Joke's on You

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Y/n's POV

"You mean to tell me, you let me talk about Arizona all this time and you didn't tell me you were married?" I say with a laugh. "I literally thought you knew. And clearly you didn't with the look on your face." She says and we start laughing again as we snack on our shared bag of chips.

"I have a plan. You up for it?" I ask her with a curious look. "As long as we aren't too cruel to her. I don't need a pissed off Arizona on my hands." She says with a small laugh.

"Okay, trust me. It'll just be light-hearted. She's so gullible like my brother." I say with a laugh. "I need to you to wait for me to text you after I'm in the OR gallery and then you'll come walking in and sit with me. We can have an opportunity to brainstorm our approach to the surgery next week." I tell her.

She nods and remains in the hallway, waiting for me to text her. I go into the gallery and take a seat, waiting for Arizona to look up to me.

She was so concentrated and focused, I wasn't sure the plan was going to work. Nicole looked up into the gallery as she was observing. 

Nicole and I learned sign language when we were back in Boston together so I signed to her what was going on. 

In sign language: She thinks I am mad at her because she didn't tell me her ex wife was the surgeon I was working with. She's been ignoring me all morning. 

I texted Callie to tell her to wait a few more minutes and grab us coffee if she could, which she gladly said she would. 

Nicole signs back: Well she fucked up. Is the ex wife at least nice? 

I sign back: She is great. Her and I will get along. I just want Arizona to know I'm not mad at her, but Callie agreed to play a tiny prank on her thinking I was mad at her. You in?

Nicole signs: Of course I am. You know me.

I give her a nod and it seemed as thought Arizona saw the latter part of Nicole signing because she looked at her questionably. She then pointed up to the gallery and Arizona's eyes came up to me.

I could see her instantly relax and have soft eyes. I gave her our ear tug and a big smile. She crinkled her eyes and gave me a nod and returned to her work.

I texted Callie that the coast was clear and she came back with coffee and some pastries for us to share. "You are a gem for this coffee. I NEED it." I tell her. Arizona was again very concentrated in her work and she was just about finished with the crucial part and then closing.

I sign to Nicole again as she looks up for her to get Arizona's attention when she was done. She gave me a thumbs up and Callie and I continued talking about our approach for surgery.

"I think if we did it this way, it would be less recovery time. But it's not my specialty so I will revert to you, Ortho Goddess. As so I am told that is your nickname." I say with a laugh. "I think that is an excellent idea, are you sure you don't want to go into ortho? We need more Ortho Goddesses around here." She says with a laugh. "I love my kiddos too much to switch specialties on them. Double-board certified is enough for me." I tell her with a laugh.

"You're a certified OB as well right?" She asks me. "I am. Although I don't practice it much anymore." I tell her truthfully. "Do you happen to know Dr. Addison Montgomery?" She asks me. "Oh my god, Addie! Of course I do, she would always call Nicole with questions if needed and I got to know her well through video calls." I tell her excitedly. "She came to Boston a few times as well. We really hit it off, I miss her." I tell her with an excited smile.

"Okay, that settles it then, I am calling her! Give me a second and I will video chat her." She says and she pulls out her phone. 

She finds Addisons's number and video chats her in. I stay over and wait for her to bring me in. 

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