Are You With Me?

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Y/n's POV

Mer and Alex came running into the room, out of breath. I was really in for it. I guess I deserved it. 

They both looked at me for a few seconds and simply sat down next to me on each side. Mer climbed into the bed with me and wrapped my arms around her. 

"Talk to us. Tell us what's going on? Arizona said you were thinking of leaving?" Mer said to me while stroking my hair. "I didn't want you to find out like this, it wasn't my intention." I tell them.

"But, why are you thinking this? It doesn't make sense." Alex chimes in. "I have caused so much pain to enough people, to Arizona for that matter. So much has happened because of my presence here." I tell them. 

"None of this is your fault. The shooting was happening with or without you. Lauren being here was inevitable, along with Eliza. None of it was your fault. You have made our lives so much better and complete. You complete this family, Y/n. You are Alex's twin and best friend. No one can compete with what you two have, not even me. If you go, it'll shatter everyone here. But Alex, Arizona, and I will be shattered the most." Meredith says.

Just then, Dr. Carr knocks on the door and enters. "Hi everyone, is this a good time Y/n?" He asks me. "Yes, Dr. Carr. Do you mind if they stay?" I ask him, referring to Mer and Alex. "That's up to you. I'm okay with it." He says to me.

Mer says up with me and snuggles closer. She strokes my head as she always does and just listens intently, along with Alex.

I explain to Dr. Carr what my thinking was and what is going on in my head at the moment. 

He then looks at both Alex and Mer. "I pose this question to Alex and Meredith. Does Y/n's presence here cause you pain or hurt you?" He says.

"The exact opposite. Y/n, you're my twin. You are my other half, my better half. We are two halves of one whole. You complete me. 17 years apart is long enough for me to know that I can't going through seeing you leave again. I don't know if my heart could physically take it. I can't force you to stay, but I will fight like hell for you to. Tell me what you need, and I will do it. I will do anything for you to stay." Alex finishes.

"Y/n, in the time that I've known you, this place has turned around for the better. You have boosted morale, you have brought so much joy into our lives, and you bring the comedy and jokes. The kids in the peds wing are so lucky to have you, and when you and Alex are together, you two are simply unstoppable. The two of you together is something remarkable and I don't want to see that end. You're my person, Y/n. So selfishly, I want you to stay, but if you want to go, I will truly miss you. It will not be the same here without you, so please stay. Please consider staying." Meredith says as she continues to stroke my hair.

"Y/n, just these two clearly love you and want you to stay. We have to work past your guilt and they are showing you that they want you here. No one can stop you from leaving, but there are so many people that want you to stay." Dr. Carr says. I nod to him.

"I think that's all for today. Y/n, I hope to see you stay. You are an exceptional surgeon and incredible person." He says to me with a smile.

He leaves the room and I am left with Meredith and Alex. We sit in a comfortable silence for a while before I fall asleep.

Arizona's POV

I needed to do something for Y/n to show that I want her to stay. But I needed her to know that I would support her with whatever she decided. Hell, I would go wherever she went. I don't care, I just wanted to be with her, that's all I knew. 

I paged everyone to the conference room, and everyone started to shuffle in. We had Amelia, Maggie, Jackson, Link, Richard, Miranda, Addison, Jo, Nicole, Andrew, Schmitt, April, and Callie in the room.

"Sorry to bring you all in here. I know it's strange, but we need all of you. Y/n is considering leaving Grey-Sloan because she thinks she has caused enough harm with the events that have happened while she has been here." I start.

"What, that's nonsense." Jackson starts. "How is that possible? If anything, Y/n has brought us closer together since she has been here." Amelia says.

"I haven't known her for that long, but she seems like someone worth getting to know." Callie says. "If you have the privilege to know Y/n Karev in your lifetime, you are better for it. There is no doubt in my mind about that." Addison chimes in.

"I know, I think the same thing as everyone. That's why I am thinking we all need to go see her and show her how much she means to us." I start. "Her favorite flowers are sunflowers. I need someone to buy the store out of them and bring them back here. We each individually will go to her room and tell her how her being here has impacted us." I tell them with conviction. 

"I have to go last. Richard said that I am the main reason she would stay, so I have to be last. You can say no, but I think you all are big parts of Y/n's life so that's why I called you here." I finish.

"I will go get the flowers." Callie offers. "I will go with you, Cal." Addison speaks. "Thank you both." I tell them with a smile.

"Andrew, can you do me a favor and pick up this from the store? I just ordered it for her and pick up is in half an hour." I ask him. "Say no more, send me the information and I am going." He says. I send him the information and he is off. 

"Schmitt and I could go around to the peds wing and see if some of the patients are willing to speak on video of how much Dr. Karev means to them." Jo suggests. "Jo, that's perfect. I agree, and you can show it to her when you both go in." I tell her with a smile. 

"Miranda." I say, calling her over. "I need you to approve time off in a month for Alex and Y/n. They need to go home to for their mom's birthday and to visit her grave. Approve time off for Mer and I. I don't know if they want us to go, but I just want to be prepared." I tell her. "Done. Send me the dates and I will approve anything." She said without hesitation. 

"Richard, I need you to go back to Y/n and distract her. But subtly let Mer and Alex know what we are doing. I will text them both, but I am not sure if they will see it." I tell him. "You got it, I'll bring cards to play with her." He says with a smile.

"April, I need you to come with me. I am about to burst of I don't know what and I need you to calm me down." I tell her, pleading. "Come on, let's go for a walk. You're all wound up. Just breathe, come on." She says to me.

We all go our separate ways and set off to the mission ahead. I hope this could show her how much she means to everyone in this hospital.

Man, I really hope she stays. But I hope she will still want to be with me.

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