Better Together

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Arizona's POV

Y/n and I were still in her office around 6pm. We just laid there and talked about anything and everything. I was so happy to be there for her through this. 

I was going to wait for a little while, but I wanted to give her the promise ring that I got her. It meant a lot to me that she felt loved and felt wanted and felt safe through all of this. It was important for me to let her know that we can be there for her through all of this. 

"Hey, sweet girl." I say, stroking her hair softly. "What do you say we go to the grocery store, grab the ingredients to your favorite meal and go home and cook it together? I love cooking with you, and I want to spend time with you." I tell her with a smile.

"Do you think you can invite everyone over? I want to thank them for today." She asks innocently. "Of course I can, baby. I'm sure they would love to come over." I told her with a kiss on the cheek.

I text everyone to come over for 8:30pm and everyone can make it except Richard and April. They are on the night shift.

We get up and walk to the car, hand in hand. Y/n chimes in as we are walking, "You make me feel safe, Arizona. You make me feel loved and wanted. And I cannot thank you enough for being so good to me and taking care of me." She says with loving eyes.

"You don't need to thank me, Y/n. I love taking care of you and making you feel safe and loved." I tell her and plant a lasting kiss on her lips. 

We get to the car and drive to the grocery store. My hand not leaving her thigh the entire time, and her hand being over mine, grasping tightly. 

We make our way into the store to grab the ingredients. We get through the list quickly and make our way to check out hand in hand. We are just about to finished packing the groceries and paying when I hear an unfamiliar voice greet Y/n and her grip tightens on my hand when she grabs it again.

"Hi Y/n, it's nice to see you again. Looking forward to working with you tomorrow." The woman says with a smirk. Y/n stands there for a moment in shock, not letting go of my hand. "H-hi, Lauren. See you tomorrow." She says and takes the the shopping cart and pushes it. She looks at me as if saying please, let's just go. I go with her because I know I would punch this woman so hard in the middle of the check out line if we don't leave. 

We get everything in the car and Y/n drops in the passenger's seat. Letting out a big sigh and sinks down in the seat. She starts to get overwhelmed so I run out of the car and over to the passenger's seat. I kneel down and stroke her thigh up and down to calm her down. It seems to be working, then we were interrupted by that same voice walking by. 

"Nothing's changed apparently, always so emotional. Have fun with that, you're wasting your time." She says with a laugh as she walks away. I was about to go after her as I got up, but Y/n grabbed me back. "Don't, it's not worth it." She said sadly. "You are worth it though, I would go through anything for you." I say lovingly. "Let's get through tomorrow and hope we never have to deal with her again." She says innocently. "Only because I love you. No promises on tomorrow though, I may knock her out." I say as Y/n chuckles a little.

I go back to the other side of the car. "I am going to send a quick text to everyone, letting them know we are on our way and to make their way over." I tell her and she nods.

Arizona: We just saw Lauren Boswell at the grocery store. Y/n is okay now, but one of the comments Boswell made almost made me go knock her out. We are on our way home now. There is a spare key in the lock box by my door. The code is 5673. Let yourselves in. 

With that, I put my phone away and started to drive us home. Y/n was asleep by the time I started driving. I put my hand on her thigh and drove in silence all the way home. Alex met me at my car as I woke Y/n up. "How is she? Is she okay?" He asks impatiently. "She's okay, just tired." I tell him. He opens the door and looks at Y/n. "Hey, Angel Spawn. I'm here. How about we all make dinner together? I miss doing that like when we were kids." Alex states. "Come on, I'll carry you in, you must be exhausted." He finishes.

Usually she retorts and debates on how she's fine, but this time she didn't and just reached her arms out around Alex's neck. He picked her up out of the car. She then looks at me and says, "Wait, the groceries. I have to help." She says, confused.

"We are here, Y/n. We will help Arizona with the groceries." Maggie and Amelia come up to the car. "Thank you both." I say, handing them some bags. We all walk in and Jackson, Jo, Link, Meredith, and Andrew are already there. 

Meredith comes running up to Alex, who still has Y/n in his arms and starts to stroke her hair softly looking at her. She is whispering, "you're okay, you're safe now" repeatedly while he brings her to the couch. 

He places her down next to Jo and Link. They both are wrapped around her in an instant. And she lets them. She is finally letting people in and while it makes me happy to see it, I hate that it had to get this bad before she did.

Y/n's POV

I knew I couldn't fight this alone anymore. I had to let people in and they were so caring towards me. They made me feel so safe and so loved.

"Okay everyone, who is making what?" Arizona asks. I get up to help Arizona and delegate tasks. "Okay, before you say anything. I am helping. I may be tired and a little broken, but this is something that will help me. I love to cook and I do love having everyone here. So, with that being said I am delegating tasks to your strengths." I say with a confident tone.

"Arizona and I will take the main dish, chicken florentine. Alex, you are in charge of cooking the pasta. Maggie and Amelia are in charge of fixing up the cheese board. Jackson and Andrew, no bake cheesecake is all you. Jo and Link, set up the couches for a movie night. And Mer, I love you immensely, but honey, you can't cook. So you're in charge of drinks." I say with a nervous face. 

"You know me too well, Y/n. Drinks I can handle." Meredith says with a laugh. 

We all go off with our tasks and Arizona has her arms around me protectively and we make the main dish together. We make a really good team. I sneak quick kisses with her in between making our dish and I can't help but feel gratitude towards her and everyone else that is here. 

We all get settled on the floor and dig into our meal, everything was so delicious. I was exhausted, but we settled into the movie night. Arizona was next to me with a blanket for us to use.

I looked at her and she opened her arms without saying a thing. I went into her arms and cuddled her closely and not letting go. She wrapped in blanket on us and we were content. I was safe in her arms and I had Meredith laying on my legs as well. I was safe, everywhere I looked around, I had someone who would fight for me and with me. I was safe, they all kept me safe. 

I soon fell asleep, feeling so much love and gratitude for everyone and everything around me. 

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