Save a Life

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Y/n's POV 

"Arizona." I say in a calm tone. "Yeah, baby. What do you need? What can I do?" She asks me immediately.

"Cool it, Rambo. All I want is for you to come here and lay with me." I tell her with a smile. 

She let's go of my hand and comes to lay in the bed with me, wrapping an arm protectively on my stomach. "So, question." I tell her. "Answer." Arizona says back. "Did you have Dr. Bailey call Timmy, Timmy Robbins-Karev? And I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all, I just wasn't expecting it." I finish, nervously playing with her rings. 

"I wasn't sure if you caught that, but Timmy and Sammy actually talked to me about it right before we came out. That since both of us intend to legally adopt them, they wanted to have both of our names. They said they want to have your last name too, so when we get to that point, they want their last name's to be Robbins-Karev. I wanted to leave it a surprise for when Dr. Bailey said it. I hope that was okay, baby. I knew you'd be thrilled, and I thought it was amazing that they thought of it on their own. Think of it baby, we are raising little geniuses. They're so smart for their age." Arizona finishes with a big smile on her face. 

"I can't think of a more amazing person to go through this with, although I could have done without the kidney stuff. But you have been incredible, Arizona. More than I could have ever asked for. Thank you, you are simply the best." I tell her with those heart emoji eyes. "I will always be here to fight for you and with you. I get to be with you for the rest of our lives. I will pinch myself every day to make sure I am not dreaming. You have just made me so happy and I cannot wait for what comes next for us. Right now, I am still on a high over the fact that you're now my beautiful, amazing, incredible, hot, and sexy wife." She tells me with a wink and a kiss to the cheek. 

"You are my wife, Arizona. Wow, it feels so good to say that." I say as I sigh in contentedness. 

Just then, Mer comes in to get me ready. "Alright Y/n, time to get you prepped. I brought this to put everything in, necklace, rings, anything." She says, holding out a bag. "Baby, can you put my rings on your necklace? I don't want to put them in the bag." I say as I pause to breathe. "And maybe keep my necklace on you, in your pocket or something." I finish, starting to get really nervous.

"I'll be back in a few." Mer says as she gives a knowing look to Arizona. Arizona takes my hands and steadies them in her own. "Hey baby, look at me. Only look at me. I'm right here. Just take a minute, I'll do everything. All you need to do is sit and relax, I will take care of everything." She says in a calm voice to relax me.

She takes my rings off and puts them on her necklace. She kisses the hand that my rings had been on. She takes off my necklace and puts it around her neck as well and places numerous kisses on my neck where it was. 

I feel tears starting to well up in my eyes and I bury my head in her neck to hopefully not catch me crying. I let out silent whimpers, hoping she wouldn't catch me.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying, pretty girl? What's wrong? Talk to me." Arizona says with a worried undertone. "I think it's a combination of happiness and nervousness. we're married now, and we have two kids. If something happens to me, I've let you down and I've let Timmy and Sammy down." I say with sad eyes. "Oh, honey. Let's not think like that. We will take it one step at a time. You could never let us down." She tells me with a kiss to my forehead. 

"I just feel like I would be, ya know? It's not just me anymore. I have the three of you to think about." I tell her. "As much as I don't want to think about it, I know I have to think about every scenario. If the time were to come where you are called to rest, I know we would be okay. Not at first and certainly not for a while, but I know you would have fought like hell to stay with us, but if it's your time to go, it's okay. You need to go, be with your boy and your mama. They would be waiting for you. As much as I don't want you to go, it's okay because we'd know that you were too good for this earth. It's okay to go, Y/n." She says with tears streaming down her face.

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