Wedding Bells and a Kidney?

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Y/n's POV

Alex, Callie, and Richard were in the room to help me get ready. Seeing as I couldn't do much without getting tired, I needed all the help I could get.

Callie and I were in the bathroom getting the important things on before going back out to the guys. "Thank you for helping me Cal, I didn't exactly think I'd be stuck in a chair on my wedding day." I say with a sigh.

"Hey, hey. I am here for you. And it doesn't matter in what shape you are when you get married, all that matters is that you are able to get married to Arizona. You get your happy ending, Y/n." She says with a smile and tears in her eyes.

"Cal, I swear. Suck the tears in because I have already cried enough today!" I say as I am laughing with tears in my eyes as well. "But can we talk about how adorable those kids were when they called you two Mommy and Mama? I was literally sobbing with you!" Callie exclaims.

"I was so surprised, but in the best way surprised. We never pressured them into calling us anything other than our names because that's not fair to them, but they came up with this all on their own. They are 7 going on 17 because they are so grown up already. They kind of remind me of Alex and I. They had to grow up so fast because of unfortunate circumstances. I am so happy that Arizona and I can provide a safe space for them. I wish I could have met Tim, if he was anything like Arizona, then I am certain I would have loved him. I wish Arizona had her brother because I have mine and I never intend to let him go ever again." I finish with a sigh.

"Arizona is lucky to have someone like you. She is fine on her own, but you two are so perfect for each other, it's not even funny. And I was married to her once upon a time!" She says with a laugh. "You two will be the best parents to Timmy and Sammy, I mean you already are. Those are your kids, and I know you will protect them with everything you have. They are in the best place possible." Callie finishes.

We get on the rest of the suit and return to the men. "OW OW, my twin needs a fire extinguisher because she is on FIRE!" Alex exclaims, pumping his fist in the air. "You look very lovely, Y/n." Richard says with a smile.

"Thanks, you two" I say with such a smile. "Richard, I never asked because I hadn't seen you. Since I have every intention to walk down the aisle, I am going to need a second person beside me. Would you be willing to walk me down the aisle with Alex? You have helped me though some tough times and you feel like my dad sometimes, so I would want nothing more than for you to help me down the aisle with Alex." I finish with tears in my eyes.

Richard comes over and envelopes me in a hug. "I would love nothing more than to walk you down the aisle, Y/n. I am honored to do that for you. I know I am not your actual dad, but that is the beauty of this place, we are family regardless of DNA or blood relation. We have our own family with all of us." He says as he kisses the top of my head.

"Alright, we are risking being late and we all know how Kepner gets when the schedule is thrown." Callie says with a big laugh. We get my shoes on and I take one last look in the mirror. "Wow, Mer really outdid herself. I look HOT!" I say with a chuckle. "I mean, you really do." Callie says with a laugh.

"Let's go get you married, Y/n!" Richard says as he helps me into the wheelchair. "Come on very soon to be Mrs. Y/n Robbins-Karev!" Alex says as he begins to push me down the hall with Richard and Callie in tow. 

Arizona's POV

"Alright my little munchkins. You ready to see Mommy and Mama get married?" I ask them, kneeling down to their height. "We are, Mommy! You and Mama look so happy together! Could we maybe stay with Mama tonight here to keep her company?" Timmy asks as we continue to look around the meeting room that was gorgeous redecorated to make it look like it's not even in a hospital.

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