Parents are in Town

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5 months later

Y/n's POV

Arizona and I have been better than ever. We have been communicating, talking about our feelings to each other, and really just in a great place right now.

I have her parents flying out and I am about to pick them up from the airport. I think they have a suspicion as to why they are flying out. Arizona and I have gone to see them and they are just amazing people. They are so kind and caring, so I can see where she gets it from.

I see them approaching me in the luggage terminal, I already got their luggage and they spot me. "Y/n, honey! Hi, how are you?" Mrs. Robbins asks. "I am doing well, Mrs. Robbins. And you?" I ask her as she pulls me in for a hug. "Sweetie, I've told you to call me Barbara." She says, pulling out of the hug. 

I look over to the Colonel. "Hi, Colonel. How was your flight?" I ask him. "It was good, they gave me stale peanuts though." He says in a huff and starts to laugh. "Luckily, I have reservations at Vincent's down the road. It'll make up for those stale peanuts." I tell him with a laugh.

"Thank you for getting our bags, honey. You didn't have to do that." Barbara tells me. "I don't mind, I am happy to do it." I tell her with a megawatt smile.

 We get into the car and I drive them to the restaurant for our lunch. We order everything and we are making small talk, waiting for our food to arrive. I am so nervous, I start to play with me ring. 

"So, I have something to ask the both of you." I tell them nervously. "The answer is yes, Y/n" the Colonel says to me confidently. I go to open my mouth, but he continues. "I know you are going to ask us if you have our blessing to marry our daughter. We kind of suspected that is why you were flying us out here. I was about to ask you myself if you didn't ask soon. We want nothing more than for you to marry our daughter. You make her the happiest I have ever seen her. And she talks about you non-stop." He finishes.

"She talks about me?" I ask them with a smile on my face. "Oh my goodness, sweetie. She talks about you all the time. The little things you do for each other, the care you have for each other, the love you have for one another. It's incredible, it reminds me of this big guy and I." She says pointing at the Colonel. 

We continue to create small talk and end up talking the most about Arizona. Gosh, I can't stop thinking about her, she makes me smile by simply thinking about her. 

I couldn't wait to surprise her with her parents. My plan was to surprise her with her parents and then right before they are supposed to leave, I was going to propose to her. 

We make our way back to the apartment, Arizona was at work. I may have told her a little white lie that I had an appointment across town so I had to take the day off. She insisted she go with me, but I told her I would be fine on my own, just this once.

That's another thing about her, she wanted to be with me for any appointments so we could know about things together. I do the same thing for her. I almost blew it when I said appointment, but I told her it would be fine.

I get a text from Arizona.

Arizona: Hey baby, I am on my way home. Missed you today, I hope your appointment went okay. Tell me about it when I see you. <3

Ugh, she was so adorable.

"Alright, can you both wait in the bedroom until Arizona is back?" I ask them. They nod and go into the bedroom.

Five minutes later, Arizona comes walking in the door. "Hey, baby. How was your appointment?" She says, coming over to kiss me. She places a soft kiss to my lips and wraps her arms around me looking at me. "Uh, about that. I didn't really go to any appointment." I tell her with a smirk.

"Um, then where the hell were you?" She asks with a confused face. "I may or may not have gone to the airport to pick up some people." I tell her with a smile, still wrapped around her.

I point the the figures that were now standing by the hallway near the kitchen. 

Arizona's POV

"Mom, Dad??" I look over at them. "Hi, sweetie." Mom says sweetly. "Hi, honey." My dad says.

"What are you doing here??" I ask them, confused. "We missed you and Y/n. So we wanted to take a trip out here to see you both!" Mom says with such a smile. 

I envelope them in big hugs as they make their way over. "I can't believe you're here! I am just so excited." I tell them. "Well we are happy to be here, but thank Y/n for--" Mom starts. "For picking you up from the airport, no problem Mrs. Robbins and Colonel!" Y/n says, cutting her off.

My mother nods at Y/n. What is going on here?

We make small talk and pleasant conversation before we all got tired and went to our bedrooms. Y/n and I were in the shower when I was thinking.

"Babe, why are my parents here? Don't get me wrong, I love that they're here. But I didn't expect them to be here." I ask her while washing her hair. "Your mom reached out to see if we would be available for them to come out and I kind of wanted to keep it a surprise for you. I know you are close with them, so it was a nice surprise." She tells me. 

She turns around and envelopes me in a wet hug, squeezing my ass slightly. "Y/n Karev, if you don't take your hands off my ass right now, I will take you in this shower, having you scream my name. Mind you, my parents are right down the hall. Is that what you want them to hear?" I tell her with a smirk.

She removes her hands and backs away with her hands up. "I didn't mean stop holding me, completely." I tell her with pout. "Well, you did tell me to take my hands off your ass." She says with a smirk.

I pull her back into me, kissing her passionately. "Arizona.." Y/n moans out. "We can't, your parents." She says, breathless. I pull back, reluctantly. 

"Good thing for on-call rooms because your ass is mine tomorrow." I tell her with a smirk. "Arizona!" She says, nudging me playfully. 

We get out of the shower and into bed. Cuddling each other close, like we did every night. I was so content. Now that my parents were here, maybe I should move my proposal plan up a bit. Ugh, I can't wait to marry this girl.

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