Don't Say It

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Y/n's POV

Arizona has been so good to me. When she initially said she was starting fetal soon, she mentioned how it was going to take up so much of her time. I think Nicole and Arizona worked something out so she could spend more time with me. They won't tell me though because it's confidential information.

Selfishly, I wanted Arizona all to myself, but I knew in order for her to be successful, I needed to be patient with her and gracious. She was so good at what she did and I was so proud of her for it. 

I couldn't let her know I was still struggling with my healing and the little boy's death. It had been over a month and I should be fine again. 

Just then I was brought out of my thoughts by Dr. Bailey coming up to me in my office. She knocked on the door and saw herself in. "Dr. Karev. You have a moment?" She asked me. "Of course Dr. Bailey, please make yourself comfortable." I said, pointing to the sofa. 

"As you know, we have our little bundle of joy in the NICU with the cleft lip and palate. I am bringing in the best craniofacial specialist I could find. She's from Boston." She said as my breath hitched, waiting for her to say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it.

"Dr. Lauren Boswell will be flying in tomorrow to work on the case with you." She said it. My ex-girlfriend, who emotionally ruined me is coming here tomorrow. I thought this day would never come. Dr. Bailey caught on I think and asked, "will that be a problem, Dr. Karev?" 

"She is my ex-girlfriend. We didn't end on the best terms. But I will try to be as professional as possible as a representative of this hospital." I finished. "Thank you, Dr. Karev. That is all." She finished and left my office.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I couldn't get any air in my lungs. Like someone knocked the wind out of me and my breath just wasn't coming back. 

First, I'm not healed all the way and I am still in a funk from the little boy, now my very destructive ex-girlfriend is coming her to Grey-Sloan. I feel myself starting to get even worse and I know it's time that I can't be here alone. Something could happen and no one would know. 

I debated just casually paging Arizona, but I knew better and paged her 911. I can't be here alone. I put my pager down and walk over to the couch. I put my knees to my chin and continuously rocking back and forth. Nothing would work. Nothing could calm me down. Hopefully being in Arizona's arms would help.

Arizona's POV

I was walking out of surgery and I was exhausted so I went to find an on-call room to lay down in. Just as I was about to walk in, my pager goes off.

911 Y/n Karev Office

My heart sank when I saw this. There is no good reason she needed me in her office other than it was bad and she needed help. I took off in a sprint, as fast as my leg would let me. "OUT OF MY WAY, PLEASE! MOVE!" I shout as I maneuver around a lot of people.

I can see her through the windows that she is on her couch with her knees to her chin, rocking back and forth. I stop at her door and compose myself, so I don't scare her. I knock on her door and allow myself to enter. I am still out of breath.

I walk over to the coffee table across from her and sit down. I look at her quietly and try to find what she needs. She opens her arms and I am in them in an instant. I move us so that she is laying down and her head is in my lap. I am gently stroking her hair and soothing her as she quietly sobs. We sit like this for a while and I kept stroking her hair softly.

She finally sat up and wrapped me up in a tight hug, again not letting go for a while as I stroked the back of her head softly. I peppered soft kisses into the crook of her neck softly as well. She relaxed after a few kisses, I think she is ready to tell me what's wrong.

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