I Saw Mama

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Arizona's POV

I was laying in bed with Y/n, playing with her hair. Twirling it in between my fingers. Alex, Y/n, and I were sitting in comfortable silence until she spoke up.

"Hey, Alex. Guess what?" She asks. "What is it, do you need anything?" He says starting to get up. She places her hand on his arm and sits him back down with that gesture.

"No, I don't need anything." She says. "Okay, then tell me what it is." He says in a soft voice.

"I saw mama. She's okay. I saw her and she was with my baby boy." She says with tears starting to form in her eyes. "Ryan is with her. They are safe and happy. Mama says she wishes she didn't leave so soon, but she wants us to know that it wasn't our fault." She said with tears flowing down her cheeks. 

Alex was crying at this point too. 

"And you," she say coming around to face me, I was confused at first why she was facing me. "You're the one, Arizona. Mama loves you and she watches how happy you make me. She said you're the one I get my happy ending with." She tells me with a smile and more tears.

I take my thumb and wipe her tears away. She comes up to give me a soft kiss on my lips. 

"Well your mama would be right, sweet girl." I tell her with another soft kiss tp the lips. "She's okay, Y/n?" Alex asks softly. "She is, Alex. She's okay and she's happy. I just want her to be happy more than anything." She says to him. "Me too, Angel Spawn. That's all I want." She tells him.

"Her birthday is in a month, do you think we could make a trip to Iowa to visit her?" Y/n asks Alex curiously. "I think we can do that, baby girl. Let's go see mama for her birthday." He says to her with a big smile. 

Y/n's POV

We were all just enjoying each other's company. Arizona was on the bed with me, playing with my hair absentmindedly, and then my phone goes off. I ask Arizona to hand it to me.

She hands it to me with a kiss to my cheek. 

Nicole: Hey, Y/n. I hope you're doing better. I really need a favor. I need Arizona for a surgery in a few days. Any way you can convince her to come? I'd owe you one.

I smile at the fact that she needs Arizona. 

Y/n: You don't owe me anything, Nicole. I'll make sure she's in that surgery. Maybe I'll be able to observe a few minutes by then. 

I smile, typing back the message to her. Arizona has her eyes closed on my shoulder so she can't see what the messages say.

Nicole: Don't overdue it, but it would be a nice surprise for Arizona.

With that, I look over to Alex and whisper, "Can you give us a few minutes? I have to convince her to do surgery in a few days." I tell him. "Good luck with that, she hasn't left you since you've been in here." He whispers and gives me a kiss on the forehead. He walks out, just leaving Arizona and I.

"Hey, sweet girl. Wake up." I say sweetly and softly. "I'm up, I'm up, what do you need from me? I'll go get it." She says about to get out of the bed.

I pull her back down into me and let out a small chuckle. "No, no. Babe I just needed to talk to you." I tell her with a smile. "Okay, what is it you need to talk about? It's nothing bad right? I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Callie, that was so wrong of me. I was going to tell you, I just couldn't find the time. I'm sorry I ju----" She rambles and I cut her off. "Arizona!" I say loudly. "Why on earth would I be mad about that?" I start. "She made you happy at one point in your life and that's all I want. She made you happy then, and I get to make you happy now." I tell her with a smile.

"You're incredible, you know that?" She says and comes down to give me a lingering kiss on my lips. "That's all you, baby." I tell her.

"Actually, it's about a surgery in a few days." I tell her. "Wait, you're having another surgery. I didn't know that, I have been here the entire time and I--" She starts to ramble again. "Baby, no. I am fine. It's not me. Nicole needs your help with a surgery in a few days and needs you to be there with her." I tell her. "I can't do that. I need to be here." She says sadly.

"Arizona, I am fine. Nicole NEEDS you. She didn't say want, she needs your to help. So you are going and that's the end of discussion. I will have someone come sit with me and text you updates for the scrub nurses to read if that's what you want, but you can't sit here with me. You need to learn and you're so close to being finished. Before you know it, you'll be head of the fetal surgery department here. My bad ass girlfriend, head of fetal surgery. It has a nice ring to it." I say with a huge smile.

"You know, sometimes I hate it when you're right." She tells me with a slight glare. I move in and give her a soft lingering kiss on the lips. 

"Baby, can I ask you a serious question though?" I ask her with a nervous look. "You can ask me anything. I promise." She tells me.

"Did you consider Eliza when you saw her again?" I ask her with a sad face. "Not even for a second. In fact, I was about to punch her when Callie pulled me back and did it herself." She said with a smile. "And before you ask, Callie and I are just friends. We both fell out of love each other, but we are friends. I know for a fact, she wants to get to know you better and I think you two will be good friends too." She says to me with another smile.

I give her a long lasting kiss. "Speaking of Callie, page her 911." I tell her. "What? Why? What's wrong?" I rambled off. "Nothing is wrong, I want to test her reaction time and I want to get out of this bed. She's ortho so she's my best bet." I tell her. "I'm going to pretend like I'm not offended by that, Y/n Karev." She says, fake shocked.

"Arizona." I say with a glare. "Fine, I'll page her 911. She hates getting paged 911 when it isn't a true emergency so you have to deal with that." She tells me.

She pages her 911 and not even 3 minutes later, she comes in out of breath.

"What is it? What's wrong?" She says out of breath. She looks over at me and gets a confused look on her face. "Oh, I was testing your reaction time to see which ortho surgeon to page when I have a peds case." I tell her with a smile. "And I want out of this bed, so you're it. This one over here and her girly hands can't do that. She's too close with the patient." I say with a smile to them both.

"You know, fine. I'll take my girly hands and go to the cafeteria for some food." Arizona says getting up and gathering her things. "Arizona Robbins." I tell her with a stern voice. "Full naming me now, Karev?" She says with a smirk. "I sure am. Will you come back in a bit?" I ask her.

"Mmm, I'll think about it. Me and my girly hands may be busy." She says with a laugh. "Arizona Robbins." Callie chimes in with a stern voice.

"Alright, alright. I'll be back soon. Who knew my future wife and past wife would be so bossy." She says with a laugh and Callie and I look at each other and laugh as well.

Callie starts to help me get out of bed. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay and help?" Arizona asks nervously.

"Arizona." Callie and I say in unison. "Okay, okay. I am leaving. Page me if you need me, please." Arizona says. 

With that she leaves the room and Callie resumes getting me out of bed. The goal wasn't to go far, but enough to keep the blood flowing in my legs. 

We didn't need any problems in the future. 

I felt confident and better. I was getting my recovery that I needed. There was just this overbearing question that kept repeating in my mind. I couldn't shake it.

Should I stay?

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