Where Does the Good Go?

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3 weeks later

Arizona's POV

Timmy has been recovering very well. He needs to be here a little while longer and Sammy hasn't left his side. Y/n had to pull some strings for her to stay with him, but somehow Y/n was able to convince the right people.

We had to figure out what was going to happen after Timmy gets out. I want to take them in with me so badly, but I have to make sure Y/n is okay with that. I can't just spring this on her without discussing it with her. 

What I was not prepared for is for the foster parent to come to the hospital today, demanding he takes them back.

At first I heard someone shouting and thought it was two doctors disagreeing, but then I heart Y/n's calm and collected voice respond back, so I knew I had to see what was going on. 

"Sir, I can assure you, you will not be getting those children back. So I suggest you leave the premises right now, or I will be forced to call the authorities." Y/n said with a cool head. 

I admired that about her, she kept a level head in situations like this.

Then the man grew angrier and started to move towards Y/n. "You can't keep them here, they're mine. I take care of them! I feed them! I do everything for them!" He shouts. 

"Unfortunately, you will be unable to see them or take them. I will be forced to call a code white if you continued to come any closer or continue to shout." Y/n says calmly.

The man was anything but calm, and continued to grow closer to her. I didn't hesitate and took my pager and paged the code white.



The automated overhead system announced. The doors to the peds floor locked from the inside so no one could go out, but people could come in.

"You don't know who you are messing with, do you?!" He asks her, with such anger in his eyes. Y/n doesn't answer, instead just continues to look at him. "I am a very powerful figure in downtown, I have people who could make your life miserable." He snickered. "You're done, you hear me?! You're done." He finishes.

Just then, security guards come rushing in to apprehend the man. Before they could catch him, he got close enough to Y/n where he swung and his fit met with her cheek.

Seconds later, the security guards tackled the man to the ground.

Y/n was standing there, with her hand holding her cheek, hunched over in pain. I ran over to her as fast I could and held onto her waist. "Baby, shh, you're okay. You're okay." I tell her. I go down onto my knees and go in front of her grasping her free cheek.

"Hey, let me look. Let me look, baby." I tell her. She let's go of her cheek and I examine her face. "It's already turning red and into a bruise baby. Lemme see the inside of your mouth, check on in there." I tell her. She keeps her mouth closed, but I can see when she takes her lip together, there is blood that settles on them.

We were right by a supply shelf, so I grabbed a bin and she spit blood into it. More blood than I would have liked. "I need 3 units of o-neg blood and IV fluids to room 4, NOW!" I yell to anyone hearing me.

Everyone moves in all different directions and Meredith comes running over to us. "What do you need, what can I do?" Mer asks.

"Take her on the other side and let's get her to the room." I say, with a shaky breath. Mer takes her other side and we go to the room down the hall. I was hoping we got her set up before anything really happens.

Hoping we caught her in time so she didn't pass out. I am fumbling with the needle because I am trying to work too fast and couldn't get the wrapper off. Y/n grabbed my arm softly to calm me down. "Hey, hey. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. Just breathe, you're just sticking me, I'll be okay." She says to me.

Mer gets the blood set up as well. "Okay, I'm sorry, baby. Big pinch." I tell her and start. She winces and then she relaxes. I give her a kiss on the forehead when we were done. 

There she was laying, in the same position we were in so many times before. I always keep in the back of my mind the thought of how many times she would come back to me. How many times will this happen until one day she just doesn't? I hate thinking that way, but it scares me. 

She seems to sense that about me in the moment and she takes me to stop what I am doing. She grabs my arm and moves her wires out of the way for me to lay with her.

I swear, this woman knows me better than I know myself. I carefully lay down next to her with my arms protectively around her stomach. I look up and check her cheek again. Brushing carefully with my finger, she flinched at the contact. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll stop. I just wanted to check on it." I tell her. "It's alright, honey. It hurts, but nothing I can't handle." She tells me. 

Maybe now was the time to talk about Timmy and Sammy. "Are you going to fall asleep on me, cutie? I wanted to talk to you about something." I tell her, nervously.

"I'm awake. What's wrong, baby?" She asks me. "Nothing at all, it's about Sammy and Timmy." I tell her. "Yes." She says, quickly and confidently. "What?" I ask her, confused clearly.

Y/n's POV

"My answer is yes." She tells me, looking directly into my eyes. "You don't even know what I am going to say." I say and give a little chuckle. "It's easy and a clear no brainer. You want to foster Timmy and Sammy. We have to make that decision together since we are partners so you have to ask me. So my answer is yes. Yes, I will foster them with you. And I hope one day when it comes, you'll allow me to adopt them with you because I very much want to be a part of your family with them." I tell her with no hesitation. 

"Okay, so we are rounding back to mind reader here." She says with a big laugh. "I am not, Arizona." I say with a laugh. "But I am serious. I want this with you. We've talked about kids and I don't care how we have kids, I really don't. Although, I envisioned maybe 2 or 3 more, this is a good start." I tell her with another laugh.

"We're really doing this?" She looks at me sincerely and with such love. "No hesitation, we are definitely doing this." I tell her and bring her lips to mine. 

Just as we were kissing, we were interrupted but two little beans coming into the room. "Auntie Y/n, what happened? We heard that mean man in the hallway and stayed in the room. We were scared, but then we saw you get hurt. Are you mad at us?" Timmy asks us.

Without saying anything, I open my arms for them to come into them. "Careful, babies. Auntie Y/n is fragile right now. So be gentle." Arizona tells them. They get in the small hospital bed at the end of it with their hands on my legs. "I am not mad at either of you at all." She says to them. "But he was the mean man that had us, he was here because of us." Sammy chimes in.

"And now he's gone, he can't get you. You're safe with us. Now Auntie and I have something to ask you." I tell them and they look at us hopeful.

"Okay, you two. We were wondering how you would feel about coming to live with us after Timmy gets released. Auntie Y/n and I want you to come live with us, but we wanted to see how you felt. We wouldn't do anything you weren't comfortable with." Arizona says nervously.

Timmy and Sammy looked at each other with giddy faces and then Sammy started to cry, I think it was happy tears. "We would love that, Auntie Arizona." Timmy says with a giant smile. Sammy gets off the bed and hugs Arizona.

Arizona wraps her in a hug and gives her a kiss on the head. Timmy cautiously makes his way to me when I hold out my arms. He lays on my chest and I wrap my arms around him and kiss his head repeatedly. 

This seems to be the start of our own little family and I am ecstatic for it.

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