First Day Jitters (Part 1)

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Arizona's POV

I woke up to a slight headache from the drinking I did last night. I wanted to drink the girlfriend who ghosted me into oblivion. 

Then I got to wondering who brought me home, because I was safely in my bed tucked in. Then I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and it looked like I had a kiss/lips mark on my forehead. I washed it off as I continued to get ready for my day. 

I went to the kitchen and found two glasses of water and a bottle of Advil on top of a note. 

The outside read Battleship. When I opened it, it read in beautiful handwriting: 

Good morning Arizona, take two Advils when you see this and drink both of these glasses of water. It always helps me when I am hungover. I'm glad I was able to get you home safely. 

Anyways, I am right across the hall if you every need anything :)

See you around! 

-Dr. Y/n Karev (Phone number)

When I read the first name I remember who this way. She was stunning and I couldn't keep my eyes off her when she was talking. She got me home safely? And she left me her phone number?

Then I read the last name and had to take a breath. Alex's sister was the one who brought me back to my house and she also lives right across the hall from me?! 

I had a crush on Alex's sister that he hasn't seen in 17 years?! Oh wow, this really is something.

I finish getting ready and walk over to the hospital. I actually love living close to the hospital, more time to sleep in. I took my phone out as I was walking to thank Y/n for getting me home safely.

Arizona: Hey, it's Arizona. Thank you for getting me home safely. You're my hero :) 

I quickly got a response from Y/n.

Y/n: Hi, Battleship. I'm always happy to do it. You have my number now, so I'm your girl if you ever need someone. :)

After that, I put my phone away with a smile. This day just got a whole lot better.

I then felt my pager vibrate. I was being paged by Dr. Bailey to the main lobby stairs. I wonder what that could be about?

Alex's POV

Why did Dr. Bailey page us to the main lobby. Is she going to make some big speech for something again?

I get there and take my spot next to Arizona. "What could she possibly want to hype us up about now?" I say without saying good morning. She jumps a little as if I scared her. "O--oh I have no idea. I was just as confused as you." She says timidly.

"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." I laugh. "I was ghosted by my girlfriend. That was a low blow." She snarls and looks away. "Arizona, come on. You know I didn't mean it like that." I say, but before I could speak up again Dr. Bailey starts.

"Good morning everyone! Today is a big day for our Pediatric Surgery department. With Dr. Robbins switch to Fetal Surgery, we needed to fill our Head of Pediatric Surgery position. We are very fortunate to have a world-class pediatric surgeon and OB/GYN coming to us from Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. She is a member of the Fellow American College of Surgeons and Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She has a list of accomplishments longer than I can even make in a speech and at 33 years old, I can only hope she will be here for years to come. So, instead of me blabbing on about it, Dr. Y/n Karev, please come up and say a few words for us!" Dr. Bailey finished.

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