Cute and Fluffy

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Arizona's POV

Y/n's been outside Sofia's room for half an hour on the phone with various people. We can't hear what she's talking about. 

She then starts to point in different directions, which seems to mean that she's giving someone directions. She's just adorable. 

She then meets with a woman outside the door and shakes her hand. Then I look down and see the cutest golden retriever. 

I keep quiet as Callie sees the same thing, but Sofia doesn't. Y/n comes through the door with the trainer and the dog. "Sofia, this is Rigby. Can he say hi?" Y/n says with a smile. "Oh my god, yes!!" Sofia said, so excited. The dog went to the side of Sofia's bed and put its front paws on the bed so she could reach him.

Y/n comes over and wraps her arm around my waist. She leans her forehead onto the side of my head. "So this is what you were up to?" I ask her with a smile. "I keep a list of trained therapy dog places for events like this. I had one in Boston too. Kids deserve some happiness in these times." She tells me with a smile.

I swear, I fell in love with her all over again. She is so thoughtful and caring when it comes to the kids. 

Just then, our pagers went off. 

Non-emergent, attending's lounge

I wonder what that could be then Y/n speaks up. "Ahh, nothing emergent. But you both should stop by before the end of your shifts. It'll be worth it." She tells Callie and I. "I have to go, princess. I will see you later?" Y/n asks Sofia. "Yes, Auntie Y/n!" She tells her.

She walks out and I go after her. We are together for the day so it isn't for a patient. "Hey, sweet girl. Where are you off to?" I ask her. "After tough days like these, I go to the chapel. You're more than welcome to join me, but you don't have to." She tells me with sad eyes.

"Lead the way, I want to be there for you." I tell her with a smile. She holds out her hand and I gladly lace my fingers through hers. 

We go down to the chapel and notice that it's empty. We go to the front and we each light a candle. We take a seat in the first row in a comfortable silence for a while.

"Do you want to hear a story about Alexander and I ask kids? I think it'll give you a better idea of why he is in peds." She says with a slight laugh. "Of course I would. I love learning more about you and Alex." I tell her with a smile. She turns to me cross legged on the bench and I do the same, facing her. She takes my hands and starts to fidget with my ring. She seems to always do this when she's nervous or telling a story. The little things, I love them.

"Okay, well Alex and I would always bike to the store for groceries because we couldn't drive make then. We were probably 10 and we were on our way back when we noticed the local daycare was full of smoke. And then in the back of the daycare, there was an explosion and flames. The flames were quickly spreading to the front, where the kids were. There were only three workers trying to get them out. So without hesitation, Alexander jumped off his bike to go help them. Of course, not letting him be the only hero, I jumped off my bike to do the same. I called out to him to make sure he knew I was with him. There were 6 kids left each and we knew that we didn't have time so we had to think fast. Alex had the idea to put one kid on our back and then carry the other two in our arms. So we did just that and we were able to get out of the house with minor burns and smoke inhalation. I think that's why you see us in the specialty we are in today. We needed to save those kids that day, and we did just that." She finishes and I give her the biggest smile I can manage.

"I think you'd be right, Angel Spawn." Alex says and we whip around to see him at the door. "Do you also remember that we got to ride in the fire truck with lights and sirens home that night too?" Alex asks and smiles. "They even let you honk the horn a few times too. I doubt the neighbors appreciated that." Y/n says with a laugh. "Oh, Mrs. Jenkins was not happy with us for a while!" He says with a big laugh and Y/n joins in with him. 

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