What Do You Mean?

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Y/n's POV

I was so excited today. I had a few days before I was going back to work. I was cleared by all of my doctors, but I didn't want to rush back into it. 

I had a presentation that I was doing at Seattle Pres with the head of Pediatrics over there, Dr. Sydney Herron. We went to medical school together so it would be a treat to see her again. I heard she did get a little more annoying after she graduated. I wasn't sure if that was even possible, but apparently it is. 

I decided to take a taxi to the hospital since it wasn't within walking distance of my house and i didn't want to drive my car.

Sydney said to go through the ER to get to the classroom, so I make my way inside. I am just about to make it out of the ER when I hear a familiar voice.

"Auntie Y/n!" I hear them say. I snap my head over to see Sofia. Her shirt was blood stained and her nanny, Anne was with her. I have met her a few times before.

"Sofia, what happened?" I ask her and look at Anne as well. "I got hit with a softball, we were throwing at practice and it missed my glove and hit my face. My head hurts too." She says sadly.

"Has anyone come to see you yet? How long have you been waiting?" I ask Anne. "They checked us in and got us to a bed and that's it. We have been here for over an hour?" Anne says sadly. 

"WHAT?" I yell and see Sofia wince. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm here now. I won't leave you. I'll be right outside over there. Don't tell your mommy what I am about to say to these doctors, they are bad words, so no repeating." I tell her as I point to where I was going and she nods in agreement. I kiss the side of her head and furiously approach an intern at the hospital. 

"You need to page Dr. Herron down here, immediately." I yell at the intern. The intern looks over my shoulder to what appears to be an ER doctor. "Who do you think you are?" The doctor tells me and I whip my body around to face them. "I am the Head of Pediatrics at Grey-Sloan Memorial, double-board certified in OB and Pediatric Surgery. And you must be dummer than a box of fucking rocks if you have not seen a child with a possible broken nose and possible head injury yet and it's been over an hour. By the looks of it, you are not even busy! An intern could do these sutures. THIS IS NOT YOUR PRIORITY. My niece should be your priority!" I finish my rant and the patient he is attending to has the nerve to speak up.

"She's a kid, she has nothing to provide to society yet and by the looks of her, that girl probably won't provide to society anyway." He snickers. "What did you just fucking say? Because you can say it to my face, but if she so much as hears you say that about her, I will make your life a living hell. You think those sutures are good? Why don't I take them out and redo them for you, and make you feel every stitch and every pain, but still give you perfect stitches. How does that sound?" I get close to his face as I say this. He looks at me with horror in his eyes as the ER doctor looks ashamed of himself.

"Y/n, what's going on?" Sydney asks as she comes running in. "We are taking my niece to get a head CT right now and if it's clear, we are going to Grey-Sloan. I will not be keeping her here with this racist and sexist lot here. Do not fight me on this, Syd. I will end both of them in a heartbeat. I am so angry." I say with anger in my eyes.

"You have privileges, let's move now." Sydney says as she glares at the ER doctor angrily. 

I go back to Sofia to comfort her. "It's okay, baby. We are going to get your head looked at and then if it's okay, we are going to see mommy. How's that sound?" I ask her. "Okay, Auntie. As long as you're here, I am okay." She says with soft eyes. "I'm not leaving you, princess. Let's go for a quick ride." I say as Sydney and I roll her down to CT.

The results were up with the CT. I found something minor and I confer with Sydney and she clears her to be moved to Grey-Sloan. I will monitor her on the way there since it was a quick ride. 

Now in the ambulance, I had to make the dreadful call to Callie. I had to mentally prepare her for what we'd have to do.

Callie's POV

I was getting a call from Y/n in the middle of my shift and she was supposed to be giving a presentation at Seattle Pres this morning.

"Hello? Y/n, I thought you were doing your presentation." I ask her, confused as to why she was calling me. "Callie, I need you to listen. I am with Sofia and we are in an ambulance to Grey-Sloan. She had an incident at softball and she has a broken nose and I cleared her head CT for now, but I want to get another one to me safe when we get there. I need you to find Dr. Bailey now." She tells me and I stop breathing for a few seconds. 

I am in shock, I couldn't move. My daughter was hurt and I wasn't there with her. I needed to help her. "Callie, find Miranda NOW!" She says and I am snapped back to reality. 

Miranda was down the hall from me and I go running towards her. "Miranda, I need you to clear Y/n for surgery." I say loudly. Heads were turned to me, I especially noticed Alex and Arizona. I pull Miranda into a conference room and put her on speaker.

"Y/n, it's Miranda. What is going on?" Miranda asks her. "I have Callie's daughter, Sofia here with a broken nose and I want to get a repeat head CT to rule anything out. I just came from Seattle Pres and almost got into a fight with the ER doctor and a patient there, long story for another time. I need Link, Amelia, and Jackson ready to go when I get there. I am cleared by all of my doctors to come back, so Miranda, please just say yes. Because I will do it whether I have permission or not. She is the closest person I have to a daughter right now and I will not let anything happen to her." Y/n finishes and I have tears in my eyes at her sentiment. 

"You're cleared. What else do you need from us?" Miranda asks. "I need you to keep Alex and Arizona away from me because I know what they are going to say and I really don't want to hear it, and I may say things I regret to them. So I need you to keep them away." She requests.

"Done. just schedule a skills lab for the two of them to teach together. How far are you?" She asks as she typed away on her phone to schedule it. "5 minutes out, get the three of them ready. And Callie, I love you, but please stay out of my way. It is what is best, you can be there for her, but do not get in my way. I want her to be okay so please do not delay me." She says pleading. 

"I won't, Y/n. Just make sure our girl is okay." I tell her with tears in my eyes. "We'll see you soon, Cal." She says and with that she hangs up.

Miranda sees Link, Jackson, and Amelia all at the attendings' station and motions them over. "You three are needed in Trauma Room 1 immediately. Y/n will be meeting you there. Do not walk, you will run!" She tells them and they all rush off to the trauma room to get gowned.

Alex and Arizona come running over. "What is going on? How can we help?" Arizona asks. "You two have a scheduled skills lab to do in 5 minutes in lab 5. Do not be late or I will be pissed!" Miranda says.

"Bailey, is Y/n back? What's going on?" Alex asks worriedly. "Do not ask me questions right now, Karev. GO!" She says loudly.

They go off to the skills lab and we both make our way to the ER. 

I needed my baby to be okay. I really needed her to be okay.

Grey-Sloan Memorial from Your Perspective (LGBTQIA+ Story)Where stories live. Discover now