Together, We are Family

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Y/n's POV

I am slowly waking up from one of the better sleeps I have had in a while. I find myself with Arizona's arms still wrapped around me sweetly and Meredith. Everyone is scattered around Arizona's apartment and I am in complete awe that everyone stayed with me. 

I kissed Arizona on the cheek and then Meredith on the forehead as I slowly wiggled out of there so I didn't wake them. To my surprise, Jackson was already awake reading the paper.

"Hey Jackson, you're up early." I say to him, looking at the clock and it says 5:30am. "I always wake up early, usually I go to the gym, but I wanted to stay with you." He says sweetly. 

"Any way you could help make breakfast with me for all these hooligans?" I say with a laugh. "You got it, Y/n. Tell me what you need from me." He says as he gets up.

We each do our tasks and make breakfast for everyone. Throwing some ingredients at each other playfully and having a good time, enjoying each other's company. 

Everyone starts to stir around 6:30am, just as the coffee is finished brewing. Arizona comes over to me first and wraps her arms protectively around me and places a kiss on my cheek. "Good morning, sweet girl." She says to me. "Good Morning, my love." I say sweetly to her, placing a soft kiss to her lips. 

"Alright, we have eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, buttered toast, jam on the side for anyone who wants it, orange juice, coffee, and water for our health nuts." I point to everything and chuckle at the last comment.

"Everything looks so good you two." Maggie says to Jackson and I. "We have a long day ahead of us, we need as much fuel as we can get." I say to everyone. 

Everyone grabs a plate and goes back to their spots from last night. I open my legs and pat the spot in the middle of them to have Arizona sit in between them. It's my turn to make her feel safe. She comes and sits down and leans back into me to one side, so I still have room to eat my breakfast. 

She turns around occasionally and kisses my lips and my cheek and puts her face in the crook of my neck. Ugh, I was so in love with this woman. 

"Oh, oh. Before we go, I wanted to give Y/n something. I was going to do it yesterday, but I wasn't able to." She says as she runs into her bedroom. When she comes back, she is holding a small black box. "Okay, before anyone freaks out. It's not an engagement ring, but a promise ring." She says.

"So Y/n, I'd like to make a few promises to you before we take on the day." She says and I nod with a smile on my face.

"I promise to always be there for you. I promise to be by your side every day, physically and mentally. You will always be on my mind, no matter when. I promise to be your fiercest lover, I promise to be your safe haven, your shoulder to cry on, your body to lean on, your punching bag, I promise to be whatever you need me to be. I promise to never go to bed without saying I love you and giving you a kiss goodnight. I promise to be your best friend. I promise to always resolve our issues before we go to bed and never go to bed angry. I promise to love you for the rest of my life." She finishes with tears in her eyes. I bring her in for a passionate kiss and we pull apart and wrap each other in a hug. 

She then whispers in my ear, "Look at the inside of the band, I think you'll like it." She then pulls back with a smile. She opens the box and takes it out for you to look at. 

Love always, Battleship

I give her the biggest smile. "Can you put it on my left finger? I know we aren't engaged, but I want everyone to know I am yours." I whisper in her ear and she nods.

She slips the rose gold band on my left ring finger and kisses it softly.

"Okay love birds, let me see it!" Meredith says, coming over. I put my hand up for her to see. It's simple, but it's amazing all at once. 

Everyone starts to come over and look at the ring. As the morning starts to rear up, everyone helps with cleaning up and they go to their places to clean up before the day.

Everyone agreed to meet outside the front of the hospital at 8:30am and walk in together.

I went back to my place and took a shower, hoping this would calm me down before the day started. It did the trick. I went out of my to find Arizona already waiting for me. "You waited for me?" I said with a smile as big as the ocean. "I'll always wait for you, my love." She says sweetly.

We make our way towards the hospital and find everyone waiting out front for us. 

Arizona's POV

I couldn't believe everyone was outside waiting for us. It is amazing how many people care for and love Y/n. 

"Thanks for waiting guys, you really didn't have to." Y/n says with a smile. " We know, but we want to. We really want to." Amelia says. 

With that, I entwine Y/n and my fingers together, I am on her left and Meredith on her right, with their arms linked. Alex follows closely behind with his hand on her back. Everyone else follows closely.

Just then, some of us catch a glimpse of Lauren Boswell walking in the lobby. I see her then bring Y/n's and my hand and I kiss her hand softly a few times. 

We make our way to the attendings' lounge and just as Lauren was about to walk in, Jackson stops her at the doorway with his hand up. "Guest attendings' lounge is down the hall to the right." He says coldly. "Noted." She says as she walks away to the other lounge. 

Y/n releases a breath that it seems she was holding in this entire time as she slouches on the couch. April and Richard come walking in soon after.

"Alright, I think it's time we get to the planning room everyone. We want to make sure this little baby gets the best care." Richard says. 

"Can I speak to Y/n for a few minutes? And then I promise I will bring her to you." I say to everyone in the room. Everyone files out and I go to close and lock the door.

She still sits on the couch, now with her eyes closed. I sit down next to her on the couch. She leans over to me without opening her eyes. "You know, I could be some random person that you started to cuddle and you'd never know, silly." I say, lightening the mood. 

"I know your sweet vanilla smell, babe. I'd know it anywhere." She says without even opening her eyes. "And that voice, no one could forget that voice. It's unmistakeable." She says lovingly.

"You are so good to me. I'm supposed to be the one hyping you up." I say with a big smile. "You have me on a high from this morning. Like this is incredible." She says showing her ring again.

"I will do anything for you. I will protect you and I will be your biggest hype girl and supporter. This surgery will put in for the Catherine Fox Award nomination. And I will be your biggest cheerleader for it. You are my forever girl, I know that much. You are it for me, the love of my life." I say with a big smile, my dimples popping out. 

"So I will be in the gallery the entire time, whenever you need it, just look up to me. I will be there. When I tug on my ear three times, it means 'I love you.' I will be up there the whole time until you leave. Then I will come meet you outside of the scrub room right after. You got this, you're Y/n Karev and you are phenomenal." I say with a smile. Y/n then leans in and gives me a soft, lasting kiss on the lips.

We stay there for a few minutes and then I get up and reach for her. She takes my hand and gets up as we start to walk out of the lounge. She wraps her opposite arm on mine arm tightly. We walk hand in hand to the planning room. I stop her before we go in.

"I love you, Y/n. More than anything. You are simply amazing. I am so proud of you." I say, keeping my arms wrapped around her waist. "I love you, Arizona. Thank you for everything you've done for me." She says sweetly. "Always, my love." I say and give her a sweet kiss before letting her walk into the planning room.

Please let her be okay, I say to myself. 

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