Down to Celebrate

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Y/n's POV

We get back home after the best night of my life. Well it looks like it's only getting better.

We get into the apartment and I lock the door. Not even a second later, I am pinned against the door and Arizona's lips crash against mine. My hands find their way on her hips and then on her ass.

I squeeze gently, eliciting a moan from her that vibrates on my mouth. That sends a shiver down my spine. I can't get enough of her, I intend to have all of her tonight.

I lift her up with my arms and she wraps her legs around my waist without breaking the kiss. I carry her into our bedroom and throw her down. She throws her shirt off in one smooth motion. "Wow, my fiancée is fucking hot." I say with a big smile. She comes up to me and gets my shirt off in one smooth motion as well. "Holy shit, you get sexier every day." She says with lust in her eyes.

"Flattering will get you everywhere, future Mrs. Robbins-Karev." I tell her. "I didn't think that would turn me on anymore than I already was, but I really need you to fuck me right now." She says with even more lust in her eyes. 

I go in for another passion filled kiss and make my way over to her neck. Kissing her and sucking on her neck, knowing very well I am leaving marks. She moans at the sensation and it turns me on even more. I reach around her back and unclasp her bra and throw it across the room. I make my way down, kissing her collarbone, then in between her breasts. I bring my lips over to her right breast, sucking on it gently, then make my way to her left breast, sucking on it a little harder, making it erect from my lips.

She let our louder moans at the pleasure. I make my way back up to her lips and pull her in for a passionate kiss once more. I start unbuttoning her pants and when I was taking too long, Arizona grabbed her pants and shimmed them down to her ankles. "Damn, didn't know my future wife was so impatient." I tease her. "Y/n, I swear to you. I will get you off painstakingly slow if you do not fuck me right here right now." She says with determination.

I gulp and then rip her pants off and her underwear at the speed of light. I make my way down to the end of the bed and pull her quickly closer to me. "Woe!" She manages to get out. She giggles at where she is now. I bring my face down to her breasts again, standing over her. I suck on her breasts, making them stand at attention. 

I run my tongue down the center of her body, stopping momentarily before her center. "Safe word?" I ask her. "Ice." She giggles out. "This is why I love you." I tell her and then I move my tongue closer to her folds. 

I give her one last look as if asking for permission and she gives me a confident nod, while biting her lower lip.

With that, I plunge my tongue into her already soaking wet folds. "Oh you're so wet for me already, baby. You're so fucking hot." I tell her, looking up at her with a smile.

I bring my fingers into her folds, feeling around slowly. She was so wet, which made me even more hot. I feel around before bringing two of my fingers inside of her. She gasps at the contact. 

"You okay, beautiful?" I ask her. "Perfect, baby. Don't stop!" She tells me, almost already breathless. I take my tongue away from her clit and replace it with my tongue. 

I bring my tongue and trace it back up the center of her body. I give her breasts equal attention again, going back to her collarbone, her neck, her jawline, her cheeks, anything to avoid what she wants the most. 

All this happening while I am still pumping in and out with my two fingers and rubbing her clit with my thumb. She couldn't take it any longer so she grabbed my face and pulled me into the steamiest kiss I think we've ever shared. She was kissing me as if her life depended on it. 

I took this opportunity to slyly get out of my pants and underwear. After this was done, I took my free hand and brought Arizona's hand to my stomach. Her eyes still closed didn't realize what I was doing until she opened them. 

"I want you to fuck me so we can get off at the same time." I tell her with such lust in my eyes. She looked back at me with the same lust in her eyes.

She wastes no time bring her fingers into my folds and realizing how wet I am, she smirks at me. "Well future Mrs. Robbins-Karev, you seem to have the hots for me." She says with a devilish smile. "You're a catch, future Mrs. Robbins-Karev, who wouldn't?" I tease her. 

She trusts two fingers inside of me and that elicits a moan from my mouth as I kiss her passionately. I continue my conquest of pumping and out of her while rubbing her clit with my thumb. 

She does the same to me with equal passion. I feel my walls start to close and I can feel Arizona's starting to do the same. "Don't stop, baby. I'm so close." She tells me. "I am too, baby. Keep going!" I tell her. 

Right after I finished that sentence, I felt my body tense and I felt myself going high. Arizona did the same a few seconds later and we are riding each other's highs as we feel the wave of pleasure come over us.

As we start to come down, I collapse on the bed beside her and work to catch my breath. Her breathing normalizes after a few minutes, but I am still catching my breath as she is cuddled into me, tracing circles on my chest. She feels my scar and then she brings her head to my chest and kisses up the length of the scar. 

I am still trying to catch my breath while she gets up. "I'll be right back baby." She says, getting my oversized sweatshirt and putting it on. God, she looked so good in my clothes. 

Arizona's POV

Holy shit, that was the best sex I have ever had. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that. She knows how to make me loose my mind in bed.

I got up and out of the room and grabbed her some water. I know her stamina is still not back to full, and not sure if it ever will be, but dammit she makes me loose my mind.

I come back into the room with water for us and plop down next to her after handing her the water and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, you didn't have to get this for me." She tells me sweetly. "I'll always love taking care of you, sweet girl." I tell her with a smile. With dimples of course, I know what they do to her.

She gives me a big smile and pulls me in for a lingering kiss. I pull back and see my ring on my finger. I still cannot believe that I am getting married to this gem of a human being. 

How in the fuck did I get so lucky? I'll tell that to myself every day. "Baby?" I say, mindlessly tracing circles on her stomach, while she was stroking my hair softly. "What is it, pretty girl?" She asks me. "Thank you." I say softly. "For what?" She says, chuckling slightly. "Just for being you. Being incredible. Being selfless. Being amazing. Being thoughtful. Being loyal. Being patient. And for always coming back to me." I say with a tear running down my face.

She sees the tear and wipes it off my cheek. "You know I will always come back to you. I will spend my lifetime, always coming back to you or fighting like hell to come back to you. Count on it." She tells me confidently.

"You know baby." She says, laughing slightly. "I've imagined us a few years down the road with twins and another on the way. I know it's silly to think about right now, but that's been a thought of mine. Having mini yous running around with their blonde hair and blue eyes. They'd have me wrapped around their finger in a heartbeat. One bat of those eyelashes and wooof, I am done for." She finishes with a nervous smile.

"I literally cannot wait to call you my baby mama so bring it on. I know you'll be protective of them, but you're right. You won't be able to resist the Robbins charm, dimples and batting the eyelashes." I smirk at her. "That's honestly something I can't deny. You make me lose my mind when you do that." She says with a smile.

I bring her in close to me and kiss her on the lips. "I love you, fiancée." I tell her. "I love you, fiancée." She says back.

Wow, fiancée, I'll never get tired of saying that. At least until I get to call her my wife.

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