Code Silver!

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Y/n's POV

Arizona and I grew closer as friends and I truly was grateful for the time were were spending with each other.

I got to know her better and know what it was like for her when she went through all of her life hardships.

I got an understanding that the beautiful perky blonde was not always this perky person. She had her struggles just like anyone. She apparently was better at hiding it. I knew how she hid it though, so I understood when she was lying and when she was telling the truth.

We always worked so well in the OR together, Dr. Bailey would always try and put us on the schedule because we worked so eloquently together.

We were in the hallway, standing near the nurses' station just chatting away while filling out charts.

"Okay, so what are your thoughts on the latest episode of Station 19?" She asks. "Unbelievable! Those people dancing, I swear they had to be on some sort of drug!" I said with a hearty laugh. I looked up and she was laughing with me. 

"I mean seriously, there is no way they were sober for that!" She says and we laugh again. We are interrupted by a gentleman asking for Dr. Robbins.

"Dr. Robbins." He said sort of angrily. "Yes, can I help you with something, sir?" She said in a confused tone. "You don't remember me. Do you?" He asks. "I am sorry, sir. I have many patients and parents I see on a daily basis." She says back.

He then holds up a picture and Arizona instantly remembers him. "Oh, Mason. He was such a good boy. I do miss him and think about him all the time." She says. Just then I noticed him fidgeting with his jacket pocket a little too much. "Well I don't know why I brought him here, YOU KILLED HIM!" He started to yell. I noticed what he had in his pocket. I positioned myself right in back of Arizona and whispered discreetly in her ear. "You are going to take my pager with a hand behind your back. Hide it and page a code silver to every fucking person in this building. Now get behind me." I finished. She hesitated and then did as she was told.

Just as we were switching, he pulled the gun and held it up towards me. "I don't want you, I want to KILL HER." He yells again and I put my hands up. "Unfortunately, I can't let you do that. She is too valuable to us for you to do that. She is brilliant and kind and a beautiful person inside and out. A lot of people would be sad if she was gone. I know I would be." I paused and felt Arizona right up against me. Without making any sudden movements, I leaned back against her. Finding some comfort in having her close to me.

"Mason wouldn't want you to do this. Dr. Robbins did everything she could to save him, I was up in the gallery watching the surgery. She did everything right. He just couldn't be saved, his heart wasn't strong enough." I say. "You don't get to talk about my son like that, you didn't know him!" He continues to yell.

"I didn't get to know him, but you know who he reminded me of? He reminded me of my son who died." I said and I found Arizona discreetly rubbing my back for support. "His heart also wasn't strong enough and he died too. He was called home to be with my parents and my grandparents. My twin brother doesn't even know about my son. He also works here. Mason had another purpose in life and he wouldn't want you to do this. Please put the gun down. No one wants to hurt you." I finish. He starts to put the gun down until he saw out of the corner of his eye the police were coming right towards him. 

He raised his gun and BANG. I saw Alex then tackle him hard before falling to the ground in someone's arms. 

Arizona's POV

NO NO NO NO. Y/n was bleeding in my arms because of me. I should have never let her make me get behind her. I did my best to get constant pressure on the wound. She was bleeding out from her chest.

This was bad, this was so bad. I needed help, and I needed it yesterday. "Page Pierce, Kepner, Bailey, PAGE EVERYONE." I scream to anyone that would hear me. The police take the man into custody and Alex comes running over while I am holding pressure and stroking her hair. 

"Shh, you're okay. You're going to be okay. Look at me, look right at me beautiful. You're going to be okay. Stay awake. Stay awake for me." I try to tell her. She gives me a faint smile when I see blood to start to come out of her mouth and I knew we needed to move now. 

I had Alex and a nurse grab a gurney and we ran towards the OR. The others were in the process of scrubbing in when we came sailing through the doors. Pierce came in first and assessed the situation. Then Kepner came over to me, making sure to not get too close as to not break scrub. 

"Arizona, we've got her. You both need to get out of here." April says. "No, I'm not leaving her!!" Alex and I say at the same time. "You two, get in the gallery NOW!" Bailey comes in and demands. Usually family or close friends are not allowed in the gallery, but I think she was trying to get us to cooperate and get us out as quickly as possible. 

I go over to Y/n's head and placed a light kiss on her forehead and whispered, "Come back to me, Y/n. I need you." 

With that I took Alex by the scrubs and dragged him out of the OR and up into the gallery. "Arizona, sit down. Pacing back and forth is not going to make it pass any faster." Alex says, pulling me down to a chair and he slinked an arm around me. 

Just then the monitors started to beep erratically and we both jump up from our seats and hands onto the gallery window. "She's crashing, internal paddles. NOW!" They are trying to work quickly and everything seems to be going by too fast. "Charge to 5.....CLEAR!" Maggie says. "Charge to 10....CLEAR!!!" Maggie says again. There it was, sinus rhythm. Maggie looked up to us and gave a nod before resuming her work.

They were working on Y/n for what felt like 12 hours, they got everything under control. Alex had fallen asleep on my shoulder after I had to calm him down from having a panic attack. He loved his sister more than anything, and it would kill me to see him lose her. 

I gently tap on shoulder to wake him up and startled him a bit. He looked down to the OR and saw they were pretty much finished. I got up without saying a word and reached for his hand. He took it and got up. We kept our hands together and I took my opposite hand and put it on his arm and leaned my head against his arm. We walked slowly down the hall and were met by Y/n being rolled into an ICU recovery room. 

Maggie stopped us along the way. "Now I don't have to tell either of you that you cannot go in there for another two hours. She did well, other than at the beginning. You two saved her. You saved Y/n." She said as she save us a sad smile.

We both head to an on-call room and I set an alarm for exactly 2 hours from now so we could be up when we were allowed to go see Y/n. 

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