpful with the triplets, they always have been. "Okay, thank you two." Arizona say as she gives them both a kiss on the cheek. "Mom!" Timmy whined and wiped his cheek. She gave him another kiss. "That's for wiping my first one off." She tells him with a look. He gives her a sheepish smile.

"Okay, Timmy, you take the boys and Sammy and I have Natalie." Arizona tells the plan to everyone. "Let's go see Mama." She says to everyone as they load up into the cars.

They made it to the hospital and went to the auditorium in the Pediatric wing. They convinced the board that it would be good for doctors to learn more on Peds and for the kids if they ever wanted to do movie nights or something of that nature.

"Thank you everyone, please be seated. It is my distinct pleasure and honor to bring you here today to recognize and promote this exceptional person to the highest of positions you can get in the hospital. She is a two time Catherine Fox Foundation Award winner and mom to 5 amazing children here today in the front row. Without further ado, please give a big round of applause to our new Chief of Chiefs, Dr. Y/n Robbins-Karev!" Dr. Bailey finishes.

The crowd roars and gives a standing ovation to Dr. Robbins-Karev as she enters the stage. She blows a kiss to all of her family and signs I love you to them. They all sign back to her. Knowing sign language become so important to them because their son Nathan was born with severe hearing loss, so sign language was always something they needed.

"Thank you, Dr. Bailey. It is my honor to accept this position as Chief of Chiefs. I would not be here today if it wasn't for the dedication of many surgeons and great friends along the way. My kids in the front row are who keep me young and keep me on my toes, always learning something new regardless of what it is." She pauses with a laugh and the crowd laughs as well. "My biggest thank you has to go to my incredible wife. She has been nothing but supportive and loving throughout the years and we have this amazing family that I couldn't be more thankful for. But with that being said, I do need my wife to make her way to the stage." Y/n says, waving Arizona to the stage. 

Arizona looks as confused as ever as she gets Natalie off her lap and seats her with Sammy. Y/n goes over and grabs her wife's hand to get her up on stage. "What are you doing, Y/n?" Arizona asked, still confused. "You'll see, baby. It's good I promise." Y/n says.

"My wife is an incredible surgeon. Pediatrics and Fetal, I mean who does that? Being a Catherine Fox Foundation Award winner herself, it's only fair we commemorate that joyous time with something even more special. Even though my wife is part of the board, I asked the other members to keep this discrete. I wanted to surprise her with this so hopefully I'm not in too much trouble with her later." Y/n says with a smirk.

"Alright everyone, my wife is my favorite person and she is more deserving this than anyone. So without delaying it further, I am pleased to announce that you are now sitting in the Dr. Arizona Robbins-Karev Auditorium." She says with a smile to her wife, who was standing there with her mouth agape. Workers dropped the drape over the sign to reveal the sign.

Dr. Arizona Robbins-Karev Auditorium

"You're incredible, baby. You deserve this." Y/n whispers to Arizona. Arizona turns to her to give her a lingering kiss with them. It is interrupted by their kids coming and wrapping them in a group hug as the crowd is still clapping and hollering.

"We did it, this is our happy ending." Arizona says. "We did it." Y/n says.

"I love you, Y/n Isabella Robbins-Karev." Arizona says.

"I love you, Arizona Robbins-Karev." Y/n says and presses another kiss to her lips as the family continues to hug one another. One big happy family.


Author's Notes: I hate to end the book so sudden, but I have a new book out and I have more ideas for that one then this, but I wanted to at least put this one to bed. It was getting quite lengthy to begin with, but I am excited for this new book. It's called 'Look Up Child' and I have the first chapter up now.

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