Rise and Shine

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Y/n's POV

Today's the day I get my stitches out and I have a sweet surprise planned for Arizona tonight. I've put her through enough this week. So she deserves a nice night.

"Babe, can't you just take my stitches out before we go?" I yell from the kitchen. "And risk messing up your million dollar hand, absolutely not. Jackson will do it, and he'll make you all better." She says sweetly, walking into the kitchen. She gives me a quick kiss on the lips before she starts a pot of coffee. "I wish I made a million dollars." I say laughing.

"Walking or driving today, baby?" Arizona asks sweetly. " I'm in no rush, and I want as much time with you as I can, so let's walk." I tell her with a smile. "I was hoping you'd say that." She looks at me with a sweet smile.

"You hungry? I'm making myself some eggs and toast." I ask her. "Mmm, not too hungry. But if I get hungry before we leave, I'll steal some of yours." She says with a wink. "You will not, Robbins." I say to her with a glare. I start to make extra for her to have.

"Do you just last name me?" She says in a fake shocked voice. "Maybe I did or maybe I didn't." I tell her in a sarcastic voice. She wraps her arms around me and starts to tickle me and won't stop. 

"Alright, Alright!" I tell her, surrendering and out of breath. "That's what I thought." She says with a smirk. "Who knew Battleship would be so feisty in the morning. Come here." I tell her with my arms open. 

She walks away from me and sits on the counter. I look at her with puppy eyes and a sad face. "That's for calling me feisty." She says with a mean glare.

I give her one more sad face before returning to cooking breakfast. Arizona gets up and makes her way around the counter again and wraps her arms around my waist and puts her head in the crook of my neck. She plants light kisses to my neck, earning a small moan out of me. 

"Arizona.." I manage to moan out. "We still have time." I tell her. "Mmm nope. We have to go." She says, planting one late kiss on my neck before releasing me to make her coffee.

"You know, I don't like you sometimes." I tell her, annoyed. "Good thing I love you enough for the both of us." She tells me as she laughs. I plate the eggs and toast as it's finished.

"Babe, I made you some." I tell her. "Thanks, honey. You're the best." She says with a smile. "I know." I smirk at her. "You know, you act so much like your brother sometimes." She tells me with a laugh.

I gasp and say, "I am OFFENDED." Pouting at her as if she told me a horrible insult. "Relax, you drama queen." She says with a hearty laugh. "I mean, if you're going to call me a queen.." I start in and get up to struct my stuff.

Arizona laughs so loud at this and I can't help but smile, thinking of how much I love her laugh and her smile. I love everything about her. 

We finish up breakfast, grab our coffees and head downstairs to walk to the hospital.

For once it's not raining so we take our time walking in this morning.

"Alright, lay it on me. What do you have today?" I ask her. "Mmm, surgery at 11 with Herman. She's letting me do the last part of the surgery and close today. It's a long surgery, I should be out by 5." She says excitedly. "I'm there. Well up in the gallery at least." I tell her while holding her hand, squeezing it slightly.

"You don't have to, babe. It's not that exciting." She says. "Uhh, everything about fetal surgery is exciting. You are basically doing surgery blind on an unborn baby. If that isn't badass, then I don't know what is." I tell her proudly. "Head of Pediatrics is pretty badass, oh and dare I say sexy." She says with a smirk. I lean over and press a soft kiss on her lips as we continue walking to the hospital. 

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