Long Lost and on the Run

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Arizona's POV


Why did I say that? Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut for five more minutes to let it all sink in more and to understand where she was coming from?

She was trying her best and I just blew up at her. I lost my temper and blew up at her. How am I going to fix this? I know she said she wanted to be alone, but she gave away her hiding spot to me, she told me to come find her. 

I had to go get her, I needed to apologize for what I said. It was in the heat of the moment and I regret it so much.

I get out of the hospital and go to the store and buy as many sunflowers as they possibly have.

It had been an hour now so Y/n should be at our spot. I was so nervous and scared for what she would do. 

I get to the park and look around. Sure enough she is over on the bench overlooking the city. I get out of the car, grabbing the flowers, slowly making my way over nervously.

I see she is trying to catch her breath with her head in her hands. I place the sunflowers on the bench and she props up. I move behind her and place my hands on her shoulders and move down to whisper in her ear. "I'm sorry, baby. Can we talk?" I ask her innocently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be here. I'll see you back at the hospital. I'll leave you alone." She says and gets up sadly, looking very defeated. "No, no. I don't want you to go. I came to find you. I came to profusely apologize for what I said to you." I tell her. "It's alright, I deserved it. I didn't tell you right away, so I deserved your anger." She tells me as she slumps back on the bench.

"Y/n, you didn't deserve anything I said to you. You were trying your best in the situation you were given. I should have taken the time to understand how hard it must have been for you to have to tell me this. You took the time to call my parents and ask them what was going on. You needed time to think and get through the surgery. You got through the surgery, probably still distracted by the fact of who this was. Then on top of that, you had to come tell me. And I just blew up at you. Yes, this came as a shock to me. I am still in shock, but I had no reason to speak to you the way I did. There is no excuse for it." I tell her. 

"You were shocked, I told you I went about the situation wrong so I deserved all of your answer. I get it. You deserve to be angry at someone, so let it be me." She tells me, looking even more defeated. "I don't think there was any other way to go about the situation. If you told me, you would have been even more distracted in surgery and something could have happened. I am not angry at you, I refuse to be angry at you. If anything, you should be angry with me. I am sorry for everything I said, I am not going to make an excuse for that either. I am truly sorry, Y/n. I was just so jumbled in my thoughts that I took it out on you." I tell her.

"I told you to. You needed someone, so I let it be me. I'm sorry I didn't stay, I know I should have stayed." She tells me sadly, looking into my eyes with so much guilt. I took my hand and brought it to her cheek. "No, you have nothing to apologize for. Nothing at all. I treated you unfairly with the cards you were dealt. You did what you thought was right in the moment, and taking the time to reflect on it, you were right in this situation. You needed Callie to help you understand the situation better and working together, and you needed to ask my parents about the situation. If anything, I am upset with them for not telling me." I finish.

"Don't de too upset with them. Tim wanted to keep them a surprise so he could come back to you and you could watch them grow up with him. And they probably didn't tell you because they lost contact with the mother and then all together, so they probably knew you'd be wrecked with the guilt to try and find them or something. What they hid from you is inexcusable and wrong, but just try to understand why." She tells me.

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