First Day Jitters (Part 2)

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Y/n's POV

Everyone cleared out so it was just me and Arizona in the lounge. "I'm about to make a fresh pot of coffee, how do you take it, Dr. Robbins?" I ask her turning around, again catching her staring at my ass. 

"Oh, uh--uh--just a cream and a lot of sugar." She stutters out. "I'll let the first two slide, but the third one is going to cost you drinks." I say coming over to give her the coffee cup. "Oh wow, would you look at the time, I think my pager is going off." She says running out the door, and we all know it wasn't going off at all. I make her nervous and it's cute. 

Truth is, she made me very nervous. So maybe I was overcompensating. Hopefully I didn't scare her away.

Just as I was about to be completely be lost in my thoughts, Alex comes in. "Hey, Alexander---errr I mean Alex. That'll take some getting used to." I say with a chuckle. "Why was Robbins running out of here all flustered? Dude, you broke Robbins!" He says with a hearty laugh.

"I caught her looking at my ass twice and I had to---" I was cut off by a mad Alex. "She WHAT?! I am going to find her right now." He said, trying to stride off angrily. "Alex, no! It was all in good fun. I am gay after all. She may not know that yet, but it's fun to see her a little bit flustered." You say with a devious smile on your face.

"Oh Y/n, I am so proud of you for coming out. I know it couldn't have been easy and I wish I could have been there for you." Alex says with a sad look. "We've got each other now, and I don't intend to go anywhere any time soon." I go over giving him a hug. 

"How about we have a little fun with this though? Really get Robbins going. She's really easy to fluster." Alex says with a signature Karev smile. "Okay, but please do not torment the poor woman." I say with a small laugh.

We go find Arizona and Alex tells me to hang back until he gives me our signal from when we were kids. 

"Robbins, a word." He says in a stern voice. "Yes, Karev. What can I do for you?" She says as she looks at him confused. "Robbins, why were you looking at my sister's ass this morning? I mean come on, that's my twin sister. Boundaries dude, boundaries." He says as he gives me our signal to approach, the good ole ear tug. "Alex, I can assur-----" She starts all flustered again and she's cut off by me. "Hey guys, what're you talking about?" I say. "Oh, we were just discussing boundaries, right Arizona?" Alex says in a still stern voice. 

"I--I," Arizona tries to stutter out. "Alexander, come on. You broke her." I say in a soft pout and go over to give her a playful hug. I let her go, and assure her, "I told Alex about this morning, and he said we needed to play this up a bit because of how easily flustered you get. And I told him to not go too hard, and I think big brother by five minutes mode kicked in a little." I say and give Alex an annoyed look.

"Oh, I get it now. Are you sure you both aren't Evil Spawn? Because that was just mean." She says with an unreadable expression.

"Oh crap, I'm being paged to the pit. I will see you guys later." Alex says, running off. I look over to Arizona, with an unreadable expression again.

"Hey, I'm sorry if we made you upset. Alex is the one who convinced me to go along with it. I told him to go easy, but clearly he didn't listen." I blurt out fast. She looked at me with sad eyes and I think my heart may have broke in that second. Then she starts to burst out into a fit of laughter. 

"What's so funny? I say, confused as to why she was laughing. "You should have seen your face!" Arizona says, still laughing. "Oh, I see. Apparently we have a comedian. Two can play at that game." I say with a pout as I start to walk away. 

"Goodbye Dr. Robbins. I'll see you later." I say without saying another word or waiting for a response. Kind of flat, so it could seem as if I was actually mad. 

Arizona's POV

Oh my god, did I make Y/n mad? She walked away without saying another word to me when saying goodbye and now I feel like I took it too far. 

Maybe I should text her to apologize.

Arizona: Hey, I hope you're not mad at me. I was just keeping up with you and Alex with the jokes. I'm sorry if I took it too far. :(

With that my pager actually went off and I was being paged to the pit. I get there and Y/n was already there. 

"Emily Foster, 33 years old, pregnant with twins, involved in an MVC with another vehicle. Water broke en route to the hospital. Blood spotting on the sheet. Move on my count 1, 2, 3." Y/n says. "Someone page the other Dr. Karev to OR 4 NOW." She finishes.

"What can I do?" I ask quickly. "Are you still allowed on pediatric or are you just fetal?" She asks impatiently. "I have privileges to do both." I say.

"Fantastic because I quite frankly am going to need to do a c-section and I need all the hands I can get. So let's move!" She finishes. We unlock the gurney and start to move quickly. 

As we are moving down the hall, the patient starts to crash. Y/n and I look at each other for a second and she nods and gets on the gurney over the patient to start chest compressions. We get into the OR and I start to scrub in with Alex, while she is still on top doing compressions. Alex goes in and takes over compressions, then Y/n scrubs in.

Y/n comes back in as we are getting her pulse back and comes next to me. Before she starts she says, "Alright everyone, it's a beautiful day to save lives." I was in awe in that moment and looked at her with a smile from my eyes. 

"10-blade, please." She says asking the scrub nurse. She gets the patient open and there is a gush of blood. In that moment, we both looked at each other knowing what was going to happen if we didn't get these babies out. We both nodded to each other, working as fast as we could. We didn't even have to say a word to each other. We just knew what the other's moves were going to be. We worked in sync and didn't miss a beat with each other.

We successfully got the twins out, healthy little ones. A little under weight, but nothing they couldn't handle. We were able to get the mom back and stable. We allowed one of the residents to close her up under our supervision as we snuck quick glances at each other.

Y/n Karev was something extraordinary and I for one was excited to get to know her better.

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