Messing with You

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Arizona's POV

Nicole and I were back in my office when she brought up Y/n again. "So, looks like you really are in the doghouse with Dr. Karev here. But if I remember anything about her is she likes to mess with people more than she gets mad at people. Pretty sure her and Dr. Grey are meant for each other because she had her back in that OR." She finishes with a chuckle. 

"I hate being put in the situation, I wanted nothing to do with it in the first place. Alex was just being an overprotective big brother. Although, the thought did cross my mind of her taking it easy on her first day back. So maybe I deserve for her to be mad at me too." I state with a huff.

"I wouldn't look too much into it. Y/n is a very forgiving person. She has a big heart and she loves big. Her ex-girlfriend never saw that about her. She was cruel to Y/n and never had any interest in what she did or what she worked for. She is a craniofacial specialist in Boston. I never liked her and never got along with her. Someone who cared more about their job and was just mean to Dr. Karev. You didn't hear this from me, but even after her incident in Boston, she blamed Y/n and claimed she cheated on her and said she'd forgive her if she'd take a demotion to spend more time with her and Y/n said no. So she broke up with Y/n." She stated and took a breath, sighing.  

"Y/n started a non-profit organization for LGBTQIA+ youth and teens. She got the policies changed on numerous occasions in regard to that as well. She worked hard to make sure every child felt comfortable and felt safe in the peds unit at Tufts. I wish there were more Y/n Karevs in the world, but from what I hear her brother is just like her. Which makes sense, because they're twins. Y/n cares about her job and furthering her learning, but what I think sets her apart is she will go above and beyond for her patients. I don't know if you noticed her doing this, but she will always visit every single one of her patients, no matter how many and greet them and their families. It is brief, but she wants them to have all the confidence in the teams she has and this is the start of that." She says.

"I have noticed Y/n doing that. She always works later than others and manages to keep up with everything. Almost always ahead on her charts too." I say with a smile.

"Y/n is one of the most gifted peds surgeons I have ever met. And she is also the strongest person I have met too. She will always get back up even when she is constantly knocked down. I cannot say enough good things about her. She always thinks after Ryan died and her ex girlfriend broke up with her that she was awful to me, but the only thing she did was just not talk to anyone for a period of time and I knew she needed that and I waited for her to let me back in and she did. If you are going to stay her girlfriend, you treat that girl like a queen because you will never get someone who loves you, cares for you, adores you, or assures you like her again. I can tell you that right now. She was one of my favorite people back in Boston so please take care of her." She finishes with a smile on her face.

"I give you my word I will treat her like the phenomenal person she is. She deserves everything she wants and needs, and I will do my best to provide that for her. If you don't mind, I am going to try and find her. I won't bring up the incident, but I want to try to talk to her about the other things. I am interested to hear what she has done for LGBTQIA+ youth and teens." I say with a smile.

"If it does come up, it's okay. I know eventually she would have told you, just at the right time." She says with a reassuring smile. I nod and go off to try and find Y/n. 

I find her in an on call room with her head in her hands and legs on the ground, sitting on a bed. She looks up to see me and then looks away. I lock the door and walk over near her, not getting too close to ensure she was okay with me being there.

Y/n's POV

I hated to admit it, but after the two back to back surgeries I did today, I was sore. My chest was still hurting a little and the second patient I had didn't make it.

Usually, I wouldn't take it this hard, but the child's name was Ryan Alexander and it reminded me of my baby boy. I snuck off to an on call room to cool off and get some time alone. 10 minutes later, the door opened. I looked up and it was Arizona and then I looked away.

I didn't want her to see me like this, but I knew I couldn't push her away. She cautiously stepped toward me and stopped. I knew she was waiting for me to react. I tapped the bed beside me for her to sit down and she did just that. 

She sat there with me in silence for five minutes, our legs against each others and nothing more. I knew I couldn't hold it back anymore so before I knew it, I was sobbing. Her hand when to my thigh, squeezing gently. I looked up to her and said, "Can you lie down with me for a little while? It's okay if you can't." I said sadly. "Nope, I'm staying. I told Nicole I wanted to find you. She talks so highly of you and I wanted to find you to just talk. But if you don't want to talk, I can just lay here too. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." She says with her hand still on my thigh. 

We reposition ourselves to lay down. "Do you have enough room, I can turn on my side to let you lay flat." I said as I grabbed my chest slightly, feeling the soreness still there. "You okay, beautiful? Is it still sore? I am good on my side, babe." She said with a sad look. "It's still sore, but nothing I can't manage." I say with a sad look and she drapes her arm protectively over my stomach. 

"I hope you're not too mad at me for dragging on the comment Alex made this morning. I was a little upset in the moment, but got over it soon after. Meredith just knew how gullible you two were and wanted to keep it going for a little bit." I said guilty and with a sigh. "Then I had a surgery right after ours and the little boy didn't make it. I'm usually not affected too bad by it, but his name was Ryan Alexander and it just hit me more today." I said with a tear running down my cheek. "Maybe I should have waited to come back loner, maybe Alex was right. I don't know, maybe I'm just not cut out for this job anymore, I feel like I am failing at everyt---" I ramble on then I am cut off by Arizona cupping my face and bringing me to look at her. 

"Hey hey hey. I'm going to politely have to ask you to stop talking for a minute because none of what you are saying is true in regard to you not being cut out for this job and I don't like when you insult my lover. You just got back, I'd be lying to you if I wasn't thinking what Alex was thinking this morning. But I knew you could handle it. I'm sorry to hear about your patient, Y/n. And I know how much your baby boy meant to you. Nicole spoke about you and your baby boy. I know it's privileged information, but she told me about your ex-girlfriend and how she wasn't good to you, how Nicole never got along with her and about the incident. Don't be mad at her for telling me. I will take the blame for it if I have to. She cares about you, Y/n and she seems like a great friend. I want to assure you, I am not here to judge you or be mad at you for anything. I am here simply as your girlfriend and biggest supporter. Or just as a friend, simply to be here for you. Whatever you need from me, I will do. Tell me what you need, and I will do my best to do it. But I do have a question. Was Nicole the one to help you with everything after the incident, the finding out you were pregnant and everything after?" She finally finished. I nodded a simple yes. 

She peppered a bunch of kisses on my neck, cheek, forehead, and lips. She did this until a smile came on my face. I couldn't help it, her energy was contagious. I finally spoke up again. "Nicole was my person back in Boston. She helped me through everything, she is one of the reasons I am still alive today. I was broken back when Ryan died and when my ex broke up with me, and she helped me through it. But for a little while, I resented her because she couldn't save Ryan. I treated her so poorly, at least in my book, and when I let her back in, she was like a saint to me. I didn't deserve that then, and I'm sorry I'm a mess, usually I'm better at hiding my emotions." I finish with a big sigh. Arizona begins to stroke my cheek with her thumb.

"I don't want you to hide from me. I want the good, bad, the ugly. I want to be there for your highest highs and your lowest lows because you don't have to be alone anymore. I want you to want to open up to me. I am here as long as you want me. I will always be here. Also, if I ever meet this ex-girlfriend of yours, I will deck her. Hard. There will be no stopping me." She finishes with a light chuckle. 

"I love you." I say with a smile. "I love you too," she says with her super magic smile.

I go in for a soft, but lasting kiss on her lips and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

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