Tell Me What You Like

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Y/n's POV

I don't know what it was, but I was watching anything but the movie. I'm not sure if it was Arizona rubbing lazy circles on my side or if it was her sneaking kisses onto the crook of my neck. 

I spent more time watching her hand on my side, it was drawing up feelings all over the place. I had such a lust in me. I took the remote and paused the movie.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Arizona teased. She looked up at me and I think she saw the lust in my eyes because she proceeded to bite her lower lip playfully.

"Mmm, I much prefer watching you. Fuck me, you're sexy." She tells me. That was enough for me to bring her in for a passionate and steamy kiss.

Holy shit, my senses were in overdrive. I felt everything. Her touch. Her breath all over me. Her eyes looking into mine. Fuck, she had me under her control, I don't think I am going to last long if she keeps looking at me like that.

I release her from our kiss and get up on the mattress. I slowly take off the remaining clothing I had on, giving her a show in the process. Once I was stood naked, she slowly grazed her hand up my leg, passing over my center delicately, over my stomach, cupped my breast briefly, and came to a stop around my neck. She pulled me flush to her in one motion and stopped inches from my lips and stared into my eyes.

Those deep blue orbs put me into a trance, and I continue to look at them, lost in her. She puts my hands around her waist, then puts her hands over mine, starting to motion pulling her bra off. I am pulled from my trance when I find my hand on the clasp of her bra, in one motion I unclip her bra. Arizona rids the fabric in a quick fashion. 

I think bring my face to her exposed chest and begin to suck her left breast. Once I am satisfied with her erect nipple, I move to the right one. Satisfied with my work, I move to her neck. I lay soft kisses on her neck and then begin to suck. I planned on leaving a few marks. 

She let out a moan, and it was enough for me to need to hold friction on my center. She was doing all kinds of things to me. "Baby, what's our safe word?" I ask her, still kissing her neck. "Bubble gum." She says with a laugh and I look up to her with such a geeky smile. "You are something else, you know that?" I tell her with a smile.

"Mmm, but I'm all yours. I know that. So if you don't mind, I'll be fucking you until you can't walk straight. So get on your back." She says with a new found fiery confidence. I had to do what she said because I am putty in her hands.

She crashes on top of me and then crashes our lips together. Her tongue was at the bottom of my lip in an instant and I happily open my mouth a little to grant her tongue entrance. Our tongues were together, fighting for dominance. 

As we were kissing, her hand started to explore down the center of my body. It started at my jawline, down to my neck, to my collarbone, my chest, her fingers grazed over my nipples until they were more than erect. She continued from my chest, down to my stomach, she stopped momentarily and broke the kiss.

She looked into my eyes and  gave me a slight nod, as if asking for final permission to proceed. I gave her a nod back while biting my bottom lip. She took that as her signal to continue her voyage to the place I needed her the most.

Her hands grazed down my center and went down to my inner thighs. She opened my legs as she slide down the bed. Her hands still exploring my inner thighs. She placed soft kisses on my stomach, my chest, my thighs, she was killing me with need and want. 

I almost just couldn't take the teasing anymore. "Arizona.." I moaned out. "What, baby?" She asks, continuing to pepper kisses everywhere as her hands roamed about. "I need you to fuck me." I tell her, almost out of breath from the lust. "Please, Arizona." I manage to get out.

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