House of Cards

806 28 13

Y/n's POV 

It was now 3:30pm and there was no sign of Arizona. I may have just ruined the best relationship I've ever been in. I kept this from her, I guess I deserved it. 

I took this opportunity to just try and fall back asleep. I had no reason to be awake, there was no one in the room. 

Just then, Richard knocked on the door and came in. "Hey, Y/n. Up for a game of cards?" He asks. "Sure, Richard. It's evident she's not coming back." I tell him sadly. "Give her time, she will come around." He says to me.

He pulls out his phone and I don't think anything of it. Then just leaves it on the table. 

"Richard, I just ruined the best relationship I have ever been in. She's not coming back." I tell him with a sad face. "What's your favorite thing about her?" He asks me. "There's too much to even say, but if I had to choose it would have to be how protective she is of me, even though she thinks I hate it, I secretly adore it and how much she cares about me. We are best friends and she always checks up on me to make sure I am okay. And she is okay with me not being okay. She asks me what she can do to make it better or help. She does this adorable thing with her nose and how it crinkles when she's trying to not laugh when it's a serious time. I just want to make her laugh in those moments to see if she'll crack." I tell him with a laugh.

"What do you want most for her?" He asks me. "More than anything, I want her to be happy. She deserves happiness in her life. She deserves to get all the butterflies in her stomach and someone who turns her world. She deserves that much and so much more. Richard, I fucked up. I really did." I say as I sink my head in my hands. "You didn't, just trust me." He tells me.

"It just hurts." I tell him. He takes his phone and puts it in his pocket after sending a text it looks like. 

"Alright, Y/n. Ready to get your butt kicked in Blackjack?" He asks me with a smile. "In your dreams, Richard." I say as I give him a small smile. 

We were playing for about an hour before Mer and Alex came walking in holding a sunflower in each of their hands. "That's my cue, gotta go." Richard says, walking quickly out the door. "Wait, Richard!" I say and he continues walking.

'We've already told you our reasons we want you to stay, but I think a few others have something to tell you." Meredith says with a smile and comes to give me a hug. "I love you, Y/n. More than anything." Alex says and they both walk out the door.

I was so confused. What was going on?

Just then Jackson comes walking in with Maggie, both with sunflowers. They bring a vase with them and place all the sunflowers in the vase. "Y/n, you have made such an impact in my life in the time I have known you. You have given me a little sister that I didn't know I needed. I have learned to have more grace and patience with you here and you make this place better, simply by just being here. I hope you find a reason to stay with us because you are the glue to this family, you keep us together." Jackson finishes with a smile. "Y/n, you simply are an incredible person and I cannot think of someone better to be head of pediatrics. You care so deeply for those kids and it is my privilege to work with you on any peds cases. You are so eloquent. I hope you stay, and if not, I hope you will stay in contact with us." Maggie finishes.

They both walk out the doors. No more than five minutes later, Link and Miranda come through the doors with sunflowers in hand and they put them in the vase. "Y/n Karev, my wiggleworm. What can I even say about you that you don't know already? You are my cancer buddy. As horrible as that sounds, you are one of the only people who was able to cheer me up about being a cancer survivor. We have been through so much together and I hope we get to go through more together, good and bad. I am here for you." Link finishes. "Dr. Karev, or shall I say, Y/n. In the short time you have been here, you have impacted so many lives. The patients and parents have so many amazing things to say about you. The doctors here adore you. You are loved and admired by many. I hope you choose to stay, but I respect if you do not." Miranda. says.

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