Moving On

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Y/n's POV

We have all been back to work for about 3 weeks now and we have been doing great. Arizona is back with Nicole and getting to know Fetal Surgery better. It is such an interesting speciality, but I love kids too much to every explore it as a career. 

I had a surgery with them this afternoon to monitor the babies along with Alex, but first I was being paged to the pit.

"Alrighty, what have we got?" I ask anyone in the room. "Braden Andrews, 14, fell off his bike. Not wearing a helmet, hit his head on the pavement. Deep head lac." The paramedic states off.

"Okay, we need a head ct, page neuro." I tell the nurse in the room and he leaves to go do that.

"Hi Braden, what did we learn today?" I ask him, trying to distract him while I give him a full work up. "Ow, uh I think to wear a helmet." He groans out. "You got it. Alright, we will wait for neuro and then we will go up." I say to him and his parents to ease their nerves.

Then Dr. Nelson comes in. I heard he was called shadow Shepherd when Derek was alive, but he probably still is with Amelia around. I run him through what we know and he agrees to a head CT.

We wheel him in and wait for the results. "I don't see anything concerning here." Dr. Nelson says. Then I spot something on the screen and ask him about it. "Doesn't that look odd to you? Like a very minor bleed?" I ask him. "I don't see anything out of the ordinary. He will be fine." He says to me.

"Ahh, I think I'll bring Dr. Shepherd in for this one." I tell him and he leaves in a huff as I paged Amelia. She comes in a few minutes later. "How'd you piss off Nelson?" She says with a laugh.

"I think there's something off with this scan. He says it's normal, but this right here says otherwise." I point and tell her what I am looking at. She examines it for a few minutes.

"Repeat them and we will continue to look at these. I think you're right. This looks suspicious, it looks very small now, but it could turn into something bigger very quickly." Amelia says.

We repeat the labs and sure enough, the bleed had grown. "I guess he's still shadow Shepherd after all." I joke. "Don't let him hear that." She says with a hearty laugh. 

"It should be fairly simple, 2 or 3 hours max. Want to scrub in? He could probably have those other cuts stitched while we are in there." She asks me. "Of course I want to scrub in, what kind of question is that?!" I joke with her.

"I should have known better, come on." She jokes.

We wheel him into the OR and go to scrub in. 

We are able an hour and a half in when I notice a familiar face up in the gallery. It was Arizona. 

I gave her a smile with my eyes and she gave me our signature ear tug. I give her a nod and she gets up to leave the gallery. 

"What is with that ear tug the two of you do? I see you do it all the time." Amelia asks. "Oh, in situations where we can't say it, it's our signal meaning 'I love you.' We do it for situations like this one where we aren't in the same area or not near each other. We do it when we are in the hallways, but can't be right near each other. Just to know that we're there and we know how each other feels. Simple, but effective." I finish.

"That is so cute it almost makes me sick." She says. "We try." I joke back. 

An hour later, Amelia and I are finished and scrubbing out of surgery. I was just in time to get a snack from the attendings' lounge and go to my surgery with Nicole, Alex, and Arizona. 

I run into Alex as we are able to make our way to the scrub room. Alex and I are mostly there to keep an eye on the babies and monitor their decels.

"Ready to do monitor some decels, Evil Spawn?" I ask him. "You bet I am, Angel Spawn!" He quips. 

We spend the next few minutes scrubbing in and enter the OR. Nicole and Arizona enter from the other scrub room a few minutes later.

"Glad you could join us, Dr. Herman." I say sarcastically. "Oh Dr. Karev. Glad to see you two." She says to me.

"Dr. Karev." She says to Alex. "Dr. Herman." He says back to her. We then look at each other. "Dr. Robbins." We say together.

"The Karevs, teaming up now?" Arizona laughed out. 

We then went and started the surgery. Alex was in charge of baby A and I was in charge of baby B. Baby A was fine and baby B was the one with the complications of a tumor. Nicole is able to get the tumor with her scopes and she had just a little bit to go when baby B started to throw variable decels. I did not like variable decels as you could get a good read on them. 

"Nicole, baby B is throwing variable decels. You know how I feel about that." I tell her. "Y/n, I am almost done, give me two minutes." She starts back.

"Nicole, this baby is going to go into late decels if we don't get them out now." I sternly say back holding the retractor closest to her. "I said two minutes, I've got this." She tells me. The decels were not getting any better.

"Nicole, this baby needs to come out now!" I tell her. "DAMN IT, Y/n. I said I got this!!" She says and as she finished her hand moved too far and sliced part of hand open. 

I stepped back and a scrub nurse took the retractor without saying anything further. I remained calm before before speaking up again. "I hope that was worth it, Nicole. You know I have about four minutes before this becomes a problem. Dr. Karev, come with me. I need someone to stitch me up." I tell them.

"Y/n.." Nicole says and I cut her off. "Save it." I snarl back. "Y/n.." Arizona speaks and I cut her off. "Don't. Congrats Dr. Robbins, you're back to pediatric surgery for this one. Take those babies out in one minute if the decels don't improve. Prove me wrong." I say as I walk out of the OR, already feeling faint. 

"Alex, we need to go to a patient room and fast. I have a clotting disorder and I will pass out if I lose too much." I tell him. "He gets me into a wheelchair and rolls me to the closest patient room quickly and gets Meredith to come with us.

Arizona's POV

I was so worried about Y/n, I almost couldn't concentrate. Nicole was able to successfully get the tumor and the decels have improved. 

I was closing and I was being quiet for the time we were in there until Nicole spoke up. "Arizona, I hope you know that wasn't on purpose. I really didn't mean to." She says. "I know that, and Y/n knows that. I think she'll be okay." I tell her.

She gives me a nod and we continue to work in comfortable silence as we get ready to close. 

The rest of the time goes smoothly and we have to go back up to the office to digress on the case. We are going over what we could have done differently or what we could have changed. 

I keep thinking about Y/n and how I wish I could see her, but I knew she was in good hands. 

I wanted her to be okay and I wanted to be with her. I wanted her to be the one to ask me to help her. I wish she asked me for help. 

I hope she wasn't mad at me. That's the last thing I want. 

I found myself in an on-call room take a a quick nap. I let sleep take me over and fall into a much needed sleep. 

I am brought out of my sleep by my pager vibrating erratically. Once I see it, I take off in a run out the door.

911 Dr. Alex Karev Room 309


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